View Full Version : Bump & run

20-05-2010, 07:54 PM
So it eventually happen to me, decided to drive the NSX today, weather is great, car was sitting all nice and polished up so it was due a run out.

Headed into the city to meet a good friend for lunch and see his new cafe. I usually stay clear of pay & display car parks but on this occasion I had no option. So in I went couldnt find the type of spot I like [corner spot no parking on one side and slightly bigger space] so parked in a standard space.

Anyway returned to the car, got in and headed back to the office. I had to get some stuff out of the boot and then I noticed.........Someone clipped my rear bumper on the passenger side while parked at the pay & display and drove off, no note of any description not even a simple apology note.

Although it's not that bad, as I took to machine polishing it as soon as my day was over, and guess most wont notice it now, but I still see it; think though I'm more annoyed that nobody left a note, guess thats just the way some people are.

Suppose its not bad going if this is the first time its ever happened in all my years of driving, just a pity it was the NSX.

20-05-2010, 08:46 PM
really sad for you Sudesh, unfortunately, there are villains everywhere, I hope for how the culprit will find misfortune in his life!!! I wish you good courage for the continuation, here, you will be supported by much friends!
Best regards

20-05-2010, 08:54 PM
Bad news. Is there much of a mark/tell-tale left?

It's quite possible they may not have even noticed they did it, esp. if it's only paint damage - a lot of people now seem to drive on autopilot, and modern cars are built rather like insulated tanks.

20-05-2010, 09:17 PM
Sorry to see this. I find myself parking in corner spots or end spots so that I allow for extra space to avoid parking dents. My best mate witnessed a woman knock his CRX with her door once leaving a dent. On challenging her she said 'its only a K reg' whilst unloading her 4x4..

Unfortunately someone scratched a K onto her car while she was shopping which is quite ironic.

20-05-2010, 09:34 PM

i feel really gutted :no:... really hope our conversation last night did not bring this ahead ... very annoying for sure as i know how particular you are about the NSX even if its not your own

I know damn rightly you will be always looking at it ... u are too much like me ;). hopefully its not too bad ... but your a perfectionist so no point anyone trying to make u feel better, you will go to the xtreme to fix it.

awful news, chin up at least the bumper was not lying on the ground, or a big dent on the side of your car :eek:

20-05-2010, 10:18 PM
Thanks guys.

Calmed down a bit now Andrew, to be honest the fact nobody left a simple note has bothered me more than anything. I dont think its possible that they clipped the bumper and didnt realise, as the surface markings ran from the corner of the bumper to the number plate recess, so the connection they made must have been noticeable? But as a victim I guess all scenarios will be against them lol

As you predicted, have the car/bumper booked in for visual inspection with a body shop for repair, then will go with a respray. Luck enough there are no dents, so may do the preparation myself on bumper first.


i feel really gutted :no:... really hope our conversation last night did not bring this ahead ... very annoying for sure as i know how particular you are about the NSX even if its not your own

I know damn rightly you will be always looking at it ... u are too much like me ;). hopefully its not too bad ... but your a perfectionist so no point anyone trying to make u feel better, you will go to the xtreme to fix it.

awful news, chin up at least the bumper was not lying on the ground, or a big dent on the side of your car :eek:

20-05-2010, 10:56 PM
aye mate its such a sh1t when that happens ... very very few people leave notes these days ... times we live in

it sounds indeed that they knew they hit something and continued on

There's a SHOCKER ... a booking with a body shop ... never seen that coming! :rolleyes:

does that mean extremely important work has gone tits up on mellow yellow?! :eek:


Thanks guys.

Calmed down a bit now Andrew, to be honest the fact nobody left a simple note has bothered me more than anything. I dont think its possible that they clipped the bumper and didnt realise, as the surface markings ran from the corner of the bumper to the number plate recess, so the connection they made must have been noticeable? But as a victim I guess all scenarios will be against them lol

As you predicted, have the car/bumper booked in for visual inspection with a body shop for repair, then will go with a respray. Luck enough there are no dents, so may do the preparation myself on bumper first.

21-05-2010, 06:23 AM
Really sorry to hear this Sudesh & hope the damage is soon fixed to your satisfaction.

Stories like this do nothing to diminish my fear of public car parks!!!

I heard a story once of a chap who had his car dinged whilst he was away from it. The culprit got out & looked at the damage (plenty of witnesses) and proceeded to write a note.

The note read something like 'thought I better write a note so that people thing I am doing the decent thing and leaving you my contact details'

There are lots and lots of really lovely people out there!

