View Full Version : Low Flyer debriefs...

Low Flyer
23-05-2010, 07:57 PM
I have returned from Germany where I had two successful sesions of Dialysis. Much the same as here in Bournemouth, but no apparent fear of the dreaded MRSA, so much more relaxed atmosphere.
The Germans are much more successful in dealing with Cancer because they really do attack it with everything that they've got. They say that they would have been "zapping" mine a year ago !! Now, they recommend the highly accurate Radiation treatment called "Cyberknife". It costs a mere £25,000 per tumour----I currently have three, plus all the hospital extras. And then, as my own oncologist points, a week later, another one pops up. So, I have decided to run with the devil here and wait for his chemotherapy treatment in July---following another CT scan. J.C.

24-05-2010, 01:21 AM
Keep smiling and we are all thinking about you J.C. :)

Chris B N
24-05-2010, 08:49 AM
Keep smiling Jim, so pleased that you are staying positive, my wife works at the local Hospice in Sheffield in the rehabilitation unit and is always saying frame of mind is as important as all the drugs and treatment.
so keep fighting my friend and hope that we can meet up again at a club meet somewhere, now that's another target for you!!
warmest regards Chris

24-05-2010, 11:36 AM
I was hoping for a more positive update but it's good to stay on the bright side. Hopefully you can make a trip up the M3 to the Basingstoke meet next week and have a beer with us?


24-05-2010, 05:41 PM
Best of luck Jim, keep smiling, and keep us posted - a lot of people on here rooting for you!

24-05-2010, 08:45 PM
Hello James,
I'm pleased to hear that your visit to Germany was a positive one and that you will soon be starting Chemo here.
We are all thinking positive thoughts with you and send our best wishes for a successful treatment, I feel a Dorset meet coming on:),
