View Full Version : Suspension Settings - NA1 NSX-R

31-08-2009, 12:00 PM
Tricky one here for the Bank Holiday... does anyone know the factory suspension settings (toe in/out, camber, front castor) for the NA1 NSX-R ?
I feel like checking that the suspension is set up exactly as its makers intended. I have all the settings for a standard NA1 but the -R suspension is no doubt set up subtly differently...

Many thanks


31-08-2009, 12:25 PM
If you go to a place that is equipped with the machinery to do the job correctly - Hunter etc. - they will have the settings stored in their machines database.

When I went to Wheels in Motion (Hunter setup), they had about 6 or more different settings in their database for the NSX, including the 'R' and 'S'.