View Full Version : Merry Christmas

14-12-2009, 12:55 PM
Hello my fellow NSXers

I just wanted to wish you all a very merry Christmas, and Happy New Year :)

Also, I hope to see lots of you at the Ace meet in January.

Best wishes
Marty G

14-12-2009, 02:06 PM
I am on call until the 28th Dec so no festive cheer for me, so Bah Humbug!

But Happy New Year when it comes as being Scottish, I'll be drunk from the 30th Dec to sometime in January!


14-12-2009, 02:09 PM
Christmas banned here also this year, bah Humbug.

Got to save for cots, prams and babyseats :D


14-12-2009, 02:30 PM
Christmas banned here also this year, bah Humbug.

Got to save for cots, prams and babyseats :D


Congrats Simon, and Happy Holidays everyone!

14-12-2009, 04:08 PM
Congratulations Simon, have a good Christmas and new year everone.

14-12-2009, 04:20 PM

14-12-2009, 04:49 PM
Christmas banned here also this year, bah Humbug.

Got to save for cots, prams and babyseats :D


Yeah, you're sooooooo lucky!!!! Congratulations mate. Not sure why you need a another pram though. Couldn't you just use that old orange one?



14-12-2009, 05:30 PM
Not sure why you need a another pram though. Couldn't you just use that old orange one?

Bit loud......

14-12-2009, 10:52 PM
All the best to you fellow members this chrimbo & have a prosperous new year, world economics permitting or not! :)

A big congratulations to you Simon & your partner. :)

23-12-2009, 11:27 PM
I also just wanted to wish you all a very merry Christmas, and Happy New Year, best wishes, Heinz. http://www.greensmilies.com/smile/smiley_emoticons_xmas4_laola.gif (http://www.greensmilies.com/)

24-12-2009, 09:57 AM
Christmas banned here also this year, bah Humbug.

Got to save for cots, prams and babyseats :D


There's a lot of plurals in there Simon ... is your young lady expecting twins ... or more?

Judging by the animation the due date is fairly soon as it suggests you are busy decorating for the big day.

Congratualtions Buddy

And a warm and wonderful Christmas wish to all who visit the NSXCB!

regards, Paul

24-12-2009, 10:29 AM
Merry Christmas to all. :)

24-12-2009, 07:53 PM
Merry Christmas to everyone! hope you have a great one!


25-12-2009, 08:48 PM
Merry Christmas from the 'States everyone! And Happy Birthday to the big guy for whom this is all about. Santa Claus! j/k

25-12-2009, 09:50 PM
This thread made me wonder -- do you think Jesus learned His lesson the first time around? As in, beware of one's enemies, since they can easily use their earthly powers to nail one to a cross? Of course, that's assuming Jesus has/will return. It's an interesting topic for thought though, I Believe. What if Jesus' second coming (or first, if you're Jewish) isn't quite as peaceful as His first one? Maybe the Christ is seriously pissed off at the world today? Food for thought...

25-12-2009, 10:13 PM
I may not have been entirely clear with my last post. My point is simply that what we all (Judeo-Christian) have built up in our minds as being the "first/second coming" might be very off base. The return of Christ might not be "nice" and, in fact, the AntiChrist could be the "nice" one. The AntiChrist is said to be like Christ, but not. What if Christ (20XX) is actually unlike what we all think of as the nice fella Jesus? Common sense would be that, if/when Jesus comes (again), He would/will not behave in the same way as He did 2000 years ago. He might wear Birkenstocks and wield a flamethrower!

Anyway, I just bring this all up since it's Christmas and we (Christians, at least) should be considering all these oddities, I think.

28-12-2009, 08:15 AM
I am on call until the 28th Dec so no festive cheer for me, so Bah Humbug!

But Happy New Year when it comes as being Scottish, I'll be drunk from the 30th Dec to sometime in January!


Hope you had a good Christmas, everyone, and have a great Hogmanay one and all.

Jim - are you going to be up in hoochter teuchter land for that one?


28-12-2009, 11:31 PM
Hope you had a good Christmas, everyone, and have a great Hogmanay one and all.

Jim - are you going to be up in hoochter teuchter land for that one?


Yup, back in Edinburgh now, the drive down was hellish, very scenic through the highlands but the little roads to get from Lossiemouth to the A9 at Aviemore were pretty bad, but I only crashed once!! (slid into snow bank, no damage).

Maybe time to repair the ABS methinks!