21-05-2010, 09:04 AM
Booked it in with the body shop as I know it will annoy me as I can see it. Brother looked at it this morning and coudnt see it lol

That doesnt put any work off on yours. I dont have a body shop or do that type of work myself:) at least not yet anyway

aye mate its such a sh1t when that happens ... very very few people leave notes these days ... times we live in

it sounds indeed that they knew they hit something and continued on

There's a SHOCKER ... a booking with a body shop ... never seen that coming! :rolleyes:

does that mean extremely important work has gone tits up on mellow yellow?! :eek:


Nick Graves
21-05-2010, 09:41 AM
Sorry to hear it, Sudesh. At least you managed to correct it.

It's got to the stage where I won't park ANY car in a supermarket. Fortunately thanks to Ocado, the mountain now comes to Mohammed.

I once reproached some fat-assed woman for bashing the Civic whilst loading her sprog into the back of her car, whilst I was there. She went into total denial, as the madder ones tend to do. That kid's gonna have a great life...

Another guy & me came up with this theory that supermarkets ought to have special spaces reserved for the owners of decent cars, all in the interests of "fairness" :blergh: These would be extra-wide and be guarded by (preferably armed) embittered ex-military types, to keep lowlife away.

21-05-2010, 09:48 AM
Sorry to hear that Sudesh.

I had a woman swing her door open and hit my DC5 in a carpark in Ballymena once.

She laughed and walked on almost oblivious.


21-05-2010, 09:54 AM
Another guy & me came up with this theory that supermarkets ought to have special spaces reserved for the owners of decent cars, all in the interests of "fairness" :blergh: These would be extra-wide and be guarded by (preferably armed) embittered ex-military types, to keep lowlife away.

This would get my vote / custom!

21-05-2010, 10:05 AM
I usually park in the family space at Tesco, it's allot bigger or again would park in the furthest away space and take up 2 lol

Sorry to hear it, Sudesh. At least you managed to correct it.

It's got to the stage where I won't park ANY car in a supermarket. Fortunately thanks to Ocado, the mountain now comes to Mohammed.

I once reproached some fat-assed woman for bashing the Civic whilst loading her sprog into the back of her car, whilst I was there. She went into total denial, as the madder ones tend to do. That kid's gonna have a great life...

Another guy & me came up with this theory that supermarkets ought to have special spaces reserved for the owners of decent cars, all in the interests of "fairness" :blergh: These would be extra-wide and be guarded by (preferably armed) embittered ex-military types, to keep lowlife away.

21-05-2010, 10:15 AM
Here is a some pics, you guys will probably think I'm mad as you cant see much in the photo, but I still see it lol


21-05-2010, 10:41 AM
I am as deranged as you Sudesh - something similar happened to my S2000 and I ended up (after much cutting & rubbing & polishing) getting the bumper resprayed.

21-05-2010, 10:52 AM
lol Yeah I was doing that yesterday evening, DA machine was ok but then went at it with the rotary and still wasnt quite perfect, so next option is paint it.

I am as deranged as you Sudesh - something similar happened to my S2000 and I ended up (after much cutting & rubbing & polishing) getting the bumper resprayed.

21-05-2010, 12:42 PM
I parked up once in a small garden centre, only my car and a Mercedes Sprinter in it. I parked the opposite side of the car park. Came out and there was a huge scuff on the NSX bumper. Got it on CCTV but it was not good enough quality to get his plate. :(
Saw the whole van rock when it hit so he knew he did it. 'Luckily' only paint damage.
What a douche bag.

21-05-2010, 10:06 PM
I once reproached some fat-assed woman for bashing the Civic whilst loading her sprog into the back of her car, whilst I was there. She went into total denial, as the madder ones tend to do. That kid's gonna have a great life...

I tried the same with some battleship in a Chavalier when her spawn kicked the rear door open dinging the rear-wing of my first 'teg at South Mimms. She then kicks off at me telling me it's my fault and I should expect to get my car damaged if I park near the doors and I should park miles away in future!

Only the plethora of people around stopped me from lamping her...

21-05-2010, 11:06 PM
Sorry to hear that Sudesh. Since you cannot trust anyone these days, I park the NSX far away as possible from other cars, even if it means walking alot further or away from public view but still in a safe spot.

Nick Graves
22-05-2010, 07:13 PM
I used to try that, TSO.

Empty car park and you come back and some other twunt's parked right next to you. Only two cars there.

I dunno why they do that; the British obsession with queueing?