View Full Version : Affordable "up grade" to 3.0l NSX

22-08-2005, 09:22 AM

I have been following all the info on here and NSX prime about the merits and de merits of de catting, changing the manifolds, the exhaust and the muffler. I have a 1994 Japanese import. Basically, all I wont to do is make it sound a bit raspy and a bit louder ( I like the screaming noise and am not mad on the rumbling ones), though while I am doing it (it will only be once) I think I might need to make other changes perhaps.

I have been told that playing with ones NSX actually takes value off the car (is this true even if you do it right?), so I don't want to spent too much on it as I wont see a return, other than of course the fun.

Any way, I am wondering what limited changes I should make. I really don't want to spend more that £1500, and would like to spend less if possible.

What would you do for that amount of money? What effect would it have (e.g. I assume I would not then have to upgrade brakes etc). I basically just want to change the sound, as I said.



PS can you contact people direct through this site? Having read some of the threads it seems like ctrlaltdelboy has got all the answers.
PPS there is a red/red NSX for sale in Uxbridge and has been for a while.

22-08-2005, 10:30 AM
The Red NSX in Uxbridge has been there ages! Its a Auto and a little bit pricey. Haven't had a close look as I'm looking for a manual.

22-08-2005, 12:24 PM
I thought that would be why, cant see any one wanting an auto! I think they want £22 for it, which is not unreasonable per se, it just wont sell!

Do you live near Uxbridge then? Have you bought your own NSX yet Minch?

22-08-2005, 01:14 PM
I live in Chalfont St Peter (near Gerrards Cross?). Don't have one yet, but am finding it very hard to resist. The "boss" (aka Lucy) doesn't like them and would rather me upgrade the house first. . . . don't think thats likely! :lol:

22-08-2005, 01:16 PM
... The "boss" (aka Lucy) doesn't like them and would rather me upgrade the house first. . . . don't think thats likely! :lol: Wait till she goes for a spin in one ... I'm sure her feeligns will then change ... for the better of course :)

22-08-2005, 01:24 PM
Yes a little bit more stable than the Lotus in the wet!!!! (We used to have Calton a few years back).

See loved the little Elise 135R I had last year but alas I had to sell it a get a boring X-Type for work. The good news is I work from home now hence the NEED for an NSX that I can use occasionally!

See, I do have a plan!!!!! :D

22-08-2005, 01:52 PM
See loved the little Elise 135R I had last year ... If she loved the Elise, she's gonna be even more in love with the NSX ... tehre are far, far, far, far, far (I think you gert the idea) fewer NSX's that Elise's, which quite frankly are getting annoyingly common, with teh possible exception of the Exige.
The good news is I work from home now hence the NEED for an NSX that I can use occasionally!

See, I do have a plan!!!!! :D Glad to see it ... I'm sure you'll get what you need soon :D

24-08-2005, 08:38 AM
don't worry about the house up grade, after all how fast can you drive a house? You have got to drive the NSX then you'll know what must be done.

Any way, much though I like to chat (I do) is any one going to my answer my q's,

What is the best affordable upgrade to do? What should be done all at once?

Come on please?


24-08-2005, 08:47 AM
Sorry, I know this isn't quite what you're looking for, but by far the best £400 I ever spent on the car was this


Instant results, faster/safer progress and transferable to any other car I may get - a bargain. Really.

24-08-2005, 12:44 PM
Thanks, not really what I am after, I have done a similar course and actually was quite unimpressed, though I did learn some thing of where the limits of the NSX are, and what happens when you exceed them. My course was for fast road driving and focussed a lot on when it is safe to drive fast and how you can tell what to expect around the corner, all good stuff, but not what I am looking for, more interested in buying a few new bits fro my car that will made it sound raspier and louder and perhaps give a few more horses to boot.

24-08-2005, 12:49 PM
From what I keep hearing on here the best thing to go for is a Tubi exhaust. If not then try and get hold of a Mugen NSX chip. There are a few posts on here about the chips.

24-08-2005, 05:43 PM
Thanks, I like the idea of the Mugen chip, Wonder how much they are and what you then have to do afterwards. Still it wont alter the sound, which is basically what I am trying to do. I will have a look on NSX prime.

Thanks Minch, any one else got any pearls?

24-08-2005, 06:14 PM
the more I look at nsx prime the more it seems that free flowing cats wont make much diffenecre to the sound or the power. Looks like I need a Tubi exhaust or the Comptec one. I want something to sound like a ferrari should do (I used to have a 328 and I dont want it to sound like that, more a 360 please!)

Any one got one of these. I cant find the "tubi, worht it thread" any one seen that?

24-08-2005, 06:21 PM
try here, Will..

24-08-2005, 06:33 PM
HI Brown Bear and thanks, having read it it sounds like a must and £1600 would be a stretch but ok, shame there is nothing wrong with my exhaust at the moment, that would tip the balance. I assume the standard exhaust has no value once removed. I suppose you just give it to the dealer. So if I do (and can) get a tubi fitted is there anything else you should get done at the same time?

01-09-2005, 09:00 PM
well none of you really bit at this one, but fyi, I am going to be buying (if i can afford it!) the Gruppe M straight through exhast and some nice headers to go with this, probably going to order this over the winter and get it fitted in feb, ready for next season and a trip up to bedford, hopefull I wont make too much noise.

Thanks to Brown Bear and ContlAltDelboy for your expertise!

08-09-2005, 09:15 PM
You could always try drilling a hole in the exhaust :lol:

The cheapest would probably being going to Powerflow or a place like that. The problem is, being franchises, you don't know if you're going to get a crap teenager doing it or someone who knows what he's doing...

It is clear though that many exhausts are expensive for the NSX just because it is an NSX. Therefore, i think you can get a bit of VFM with a custom!

Personally i'd save up though...


09-09-2005, 05:56 PM
Thans Rob,

I am saving up for a Gruppe M exhaust I think and some headers too, will let you know, if I do get them, it will have to be after the CHristams bonus.
