View Full Version : Interesting comments over on S2Ki

01-09-2005, 08:40 PM
Interesting debate on our favorite car over on S2ki.com

Take a look here and feel free to chip in :lol:


02-09-2005, 05:59 AM
Yes, very interesting Nick - I read the whole thread - varied opinions! :)

I would post on S2K, but as Ian will attest, the last time we did it we got flamed for chucking our toys out of our prams ;)

Suffice to say Rahula raises a valid point 'ie: What is it about NSX's?' and the responses seem to indicate that it's either a car for you or it's not. Some people go for 'prestige', some don't..

I've quoted this before, but this sums it up for me..
'For those that understand, no explanation is necessary. For those that don't, no explanation is enough'


02-09-2005, 01:29 PM
Unreal ... just finished reading all of it ... well 95% plus of the posts.

IMHO what you have got in the thread are typical large user community comments ...
some are well rounded judgements and thoughtful points of view ... however
some are quite obviously from people just trying to run down a car they know ... or care ... little about ... and
some probably have no idea what they are talking about at all and are just posting rubbish to take sides

One even calls the NSX inferior. Inferior to what and inferior in what respect isn't even mentioned. Such wide brush stroke opinions are complete pish ... IMHO ... and are quite possibly made just to wind people up.

I was toying with making a couple of posts, but having seen that users have been flamed before ... I thought I'd rise above it all.

I'll leave the unenlightened majority squabble amongst themselves ... while as a member of the enlightened minority I can chuckle to myself and dismiss the vast majority of the posts made by the unenlightened.

02-09-2005, 03:32 PM
I also read halfway down first page and got bored with the usual "my car's better than your car" discussion :roll:
Best keeping the comments in this section as it seems to get a bit firey elsewhere at times (not sure if that's S2Ki forum though!!).
I know i made a good choice 18 months ago when i made teh decision to by an NSX instead of 348/355 or a 911. The fact that i can tour in comfort, economically, with 2 sets of golf clubs and have service bills that don't make me feel like screaming makes me feel just fine :)

02-09-2005, 03:46 PM
SMF - Single Marque Forums. They're such a joy. I mean its like going onto a Lotus Elise forum and saying "MGFs, I don't get them" and then reading a load of like minded people telling you they agree, and coming up with their own reasons why MGFs are rubbish.

Edit: thought better of my flame attempt :oops: .

Ivan Chiswick Honda
03-09-2005, 01:21 PM
Just thought I would mention the last two used NSX,s I sold from Chiswick where to clients that where coming out of S 2000,s and trading up ?


03-09-2005, 08:06 PM
yes all got a bit boring :( I did try tho 8)

04-09-2005, 08:39 PM
Just thought I would mention the last two used NSX,s I sold from Chiswick where to clients that where coming out of S 2000,s and trading up ? Ivan lol ... that's quality ... best not let those on s2k site in here to see that ... lmao

05-09-2005, 03:10 AM
Sounds like classic penile envy.

11-09-2005, 11:21 PM
It does irratate me how many people judge a car without even driving it. They believe regurgitating what they have read in a car magazine endows them with an unequivical opinion on it.

Another annoyance is that many people's opinions on cars these days is divided by stats, BHP, 0-60, all meaningless stuff when you're having your time going round a bend.
