View Full Version : Paint Damaged by NSX garage

31-07-2005, 11:13 PM
Has anyone had or known of anyone having the same problem.
I had my NSX M.O.T done at this NSX garage and they washed the car with a jet wash, this has resulted in the lacquer being torn of at five places
where stone chips are located. They say the car has been sprayed on the panels concerned and have offered me a goodwill jesture of £200 towards the cost of a £500 repair. Am I being unreasonable thinking the car should be returned to me in the same condition as I left it with them.
Any idea's

Thank Adrian

01-08-2005, 07:25 AM
Not unreasonable at all. I do not believe in " compensation culture" but you should have the car back in the same condition that you handed it in. Was your paint the original one?

01-08-2005, 12:54 PM
technically in handing your car over to a third party to wash it you are creating a "bailment" and that third party does have a duty to preserve the asset as you gave it to them and release it to you in the same state once they are paid for their services. You should contact the Citizens Advice Bureau or trading standards to enforce this. Does the third party have insurance?

I don't trust those pressure washers I just use a sponge, slower, but guaranteed,

good luck

01-08-2005, 01:30 PM
I know it’s a bit late for your paint, Adrian, but I completely agree with Will.
When I use my pressure washer, I’m really careful. I removed the old paint from my rally car with it and some paint has come of my spoiler on my Cossie because of the pressure. So I learned to be careful.
Actually, your garage should also know that paint can be removed by these things. Did they know that or are they idiots? Do they also know that scraping the paint with a screwdriver will hurt the paint, or don’t they know that either?
They should know better. If they don’t know how to use a screwdriver or other tool, they should learn before damaging your car.

06-08-2005, 03:17 PM
Thanks for your replies, I have contacted Honda UK since and it has been arranged for the work to be repaired at no cost to myself, so in the end a right result.
Thanks Adrian. :D

Nick Graves
22-08-2005, 04:02 PM
Wasn't the same garage that used a tree as an NSX clutch plate alignment tool, was it?