View Full Version : NSX MOT Pass info

13-01-2010, 01:41 PM
VOSA/DVLA have released information on vehicle pass rates


13-01-2010, 04:42 PM

10 fails due to tyres in 1991.

m666 edd
13-01-2010, 06:56 PM
Interesting information regarding the amount of actively driven nsxs.

If you total all the passes for 2007 it's 321. I guess you can't count the fails as most of them would have gone in again and then passed.

So does around 321 active nsxs that year sound about right? Even with the fails added (which would be a lot of double counting) it's 389.

13-01-2010, 07:33 PM

10 fails due to tyres in 1991.

Can't be. In 1991, all NSXs would have been brand new, and not needing a test for three years yet.

Driver Matt
13-01-2010, 07:51 PM
Relevant file attached

13-01-2010, 08:15 PM
Its a summary of all tests in 2007, the 1991 [or whatever] refers to the initial registration year for the vehicle.
More to the point, 3 fails for body and structure....as it can't be rust ...what were the fails for?
Also 23 fails for 'drivers view of the road', MoT speak for wiper blades?

m666 edd
13-01-2010, 08:34 PM
Well body and structure is probably just a car with damage to it and sharp bits sticking out.

View is probably often cracks etc in a windscreen.

Looking at the percentages - it looks like cars that fail and then (assumedly) retake an mot to pass aren't included in the passes as well so I guess the TESTS column (the total) is valid.

NSX 2000
13-01-2010, 10:24 PM
Looking at the percentages - it looks like cars that fail and then (assumedly) retake an mot to pass aren't included in the passes as well so I guess the TESTS column (the total) is valid.

This how I see it as well.

14-01-2010, 11:22 PM
Wow, that's really interesting data.

According to Brian Long's book, as an example, there were 21 NSXs sold in Europe in 2003. And 14 were presented for MoT tests in the UK...

(I suppose there may be a few imports that might count, but it shows the UK/rest-of-EU distribution in an interesting light).

So, only 49 02+s in the UK then ;)

15-01-2010, 08:59 AM
Just 7 2001 cars sounds about right to me.

Chris B N
15-01-2010, 10:44 AM
Interesting data from DVLA
in 2007 389 cars presented for test
this suggests that number of cars in the UK is 389 + any 2005 cars.
In addition to this there may be track only cars that will not need an MOT
It will be interesting to compare date from subsequent years
How many cars are ther in club membership ?

15-01-2010, 10:49 AM
It is interesting that according to the registry details compiled by a member on here - see attachment that I compiled from those data - there were about 450 sales of NSXs in the UK - presumably excluding imports (the data for the 2002+ cars seems vague). The MOT data show 389 cars tested (I am assuming that the pass and fail numbers are additive ie in 2001 7 passed and 1 failed giving 8 cars.) These presumably include imports. Of these 242 are known to the club in the registry.

By comparing the sales data (assuming it to be accurate) with the MOT data assumptions can be made eg there were apparently 125 sold in 1991 but only 95 MOT'd. Where are the other 30? Off-road? Destroyed? Exported?

On the other hand there is 1 more 1998 MOT'd than were apparently sold. Does that mean that there is at least 1 1998 import (net of destroyed ones)? It does seem natural that attrition through crashes and the like would mean fewer cars MOT's than sold.

If you were a geek you could spend many fun-filled hours wih this.


NSX 2000
15-01-2010, 10:52 AM
I know Honda only sold 12 in 2000 and according to this chart 12 went to get an MoT, so in 2007 all 12 2000 cars were still up and running :)

NSX 2000
15-01-2010, 10:56 AM
By comparing the sales data (assuming it to be accurate) with the MOT data assumptions can be made eg there were apparently 125 sold in 1991 but only 95 MOT'd. Where are the other 30? Off-road? Destroyed? Exported?

On the other hand there is 1 more 1998 MOT'd than were apparently sold. Does that mean that there is at least 1 1998 import (net of destroyed ones)? It does seem natural that attrition through crashes and the like would mean fewer cars MOT's than sold.

If you were a geek you could spend many fun-filled hours wih this.


David, I would say your assumtions are correct. If car is on a SORN you don't need an MoT.

Midnight Blue
16-01-2010, 07:54 AM
By comparing the sales data (assuming it to be accurate) with the MOT data assumptions can be made eg there were apparently 125 sold in 1991 but only 95 MOT'd. Where are the other 30? Off-road? Destroyed? Exported?


Significant numbers of UK NSX were exported to Brunei. There was a batch of 1991 models and a second batch of 1995 Targas. There are 27 shown on the list that Sudesh published last year supposedly as belonging to The Sultan. The cars on this list weren't H.M's cars but his younger brother's.
H.M also has a few, probably ex UK too.

Most of the 27 ex Jeffry cars have escaped into private ownership here but if mine is a typical example, it is still on the UK DVLC register but obviously never been for an MOT test. I know of one 1991 model that made it's way back to UK a few years ago.



Silver Surfer
16-01-2010, 02:37 PM
Some UK cars likely have also gone to Hong Kong.