View Full Version : Not gone!

15-10-2009, 08:39 AM
The sale of my car has fallen through!
I have to say, the speed with which it all happened was a bit scary. I will just have to put it down to experience - at least the guy hasn't asked for his deposit (small) back!
Part of me is obviously very disappointed and part of me is thrilled that I am still the owner of such a wonderful piece of machinery. However, I guess I'll put it back on Piston Heads.



15-10-2009, 09:18 AM
The £22.5k 02/03 on autotrader isn't going to help anyone........... :(

15-10-2009, 04:21 PM
The £22.5k 02/03 on autotrader isn't going to help anyone........... :(

I know, but I spoke to the owner today and he said it was a total loss around three years ago.
I wish he'd put that in the advert, but I guess it would put off a lot of buyers. At least if they call, he can explain what the damage was and how they repaired it.

Not sure what a cat C/D's worth. I guess it depends on the kind of damage. If it was only a small hit or a scape, it's no big deal, but if it was anything like Ary's old car, or that silver auto that was rebuilt a few years ago, then it's totally different. Come to think of it, Tom's old silver/black 95 coupe hasn't sold to my knowledge and that was only up for £10K.



15-10-2009, 05:22 PM
Not sure what a cat C/D's worth.

I think the usual estimate is 30% less than it's unrepaired equivelent, that sounds about the right price?

My guess is that 80%+ of car buyers wouldn't go near a CAT C/D vehicle.



16-10-2009, 07:56 AM
..... Tom's old silver/black 95 coupe hasn't sold to my knowledge and that was only up for £10K.......

From what I'm told thats more to do with the quality of the repairs :( ....one was considering as a track car and still walked away ...

16-10-2009, 04:41 PM
Just wondering: why did the potential buyer back out in the very last second?

17-10-2009, 10:31 AM
I've no idea why he backed out - I just got an e-mail to say he wasn't completing the sale due to personal reasons. It is a bit strange as he seemed very keen and said he had been looking for the right car for over 6 months. Still, he hasn't asked for his deposit back and part of me is pleased I'm still the owner of such a wonderful piece of machinery!


Nick Graves
18-10-2009, 12:44 PM
Been there myself; find a nice NSX & then one's circumstances change!

Life's rich tapestry...

26-10-2009, 03:08 PM
hello baz,

is your nsx still for sale? Where is the sale ad so I could have a look?


26-10-2009, 08:42 PM
hello baz,

is your nsx still for sale? Where is the sale ad so I could have a look?


Think its this one on Pistonheads.com:




30-10-2009, 09:02 AM
Three guys came down last night. Went through the car with a fine tooth comb and left a deposit. looks like it's going to Hong Kong :-(
The car goes on Monday, so I get to look at it for the next couple of days.
Woke up this morning feeling a little sad about it. These cars really do get under your skin.
I'm not going to get into a monologue for a couple of reasons; firstly, because the car hasn't gone yet and secondly, because I can definitely see myself getting another one.

I guess I'll whine a little more on monday.



30-10-2009, 10:36 AM
Well done James - let's hope you have better luck than me and the sale actually goes through.



30-10-2009, 12:28 PM
Well done James - let's hope you have better luck than me and the sale actually goes through.



Thanks Baz,

good luck with the sale. I'm sure someone will buy it soon.
I know there is a perception that you can buy a lot for low to mid 30's. but when you think about it, you really can't. Everything else is either expensive to run, plummets in value or isn't built as well or is not as reliable.



30-10-2009, 01:21 PM
I've decided to withdraw my ad from Piston Heads - partly because I really don't want to sell anyway and partly because that bl***y CAT D car in Belfast is still being advertised at a very low price and is probably influencing buyers who now think all other NSXs are way over-priced! I may consider re-advertising in the Spring.


30-10-2009, 01:27 PM
I've decided to withdraw my ad from Piston Heads - partly because I really don't want to sell anyway and partly because that bl***y CAT D car in Belfast is still being advertised at a very low price and is probably influencing buyers who now think all other NSXs are way over-priced! I may consider re-advertising in the Spring.


