View Full Version : Anybody interested in a free video of their car?

29-05-2009, 04:53 PM
I have recently started a company to video cars for YouTube, ebay ads etc. I am doing a few trials to get the lighting right and I'd like to offer a free session (normally £50) to anybody who has a yellow, orange, white (I would love to do a Type R), or red NSX and can come to my studio in North London near the Ace Cafe over the next few days. I have a red NSX but it's in storage in Nottingham and I'm not sure when I will be able to get back to pick it up. If Amo is reading this, your orange car would be perfect if you still have it. I haven't logged in for a while so am not up to date.

Please email me at Turnstudio@gmail.com if you're interested. I can only do a maximum of two cars free and because I have a black car already (see video), the subject must be a bright colour for me to test the lighting. If you have any other toys in bright colours, let me know what they are and I'm sure I can substitute one for an NSX. The video will be used for marketing purposes, but as you can see, I can block off the number plate. I also have facilities to wash the cars, but they don't need to be concourse quality anyway.

You can see an example of the videos at

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjFQwadWb6g (click HQ option)

Or a higher quality version at


I am around all this weekend and next week. I will be charging for the service from the end of next week, so this is a limited offer I'm afraid. The studio is just around the corner from the Ace Cafe on the A406 in North London. I am posting here rather than pulling people out of the Ace because I'd like to offer something back for all the help I've received on this forum over the four years I've had my car.

29-05-2009, 09:23 PM
hi mate yes i have it and will be at jts this sunday if you there we can have a chat
and yes id be up for it lol

thx amo

Dave J
29-05-2009, 10:29 PM
Amo, you are a publicity whore and Victoria Beckham has nowt on you :D. I thought you had more than enough exposure at my shop today!!

30-05-2009, 09:58 AM

Give me a call on 0798 4419 473 when you're ready. I am around most times and will give you directions.

Looking forward to it.


Silver Surfer
30-05-2009, 05:43 PM
Is the offer possible for after 5pm this week as I am in Ealing most week.


30-05-2009, 08:25 PM
....... to anybody who has a yellow, orange, white (I would love to do a Type R), or red NSX ........... If Amo is reading this, your orange car would be perfect if you still have it. ..........

How about combining mine with Amo's??

regards, Paul

30-05-2009, 10:15 PM
hi mate will give you a ring tomorrow
nice car paul mmmmmmmm good idea as well
thx amo

30-05-2009, 10:54 PM

That would be great. I was hoping to get a white car.


Any day after 5pm should be OK, but pls give me a call on 0798 4419 473 before you want to come in case I have somebody else there.

Those three should be enough for me. Many thanks. Nick

01-06-2009, 03:38 PM

That would be great. I was hoping to get a white car.


Any day after 5pm should be OK, but pls give me a call on 0798 4419 473 before you want to come in case I have somebody else there.

Those three should be enough for me. Many thanks. Nick


You have pm

regards, Paul

Silver Surfer
01-06-2009, 09:05 PM
Hi Nick,

I'll give you a call in the day time tomorrow.


03-06-2009, 09:46 AM
Silver Surfer's red NSX: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hk21i1OehqI

Or a higher quality version on my website: http://www.turnstudio.net

I hope you agree it looks fantastic. My car is the same externally but the bodywork needs a detail because it doesn't look anywhere near as good as his. I have Paul's white NSX coming this weekend, which I am really looking forward to doing.

Any feedback on the video is very welcome because I am still figuring out which shots to take and the editing sequence. It's very difficult to get a black interior on camera but lighter interiors look excellent.


03-06-2009, 02:11 PM
Great job, it does indeed look stunning. Wish I'd offered my Orange (IOP) machine for the service now :)



03-06-2009, 02:22 PM

Bring it down and I'll do it for you. I haven't done an orange car yet and it will be good practise while I'm ironing out some issues. The sooner the better. Give me a call on 0798 4419 473.

HD version of the red car:

