View Full Version : Exterior Valet - Premium Clay Rub, Wax Services

13-09-2009, 08:51 AM
After a couple years of ownership and winter coming on, figure I'll go for the premium clay, wax, exterior treatment service.

Did the inteior Valet yesterday and figured I could go for the whole hog before sticking it in the garage.

I remember people mentioning a couple of specialists before but couldn't find a thread on a quick search. From what I remember it was £250 - £300 (in the boom times ;) )

Has anyone received any special offers lately from one of these 'independants' that you can pass my way?

**or, here's a thought. Is anyone else interested in giving their pride and joy some much deserved Love and attention ?
If we get a few together - maybe we can get a volume discount ?


13-09-2009, 05:03 PM
I can recommend Lee ('Tango Man') - he did a great job on my car & I know he has worked on 2 or 3 other NSX's. He is approximately in your neck of the woods as well.

This is a link the the thread I put together on s2ki documenting the work:


.....and this is a link to Lee's website (where if you look carefully you will find a nice picture of a shiny Y!!)


If you choose to contact him, mention I (Ian!) sent you along.

13-09-2009, 09:46 PM
Hi Rob,

I've also used Tangoman and was very pleased. He will particularly enjoy your car as he has/had and Imola S2000. It was so well polished it won best in class ... he will bring your NSX paintwork alive!!

regards, Paul

13-09-2009, 10:56 PM
sounds too good to pass up ;)

14-09-2009, 05:56 PM
Hey Rob,

Clear out your pm inbox as its bouncing back :)

regards, Paul