View Full Version : Darren Aronofsky's Robocop

12-03-2010, 09:51 PM
The minute I heard that this was happening I got very excited.

I love a lot of Aronofsky's other films (Pi, Requiem for a dream, the Wrestler to name a few) and since Robocop was such an bizarre off-kilter film when it was first made, I think it will make for interesting viewing!

It certainly won't be sugar coated, that's for sure!


12-03-2010, 10:09 PM
Looks good!

Lots of big films due to come out.


Some computer games being turned into films like prince of persia and Assassins Creed

13-03-2010, 10:54 AM
I love the original Clash of the Titans.

Tron is also being remade... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ol0ffgdQ6Sg

Spent a fortune on the video game in my youf...

13-03-2010, 07:45 PM
Like the look of that! Was a fan on the first one.

I love the original Clash of the Titans.

Tron is also being remade... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ol0ffgdQ6Sg

Spent a fortune on the video game in my youf...

13-03-2010, 08:17 PM
Got the Lightening Thief to watch tonight. Looks good from the trailer.

13-03-2010, 08:43 PM
Watched that last week, really enjoyed it!

Got the Lightening Thief to watch tonight. Looks good from the trailer.

13-03-2010, 08:52 PM
Whilst we're on the topic of re-makes - this will either be fantastic or utterly crap:


14-03-2010, 06:35 AM
Reminds me of that movie The Day the Earth Stood Still, with Keanu Reeves and some similar looking being working as a divine team.

** Edited. Way off line and just down right odd. Do not abuse respected club members please. **

NSX 2000
14-03-2010, 09:51 AM
Looks good!

Lots of big films due to come out.


Some computer games being turned into films like prince of persia and Assassins Creed

We did some work on the set of Clash of the Titans during last summer :)

15-03-2010, 12:34 AM
Did I miss something here?

15-03-2010, 12:54 AM
Can i just clarify,that my post was not the offending one ;)

15-03-2010, 01:00 AM
:dunno: Who offended who and for what reason?

15-03-2010, 01:09 AM
:dunno: Who offended who and for what reason?
See mods quote on post #8

15-03-2010, 07:20 AM
Can i just clarify,that my post was not the offending one ;)

Ha ha, nope you just quoted it so was easier for me to hit delete than edit! :-)

22-03-2010, 02:33 AM
I do sincerely apologise for any offense taken by 99% of the forum members as a result of my post. Not 100%, though. Further, and though I may push the forum rules, I am not posting to stir up mischief.

Anyone here ever studied Game Theory? It's a fascinating subject. The intelligent use of its basic tenets has been a core part of military/political/economic strategy since the days of Sun Tzu. Summarised briefly, Game Theory, at times, predicts that there is a single "best" choice that the intelligent user will (should) utilize despite an array of seemingly contradictory potential decisions. In other words, even though one may be faced with a tough decision with multiple different outcomes in the short term, in the long term only a single decision is the correct one.

Example: Someone that you do not know, online, asks who you are. The person requesting that information could fairly easily figure out that information on his own. What do you do?

A. Ignore the request. The person requesting the information could be a "bad guy" so you should steer clear, right? OR
B. Provide the information. The information might still be used against you, or it might not.

Common sense and common intelligence would choose option "A". Game Theory, however, would make the following case: Whether friend/foe/otherwise, the information is already available. So, why not provide it anyway? If a friend, a level of a trust is established. If a foe, a level of trust is ALSO established, and at no cost to you. That will only benefit you later, once you have ascertained the nature of the person requesting the information (which has -most certainly- not been ascertained by the person in question).

Anyway, as I said, I don't mean to offend 99% of the forum members. In fact, I'm QUITE sure I have some real friends here. Some of you have balls, no doubt about it, and I greatly respect that.

At the end of the day, RESPECT is all that most genuine people (regardless of his/her worldly position -- from shoe shiner to king) want.
But that's a different topic for a different day.

22-03-2010, 07:44 AM
So then Mr. Potr, may I ask who you are then?

22-03-2010, 02:08 PM
I volunteered that information to Ary, and he may tell you.

Great response, BTW. ;):)

24-03-2010, 05:05 AM
To Everyone Else:

Seek the Truth
Think the Truth
Feel the Truth
Know the Truth
Live the Truth

It's right in front of you. But, the decision to accept it is yours alone, and it will not be an easy one.

24-03-2010, 07:36 AM
To Everyone Else:

Seek the Truth
Think the Truth
Feel the Truth
Know the Truth
Live the Truth

It's right in front of you. But, the decision to accept it is yours alone, and it will not be an easy one.

You just can't help yourself can you.



24-03-2010, 04:06 PM
To Everyone Else:

Seek the Truth
Think the Truth
Feel the Truth
Know the Truth
Live the Truth

It's right in front of you. But, the decision to accept it is yours alone, and it will not be an easy one.

Hmmm...what to do with you? It seems you can't help yourself can you! Do we treat you with some respect or do we ban you?

Decisions...maybe a democratic poll?

24-03-2010, 07:36 PM
I hadn't planned to post again, or to respond to Papa...'s comments (although it's rather clear that the animosity does not reside here...), but the introduction of a "ban" democratic poll necessitates a response.

It's your choice. Ban me [fine], or don't [also fine]. But don't hide behind majority consent and a blind poll. That's cowardly.

"PS" you're not the only one(s) forming opinions right now...

25-03-2010, 06:54 AM

How about you fall into line and drop the preachy psuedo religious posts and we won't need to be democratic. This site has a core of good people who don't feel the need to tell each other what they should be thinking. By all means PM me with the answers to my question you side stepped by pointing me in Ary's direction, but until then, the poll stands and unless Kev steps in it's results will be actioned.

This isn't cowardly, I'm just getting bored of your split personality posts.


25-03-2010, 09:59 AM
Well, looks like a self-imposed ban is in order. That's fine; I am a guest here and it is neither my right nor my responsibility to "preach" to those who don't care to listen.

I didn't vote in the poll either, but if I did, my vote would have to go to "Pray for self moderation". Too funny.

Be Good. :)

NSX 2000
25-03-2010, 09:47 PM
To Everyone Else:

Seek the Truth
Think the Truth
Feel the Truth
Know the Truth
Live the Truth

It's right in front of you. But, the decision to accept it is yours alone, and it will not be an easy one.

Are you a Journalist?