View Full Version : NSX lap times

23-10-2009, 08:14 PM
I was having a look at the 'ring lap times and saw Simon's car go round in 8:38


Simon, have you still got the article, and why was the NSX time so slow?

23-10-2009, 09:45 PM
Simon, have you still got the article, and why was the NSX time so slow?

I've still got the article, somewhere.............

The time is so slow as it was a full lap and not bridge to gantry which is how most laps are timed, think there's about 20 - 30 seconds in it.

24-10-2009, 02:30 PM
The time is so slow as it was a full lap and not bridge to gantry which is how most laps are timed, think there's about 20 - 30 seconds in it.

I didn't realise there were two timing points. I assume the sub 8 minute road car barrier is for the full (longer) lap?

Is the 6m11s lap record the full lap. I am assuming so.

24-10-2009, 07:49 PM
For me 3 beeps from a roll until someone looses their bottle is more indicative of vehicle performance.

The ring is as much driver as it is car.

Just my 2p.



24-10-2009, 08:09 PM
I've still got the article, somewhere.............

The time is so slow as it was a full lap and not bridge to gantry which is how most laps are timed, think there's about 20 - 30 seconds in it.

But the Hockenheim time wasn't the best either


Slower than an S2000 - surely not!