View Full Version : Nsx / honda regalia

15-06-2009, 09:05 PM
General question for Club members : how are we fixed for Club flags, banners, information boards, etc ?

Currently pre planning the SILVERSTONE CLASSIC meeting (July 24/25/26) and it would be good to advertise our pitch in centre field with some (portable) regalia, if we have any - you can have too much of the 'Prancing Horse' so we need to provide an Oriental antidote

I think there are some club banners, Honda flags etc out there - ?



15-06-2009, 09:52 PM
Honda gave us some for Japfest, but I imagine there in various peoples garages now! You could try contacting the Honda press department on 01753 590232.



16-06-2009, 03:44 PM

If Kevin is in the UK he has the large (approx 10' x 3' from memory) banner for the NSXCB

Regards, Paul

16-06-2009, 06:43 PM

If Kevin is in the UK he has the large (approx 10' x 3' from memory) banner for the NSXCB

Regards, Paul

I now have this in my garage, as Kevin was heading out of the country. I'm not going to Silverstone, so if you want to take the banner I'll be happy to pass on to and local member? (Beds Herts Cambs)

16-06-2009, 06:54 PM
If anyone's able to bring that banner along to the Supercar Sunday at Gaydon on the 28th June, that would be most welcome...

17-06-2009, 08:35 PM
If anyone's able to bring that banner along to the Supercar Sunday at Gaydon on the 28th June, that would be most welcome...

That would be ideal, provided it fits in the expansive NSX boot, as I can then take posession in turn at Gaydon, in readiness for the Silverstone Classic...


18-06-2009, 09:05 PM
I tell you what I'll do. I will add up the monies I have received so far for this year's site running costs, and what is left over from previous years.

I'll then get some new promotion stuff organised.

It's probably about time, as 'admin' to do some work. However I can't attend of these meetings as I will be in Switzerland for them. I could possibly make the Classic but not sure yet.

18-06-2009, 10:26 PM
I now have this in my garage, as Kevin was heading out of the country. I'm not going to Silverstone, so if you want to take the banner I'll be happy to pass on to and local member? (Beds Herts Cambs)


Do you still get across towards Chelmsford? Maybe we can meet and I'll collect for delivery to Gaydon


regards, Paul

21-06-2009, 08:41 PM
I spoke to a 'nice' lady called Emma at Honda UK Press who promised to hunt down some flags etc and asked if we could forward pix from Silverstone Classic / Gaydon events to them so they can do their Honda PR bit with Autocar etc (Mind you I was probably the 27th caller she had said that to all morning)

Lets see...


21-06-2009, 09:11 PM
i have also got £12 paid extra for senna stickers for the club

someone remind me at gaydon

thx amo

22-06-2009, 09:49 PM

Do you still get across towards Chelmsford? Maybe we can meet and I'll collect for delivery to Gaydon


regards, Paul

Not working in Chelmsford anymore, but happy to meet you somewhere (assuming Norton Way sort the car over the next few days)

23-06-2009, 09:35 PM
Not working in Chelmsford anymore, but happy to meet you somewhere (assuming Norton Way sort the car over the next few days)


I'm in Hemel Weds and Slough on Thurs so poss to meet up one afternoon if you're north side of M25?

I'll pm my number

regards, Paul

24-06-2009, 07:37 PM
By chance I'm going to Ipswich Tomorrow (Thursday) and to Chelmsford for lunchtime, does that help?


24-06-2009, 09:52 PM

I'll be leaving Slough around 3.30 and coming North M25

Can you ring me during the day and see if we can sort something out.

Alternative, any plans for Friday?


Silver Surfer
24-06-2009, 10:09 PM
Alternative would be for Nick to drop it round my house in Copford (Off Marks Tey) off the A12 when he passes Colchester. I'll bring it on Sunday if it fits in the boot or I can drop it off at Paul's on Sat.

PM me Nick if you are up for this option and I will PM you my address.


24-06-2009, 10:10 PM
Great idea Kare,

Let me know if this happens and we'll meet up on Sat

regards, Paul

Silver Surfer
25-06-2009, 09:20 PM
Now received the Banner and I can bring it on Sunday.

(Paul, I won't need to drop at yours....I can meet up with you on the way...What time are you setting off as I can catch up with you at the petrol station at the Brentwood A12/M25 roundabout if you wish.)


25-06-2009, 09:25 PM
Thanx for sorting the banner Gents!

Kare, I was thinking of joining the main convoy at J10 M40 at around 8.30. Therefore, guess we need to be at Brentwood around 7ish??

regards, Paul

Silver Surfer
25-06-2009, 10:36 PM
That be fine Paul...I'll try and be there around 7am.