View Full Version : NSX approved technichian/ garage required.

29-06-2010, 10:41 PM
I'm in a predicatment and cannot find an NSX approved garage to deal with my car......needless to say that trained mechanics of the origional garages have now moved on and those garages have said to me...."Oh yes, we are NSX approved......"

I could do with either a respectable Honda garage recomendation near to York or a means to a source this info that is honest and reliable in which garages I can trust.

My head is aching from trying to find someone to trust and my pocket is a little emptier from the attempts.

All advice is much appreciated. York, North Yorkshire

01-07-2010, 07:34 PM
Are you having a certain problem/problems? What is the predicament?

I'm luck enough that I do most of the NSX work myself. But if I couldnt [and I've said this before and will say again] If I lived in the UK, I would be taking my NSX to Kaz no matter what the distance was.

I'm in a predicatment and cannot find an NSX approved garage to deal with my car......needless to say that trained mechanics of the origional garages have now moved on and those garages have said to me...."Oh yes, we are NSX approved......"

I could do with either a respectable Honda garage recomendation near to York or a means to a source this info that is honest and reliable in which garages I can trust.

My head is aching from trying to find someone to trust and my pocket is a little emptier from the attempts.

All advice is much appreciated. York, North Yorkshire

02-07-2010, 07:14 PM
Are you having a certain problem/problems? What is the predicament?

I'm luck enough that I do most of the NSX work myself. But if I couldnt [and I've said this before and will say again] If I lived in the UK, I would be taking my NSX to Kaz no matter what the distance was.

I agree - the only choice is Kaz, if you really want your NSX to get looked after


03-07-2010, 09:46 PM
At the moment i've been worried about my clutch being really stiff to the point where my wife will not drive the car.

Honda near me said it required a new clutch but it does not slip at all and it had a new clutch just 15K ago.

Whilst Honda had the car they said that they were not experienced on the NSX and that they would use more hours than normal to investigate and advised me on seaking an experienced mechanic for the job..........

Unknowingly since they had the car they replaced all the fluids before returning the car and now the clutch seems fine so i think i've been very lucky.

thanks for the recommendation of Kaz as he seems to get great credit from all others so i'll keep him in mind for the Health check.

Thanks to you both for replying.



03-07-2010, 09:57 PM
Your clutch may have just needed a good bleed and flush along with new fluid. But if its its been a while since fluid change you may want to inspect Mater and Slave cylinder. Master cylinder is easy to inspect as you just need to look up under the dash [where your pedals are] and look at the surrounding area of the clutch pedal to see if there is any leaks.

Can be a little hard to notice as the leak will fall on to the carpet or behind, but any damp around the push rod rubber is a pretty good sign. I should have some pics if needed.

04-07-2010, 07:51 AM
Whilst Honda had the car they said that they were not experienced on the NSX and that they would use more hours than normal to investigate and advised me on seaking an experienced mechanic for the job..........

There is an NSX technician at Lincoln Honda. Its still a fair way from York mind.

A.S. Motorsport
04-07-2010, 10:11 AM
Well any good shop you can trust should be fine they aren't hard to work on.

04-07-2010, 12:31 PM
Thank you to Sudesh, JQD84983 & A.S.Motorsport for your advice.

Sudesh, i've looked where you mentioned and all seems dry with no signs of damp in the past either so i think i got lucky this time.

JQD84983, distance does not matter and i thank you for confirming the Lincoln garage for when i do need expert work done.



08-07-2010, 10:30 PM
Tim, 2Mills or Two Mills Honda near Chester were the only authorised NSX dealer in the North West & North Wales. I think they still have NSX techs there too. HTH

08-07-2010, 11:04 PM
Are you guys lazy over there lol!

People here travel many 100's of miles to get a specialist and as I always say, just go go to KAZ!

I remember my first refresh on someone else's NSX and belongs to a a guy who is now a good friend.

Anyway story goes, I get a call one day from a guy called ED, we have a very nice long conversation about all things NSX related and what services he wanted on the car and my thoughts. So at the end of conversation ED says something along the line of "thats great car will be with you tomorrow sometime"

Me being a tad sceptical though, there aint no way this car will be hear tomorrow, its about 300miles from his to mine, [almost the bottom of the ireland map to the top]

Well sure enough I get a call from a transport company around 1pm, I went down to the end of the drive and there was a 40ft transporter with ED's car lol

10-07-2010, 05:43 PM
Can I ask the same question on this thread? I think the answer is the same though. Like it seems many people and the guy who started this thread, I'm also struggling to find somewhere suitable to take my NA1 manual coupe NSX for work - which continues to reside in west gloucestershire. Given that it has covered only 10000 miles in 14 years, I'm rather precious about it. I'm afraid that I have other vehicles that take up more of my time and it doesn't used as much as it should. But it's great when I do. Having lost the services of Marshalls in Reading (itself a 110 mile hike up the M4), I used Honda Bristol last year for a fluid service. I wasn't overly impressed even though some of the guys there were from Cowie/Arriva days - who serviced my first NSX. Anyway, this year (or early next) is cambelt year (I can't leave it much longer). As mentioned everywhere it seems, it looks as though Kaz might be the answer - even if that is 130 miles. Is there any way I can contact Kaz by PM please setting out my requirements? many thanks.

10-07-2010, 06:50 PM

130 miles is nothing to get your cherished car to Kaz. I would have no hesitation in taking my car over from NI to him if i had to, and i seriously mean that :yes:; however I am very fortunate to have Sudesh over here to have his experience on my car

think you would be hard pushed to find a better alternative

it looks as though Kaz might be the answer - even if that is 130 miles.

10-07-2010, 08:29 PM
I don't know, there are many rouge garages in the UK.

Thor Racing were meant to be one of the best, and screwed me right over. Left, right and.... centre. I had all the parts needed to build a 900bhp 300zx. Two years later all they had done was strip the engine. After this happened the truth started to come out, people would tell me of other horror stories.

There are allot of garages who can not be trusted. Your right to be hesistant about your car.

So i can speak from personally experiance i would never recomend them to anyone. the point being was they are meant to be one of the best in the UK. So these big name garages who can you trust?

Think it needs to be someone dedicated to the NSX, where you will get that personal touch.

11-07-2010, 09:39 AM
Thanks to TheSebringOne for his recommendation of TwoMills Honda, someone else mentioned them so i'll keep them in mind.

I'm still in no need at the moment but if i do come across some real NSX mechanics i'll let you all know, however the endless support that Kaz gets means that when the time comes i recon i'll get intouch with him and if all is good turn it into a break away for the wife and I.

Hope everyones having a good summer.


20-07-2010, 05:41 PM
Just wanted to say that I took my NSX to Stratstone Honda in Leeds, still dubious about their experience at the time but had great service.
The service manager would only let one person at my car who had been their for just over 25 years and had experience working on NSX's.

Nothing can beat the rep that Kaz has earnt on here but if anyone close to Leeds needs a garage to trust then i'll recommend this place.

All the best


21-07-2010, 09:39 PM
Tim, thats good to know as Leeds is not too far from Manchester.

Was it the clutch they sorted out for you?

22-07-2010, 09:12 AM
The clutch is still fine, this was a little problem and it only cost £50 but the guy got straight to it and job done in less than an hour.

If you have any questions the service manager is called Dave and he's the person i spoke to everytime.
