View Full Version : Oh dear I have been away for a while

25-11-2009, 11:13 PM
Sorry, got a little tied up in things and I promise to catch up on what's going on in the forum, I got poked recently by a member of the forum so though I'd better show my face although I was never a great poster.

Did anyone miss me?

26-11-2009, 07:06 AM
You were sorely missed; most of the NSXs are now rusty old heeps due to lack of care, attention and incorrect use of cleaning products. Obviously the lack of your guise is clearly to blame.

Leave again and there may not be any NSXs for you to return to. Hopefully lesson learned:cool:


26-11-2009, 08:31 AM
Good to hear from you and trust you've settled in your new manor ok ...

Any Tango specials on offer for pre-winter cleans, ie, wheels / brakes / suspension clean and seal type packages?

Trust all is well

regards, Paul

L* - great post buddy!!

26-11-2009, 07:00 PM
I think most of those to be lucky enough near you will start missing in the springtime when they are getting ready to get their cars in shape for the summer. :)

27-11-2009, 01:38 PM
Lankstarr; Oh deer :( I must remember how important a roll a play in keeping this iconic car on the road.

Senninha; The manor is coming on, plenty of DIY to keep me busy for the next decade, my pride and joy is having got rid of the telly and replacing it with a 103" wide projector screen. I will need to put some offers up on the forum if the moderators dont mind me advertising my wares. I also have an ebay shop set up which I am building a good range of products on including detailing kits.

AR; Why wait till next year, get your cars prepared for the winter, unless you are doing like me and putting her away for a few months.

Anyway, I must make an effort to catch up with what is going on in the forum, I would still love to upgrade to an NSX but the monies gap between that and the S2000 is too much for me for now.