When I advertised mine at the start of the year, it was quickly joined by another three cars in the same colour at, age and mileage considered more competitive prices.
These cars are like buses in that respect.

I see there's another LBB car just materialized also.

I think the spring's probably a better time to advertise. I guess everyone's getting ready for Christmas now.



30-10-2009, 01:54 PM
James, it's a shame to see your car go and especially go out of the country. I would have liked to buy it but the wife wanted to move house. :no:

02-11-2009, 12:56 AM
Bitter sweet news for you James, great news that its sold, but very sad that you no longer own a NSX. :(

May be one day you might return to the fold. Good luck in your search for your next special car. :)

02-11-2009, 09:37 AM
Bitter sweet news for you James, great news that its sold, but very sad that you no longer own a NSX. :(

May be one day you might return to the fold. Good luck in your search for your next special car. :)


well it's not gone just yet and if the competition doesn't work out I'll be on the hunt for another one. I had a great drive with Silverbullet and PeteM last week around the North Devon coast, so will always have good memories of my final drive.



02-11-2009, 10:25 AM
Congratulations James, fingers crossed you find a nice replacement NSXwise or not.



02-11-2009, 10:31 AM
Congratulations James, fingers crossed you find a nice replacement NSXwise or not.



Thanks mate, if all goes well, will be looking at a MK2 GT3 (2003/4) at the weekend. I wasn't overly impressed with the MK1, but the later car's supposed to be easier to live with.
If that doesn't work out then I'm not sure what to go for. I'm just looking for something that's reasonably depreciation proof. In that price range that's a GT3 or another NSX!?$



02-11-2009, 06:45 PM

Hope all goes well this evening ....

... and as you're in Porsche mode at present, have you checked this out? http://www.paul-stephens.com/index.php

I like the idea of the classic looking 911 but with modern underpinnings. You could even get chrome bumpers with the C4S running gear...

regards, Paul

02-11-2009, 10:57 PM

Hope all goes well this evening ....

... and as you're in Porsche mode at present, have you checked this out? http://www.paul-stephens.com/index.php

I like the idea of the classic looking 911 but with modern underpinnings. You could even get chrome bumpers with the C4S running gear...

regards, Paul

Paul I was looking at those, I love the classic 911 lines and puresness of the concept.

06-11-2009, 03:39 PM
Well, the car went today, so the garage looks a little empty now.
I'm not going to give a fairwell speech, as I'll still be checking out the forum from time to time to see what people are doing with their cars. I've pretty much logged-on to the site most days for the last five years, so it would seem strange not to.
The good news is that the car's going to Hong Kong, so I won't have to see it being driven by someone else. I guess I'd grown pretty attached to it over the last couple of years.

Anyway, I always wondered what it would be like to be a member of a forum but not own the car. I suppose it feels like this.
I'm very tempted to buy another one, but really need to do something else. The question is, what? All the alternatives look expensive to run or not so well built, often both.



06-11-2009, 04:06 PM
Hi James,

I thought of you earlier when I noted the 04 had also sold off Pistonheads. There seems to have been quite a few late cars heading in the same direction from the UK and from various Prime members. If we loose many more then I guess they might just start to creep up in value as well as the pop-ups as supply will become scarce?

Another one or something different is I think going to be an on-going dilema for many owners.

As an option, how about writing yourself a list of all the past greats you always wanted to own but could'nt / didn't when they were £40k+. These great 'drivers' cars are now on the market at very affordable prices and not changing much in value. You could buy and sell 1 or 2 a year and add so many great cars to your ownership CV ... its certainly something I would be looking into if I'd just let go of my NSX.

The other is to find yourself a 3.0 and do a Fenn but with good road manners as well as track capability.

regards, Paul

06-11-2009, 04:31 PM
Congratulations James, I know how it feels I was in your position when I first joined, aftert the crash, after the sale and during my wait for parts.

I wish you the best of luck on the other side, but I have a feeling that one day you'll come back. :)



06-11-2009, 09:02 PM
Congrats James - hopefully we'll see you again sometime soon.

Who's going to arrange our Japfest display next year?? :eek:

I'm liking Paul's idea of working your way through the wish list - all sorts of stuff beckons. De Tomaso Pantera, anybody?
