View Full Version : iPhone opinions

23-12-2009, 09:40 PM
Well I have had my N96 for a little over a year. I only use it for calls and improptu pictures or video. I am thinking the iPhone will be a lot easier to use for internet and stuff.

Any opinions?



23-12-2009, 09:46 PM
Best gadget ever ever ever!

A lot easier to use and all of your porn will look much better on the bigger, crisper screen. Make sure you research whic network has the best 3G signal near you and go with that. Voda offering iPhones in new year and tesco do them as well now.

Anyone know which network tesco used?

23-12-2009, 09:58 PM
Anyone know which network tesco used?

For mobile they are with Virgin who run over the T-mobile network ....

For everything else they use my colleagues :)

23-12-2009, 10:32 PM
my motorola finally died so I went for iPhone, best move I have ever made, top gadget and not too bad as a phone either!


23-12-2009, 10:40 PM
Personally its not for me. All I need is a phone that you can make and receive calls from, send the odd text and that's me happy.

23-12-2009, 10:43 PM
mate had one sold it it was the 3g worst phone i ever had too slow kept crashing crap camera
but 3gs is sposed to be good fhad can get you one if you want trade price
i was lookin at getting a new phone soon best phone though for the net

thx amo

23-12-2009, 10:51 PM
mate had one sold it it was the 3g worst phone i ever had too slow kept crashing crap camera
but 3gs is sposed to be good fhad can get you one if you want trade price
i was lookin at getting a new phone soon best phone though for the net

thx amo

Thanks for that mate we'll have to speak about it.

How is it regarding battery life guys?

23-12-2009, 10:53 PM
Thanks for that mate we'll have to speak about it.

How is it regarding battery life guys?

no worries mate battery is the worst in i have ever used and iv had a lot of phones not sure if you can find a better 1

thx amo

Silver Surfer
23-12-2009, 10:54 PM
Had mine for the last one week....needs charging daily!
Surfing the net is great but when the WiFi is on, Bluetooth on, 3G on....drains battery big time.
Then you got all these free 'apps' which you can't stop playing....


23-12-2009, 11:00 PM
I have an ipod touch, more or less the same thing as the iphone minus the actual phone feature.

I dont use it much, but on the odd occasssion where I need to check an email etc, and havent a computer near, I would use it to go online. Alot of places have open wifi or a pay and go wifi service so you can go online quite quickly and internet speed in quick. So I keep that handy which aid as a mini laptop I guess. Battery life isnt the best though.

05-01-2010, 06:06 AM
I *only* use Microsoft/PC/Blackberry products, with the exception of an Ipod for music. Microsoft's technologies are really starting to go places (again). So, that's my 2 pence...take it or leave it. :)

17-01-2010, 11:31 PM
I have been told that the bluetooth on the iphone will only work if sending data to another iphone.Can anyone confirm/deny this?

Silver Surfer
17-01-2010, 11:39 PM
I have been told that the bluetooth on the iphone will only work if sending data to another iphone.Can anyone confirm/deny this?

BS...Bluetooth seems to work with my handsfree device.


19-01-2010, 01:14 PM
I popped to my brothers house last night (he has an iphone) and when searching for devices his phone failed to pick up mine,my wifes and his wifes phone.

19-01-2010, 01:33 PM
It's a wee Mac in your pocket basically. I find it a great phone to use too. Bluetooth needs pairing. Had it for a year now & wouldn't use anything else. Battery life is indeed pants, but just plug in at night to power the wee flip-clock app.


31-01-2010, 09:54 AM
When your finally ready to give up on life and the art of conversation and emerse yourself in tapping a touchscreen fulltime your ready for an iphone. Mine went to a teenage friend of the family after three days. The odd time you do want to send an urgent or quick txt message remember this warning! Iam also happily surviving without Tw@tter , Facebook or any anti social networking sites too!

31-01-2010, 10:49 AM
For real users the blackberry is much better. Though I concede not for surfing the net.

That touch screen keyboard is a pain in the ass. The new Nokia with the flip keypad is good though not as good as surfing as iphone.

I am unmoved especially with apples control freak nature.

03-02-2010, 05:45 PM
For real users the blackberry is much better.

I am not sure what constitutes a 'real' user, but I use my iPhone for business & wouldn't be without it.

I have picked up emails in remote foreign locations, replied at length, set up conf. calls, found important (work related) info. on the web & fwd'd it to clients, taken photo's in data rooms & sent them half way around the world back to the good folks in the office. The camera isn't great (but I have a full frame SLR if I want to take decent pictures), but it is adequate to for a phone.

My wife hates gadgets. I bought her an iPhone and she loved it from day 1 - she finds everything intuitive and worked out 90% of the functionality without me or a manual within a week.

Battery life, as has been noted, is poor. But I am rarely away from a computer & have just got used to plugging it into a usb port whenever there is one to hand.

There is a reason none of the so called iPhone killers of the last 2 years have killed the iPhone. Apple got the device right 1st time.

03-02-2010, 07:47 PM
Handy quick start instructions

03-02-2010, 10:13 PM
I'm looking to upgrade my phone, and after all the hype (and recommendations), the iPhone was obviously on the list...

...until I realised I'd have to pay £174.50 for the phone (ONLY £87 on a 24-mth contract) and have to pay £10/month more for the same package (oh, but with unlimited internet).

Ignoring the internet, as I'm a light user at the moment, that's £325-360 more than any of the other options (all free) over 18m or 24m. You've REALLY got to want an iPhone to pay that much...

The rest of the shortlist (in case anyone can comment) is:-
- Nokia N900 (or 5800 if I can't be bothered to wait)
- HTC Bravo (or Hero if I can't be bothered to wait)
- Samsung i8910 HD
- S-Ericsson Satio (if I trust another S-E)

04-02-2010, 07:19 AM
You've REALLY got to want an iPhone to pay that much...

Or have it a an option as a company 'phone ;)