View Full Version : Honda Revolutions Magazine - Summer edition out now

26-08-2005, 07:35 PM
Featuring my NSX on the front cover and across a 6 page spread including centrefold.

I have had loads and loads of PMs and emails from people on this board over the last year or more, asking me all sorts of questions about my car - this feature answers pretty much all of them.

I know a few folks here are already HR members, but for those that are not yet, this is as good a reason as any to do it.

Sammy will probably pop into this thread and clarify whether joining now will automatically get you a copy of the mag or not - details here


26-08-2005, 08:00 PM
It looks s**t hot in the mag Darren!!!

Need to see it in the flesh to really appreciate it though I suppose. Do you think you will entertain a supercharger at some point? Seems to be more of a US thing but I must admit if/when I get my NSX I think that and the exhaust are a must.

Fantastic article, well done! :shock:

26-08-2005, 08:10 PM
thanks Minch

re: S/C - I have been torn over the S/C option for 3 years now, but not so much lately - I do feel quite content with the overall package I have with the work done so far and the work in pipeline - the power is adequate and there is more to come with proper mapping yet to be done - it's the handling that excites me more to be honest, I destroyed all sorts of exotica on my first trip to the Nurburgring whilst running a fair power defecit.

I'll most likely remain NA

26-08-2005, 08:18 PM
Well you seem to have shaved quite a bit of weight from the car so its power to weight would have increased a fair bit anyway!


26-08-2005, 09:39 PM
Yep Darren - anyone joining now gets the latest issue of the mag - with your NSX proudly (and rather menacingly) looking out on the front cover.

I didn't realise my NSX was getting in the shot when you were doing 'owners pose' - I'd have shut my boot had I known!!