View Full Version : Long shot I know - anyone got an Ignitor Unit I can borrow?

07-05-2010, 05:43 PM
I am struggling to diagnose a misfire Y1 has developed and one possible candidate is the ignitor unit (smallish grey box sitting near the throttle body).

It seems the best/only way to test this unit is switch it with a known good one. Hence I wonder if anyone happens to have one of these sitting about which I could borrow please? I will of course happily pay P&P (incl. insurance).

(FYI the car is misfiring when the engine is under load - it starts fine, idles fine, and if driven with a very light foot, drives fine. The car is currently with my Honda Service dept, but they are struggling to pin down the problem).

In the meanwhile, I have a new ignition coil on the way, hopefully arriving tomorrow, to see if this is the guilty part.

Many thanks!


07-05-2010, 05:49 PM
NA1 & NA2 ignitor units are different I suppose? If not, you are welcome to borrow mine Ian.

07-05-2010, 06:00 PM
That is very kind - thank you Simon.

I am not however sure if the NA1 / NA2 ignitors are the same. Anyone please?

07-05-2010, 06:18 PM
Same for all models.
Also, it's used on Legend as well so they should have good chance of finding one.

Please remember to try the Open Loop mode as well based on our PM.


07-05-2010, 06:47 PM
Will do - thanks Kaz.

08-05-2010, 11:27 AM
Have you changed Plugs and Coil packs, always a culprit for breaking down under load.

08-05-2010, 11:44 AM
Have you changed Plugs and Coil packs, always a culprit for breaking down under load.


Plugs are only 12 months old and we are getting inconsistent error codes - sometime a misfire on 1 cylinder, sometimes random across all 6. I feel it is unlikely (but not impossible) that all plugs are playing up.

Coil pack (not yet arrived) is being changed on cylinder 1 which is the most frequent offender. Having said this, but moving the suspect coil pack to another cylinder, we cant get the error code to move accordingly. It is of course possible that several/all coil packs are playing up.

I am trying to cover other bases by swapping out the ignitor unit (hence this thread) and preparing to renew O2 sensors (hence my other thread).

All help and advice warmly welcomed however.


08-05-2010, 12:32 PM
I am struggling to diagnose a misfire Y1 has developed and one possible candidate is the ignitor unit (smallish grey box sitting near the throttle body).

It seems the best/only way to test this unit is switch it with a known good one. Hence I wonder if anyone happens to have one of these sitting about which I could borrow please? I will of course happily pay P&P (incl. insurance).

(FYI the car is misfiring when the engine is under load - it starts fine, idles fine, and if driven with a very light foot, drives fine. The car is currently with my Honda Service dept, but they are struggling to pin down the problem).

In the meanwhile, I have a new ignition coil on the way, hopefully arriving tomorrow, to see if this is the guilty part.

Many thanks!


My car had identical symptoms to those you describe. From the history there were a few attempts and the garages (Honda) weren't sure either....I bought the car that way at discount then fixed it. My problem was the actual throttle body, probably the servo motor inside it. I have a spare and if you are at Japfest next week I could bring it....Takes about 20-30 mins to swap out

08-05-2010, 02:26 PM
My car had identical symptoms to those you describe. From the history there were a few attempts and the garages (Honda) weren't sure either....I bought the car that way at discount then fixed it. My problem was the actual throttle body, probably the servo motor inside it. I have a spare and if you are at Japfest next week I could bring it....Takes about 20-30 mins to swap out

Hi Gary - thanks for posting, that is very interesting!

I have most of the possible electrical sources of a misfire roughly under control to test next week (ignition coil, ignitor unit & a test procedure for the O2 sensors). Sadly work commitments will prevent me from attending Japfest, but I wonder if you would mind lending me your spare servo motor should I still be having problems in a week or so please - I will of course happily pay for fully insured P&P and ply you with beer when we next meet?


08-05-2010, 03:17 PM
Hi Gary - thanks for posting, that is very interesting!

I have most of the possible electrical sources of a misfire roughly under control to test next week (ignition coil, ignitor unit & a test procedure for the O2 sensors). Sadly work commitments will prevent me from attending Japfest, but I wonder if you would mind lending me your spare servo motor should I still be having problems in a week or so please - I will of course happily pay for fully insured P&P and ply you with beer when we next meet?


After yesterdays trip into London I don't even want to think of beer. Never again, going to give it up, blah, blah, blah......Don't we all say that...till next time!!

So are you going to be buying parts/paying for them through your garage even if they don't fix the problem? Seems a pricey way to do it...

Anyway, the servo/stepper motor is inside the throttle body...It's the whole unit complete. Have you tried cleaning your throttle body properly? If you PM me your email address I can send you the procedure. I'm happy to lend you the TB but they're about £2k new so it would need insuring. Alternativey I could pass it to Paul Sturgess or whoever lives nearest to you that is going to be at Japfest.



08-05-2010, 04:07 PM
After yesterdays trip into London I don't even want to think of beer. Never again, going to give it up, blah, blah, blah......Don't we all say that...till next time!!

So are you going to be buying parts/paying for them through your garage even if they don't fix the problem? Seems a pricey way to do it...

OK, if you help me I promise not to buy you beer!!!! ;)

PM sent with my email address.

I am trying very hard not to buy parts as a way of discounting them from the equation!

However, so far I have bought an ignition coil without being at all sure this is the offending part.

I will be borrowing an ignitor unit from Simon (thank you!), so that is a no-cost way of testing this part.

Kaz has very kindly given me a procedure to check to O2 sensor. I will only be ordering these once they are diagnosed as faulty! I am desperately trying to get my car healthy again by next Thursday so I can fulfil my eldest son's wish to be taken to his end of school ball in the car. So my other thread re. sourcing O2 Sensors is really a 'duck lining up' exercise.


Nick Graves
08-05-2010, 04:56 PM
I was also gonna suggest a tube of choke cleaner and a tissue.

Just don't fire the little flexi tube out of the nozzle & down its gizzard, like I once did with the Prelude. Stripping the intake plenum to fish it out of an inlet valve (it's a similar dual-tract system) was interesting, but a PIA at the same time.