View Full Version : does anyone know anything P6 NSX

jan glyn
08-09-2009, 02:55 PM
1997 Targa in Yellow with Black interiors, anyone familar with this one?

08-09-2009, 02:59 PM
I thought that was a current members car, cant remember their name though.

jan glyn
08-09-2009, 03:04 PM
I thought that was a current members car, cant remember their name though.

Thanks for the reply, Im still looking for a car and this is up on Autotrader so I thought one or two on here might have been familiar with it:)

08-09-2009, 03:39 PM
Is this the one in Derby???

08-09-2009, 03:41 PM
yeah it the one we've looked at
(poss needing a new steering rack)or track rod end!
difficult to tell without a ramp

I asked the local honda garage who's serviced it and they wouldnt comment!!!
"ask the seller" they said.:(

jan glyn
08-09-2009, 03:52 PM
Is this the one in Derby???

Yes it is in Derbyshire are you familiar with it?:)

jan glyn
08-09-2009, 03:54 PM
yeah it the one we've looked at
(poss needing a new steering rack)or track rod end!
difficult to tell without a ramp

I asked the local honda garage who's serviced it and they wouldnt comment!!!
"ask the seller" they said.:(

Not a comforting responce, has this been up for sale for a while then? :)

08-09-2009, 08:05 PM
It looks like one that was for sale in the midlands privately about a month ago - I was thinking about going to see it, then it disappeared off A-T.

If it's linked, someone with a yellow NSX went to see the 'traders' with the silver 52-plate coupe that Dragonlady's just bought, as they told me that a chap with a yellow one wanted to trade-up.

If it's at a dealer now, and DOES need work, then someone may be able to negotiate that into the deal...at the very least, the dealer will have to provide some level of warranty cover, so depends whether something has failed or is just badly worn...

08-09-2009, 09:12 PM
when i last spoke to the owner he said he was putting it up sale or return
the garage has got about £500 in it over his last asking price.
Ive emailed them about the "steering issue" but as yet have'nt had a reply

08-09-2009, 09:22 PM
From what I can gather by the reg, its a 5 previous owner car, and not 1997 but 1996, first reg was the 08/01/1996

08-09-2009, 10:43 PM
the dealer will have to provide some level of warranty cover, so depends whether something has failed or is just badly worn...

Dealer's warranties aren't usually worth the paper they are written on, especially if it is just a run of the mill dealer. At best you will get 3 months if you are lucky.

08-09-2009, 10:49 PM
Ive emailed them about the "steering issue" but as yet have'nt had a reply

When we asked the owner about the steering issue flagged on the MOT report he said he couldn't remember what the garage had said to him, and advised that we spoke to the garage, however when we tried to speak to the garage they told us to speak to the owner as he had been told what needed to be done.

Also one more thing maybe worth mentioning is that the car appeared to be going through O2 Sensors. When I looked through the invoices it appeared to have had 2 replaced in about 3 years. From what I can tell on NSX Prime this isn't a good thing.

Please don't get me wrong if someone wants to buy it as a project car then it would probably be worthwhile as the car looked pretty straight. But personally I would get a mechanical inspection done on it before buying, also the bodywork needs some real TLC and possibly a respray as it was very dull and badly scratched.

08-09-2009, 10:50 PM
From what I can gather by the reg, its a 5 previous owner car, and not 1997 but 1996, first reg was the 08/01/1996

The paperwork on the car supports this as well.

jan glyn
09-09-2009, 11:05 AM
I have also asked questions of the Dealer but am still awaiting the reply.
Against the general flow of things work has picked up:laugh: so I was hoping to gain as much insight as possible before trying to arrange a visit.

Simon you have PM
