View Full Version : new member

26-07-2010, 08:53 PM
hi to all new member looking to possibly buy a nsx currently i have a clio v6 which has some mods on it but i am a bit miffed with it spent loads on it to make it go quicker and had a a few bad times with so called experts so it may be time to move on to a nsx keeping a watchfull eye on cars for sale looking hear and pistonheads

26-07-2010, 09:04 PM
Welcome to the forum, and remember knowledge is power. PM and investigate before £££ goes without saying.

Always liked the Clio V6 what was the issues?

Enjoy the hunt!

26-07-2010, 09:30 PM
with what i have spent on the car and the time wasted in garages should have bought a nsx if i buy one i will prberbly tweek it unless its a mint out of the box car problem will be fnding a good one for sale market looks alittle bare at the moment

Silver Surfer
26-07-2010, 10:11 PM
With what I have spent on the car and the time wasted in garages..... I should have bought a nsx! If I buy one, I will probably tweek it unless it's mint out of the box.
Car problems will be finding a good one. For sale market looks a little bare at the moment.

Edited!! ;)


26-07-2010, 10:27 PM
Hi mate

Welcome to the forum; you have come to the right place for all NSX info. please make use of all the links regarding purchase of this fine car. As stated here make sure you do your homework re this car. It may be a Honda but the price of parts etc is enuff to make you scream with frustration! I have recently purchased a car myself, it took around 6 months to source and purchase. Do plenty of digging and don't be afraid to ask for help on this forum. There are really helpful people on here who can offer assistance/advice. Be sure to check out Kaz's health check and sudesh's refresh threads in the tech section to see what sort of work needs done to these motors

Good luck in your venture into all things NSX!

27-07-2010, 10:52 AM
hi mate and welcome good luck in your search go test drive one if ya can i know if i wanted anothern one id jump and get ary's

thx amo

Nick Graves
28-07-2010, 07:25 PM
Hi & good luck with the search. It may be a long one.

Was you keyboard made by Renault too?


28-07-2010, 09:04 PM
Was you keyboard made by Renault too?


You mean it won't shift?

28-07-2010, 09:21 PM
hi mate and welcome good luck in your search go test drive one if ya can i know if i wanted anothern one id jump and get ary's

thx amo

Well mate cheers for that picking up the 800NM three pointed star beast on Saturday so it looks as if the NSX days are counted!

PS you can always use an extra one LOL

29-07-2010, 06:01 AM
hi to all new member looking to possibly buy a nsx currently i have a clio v6 which has some mods on it but i am a bit miffed with it spent loads on it to make it go quicker and had a a few bad times with so called experts so it may be time to move on to a nsx keeping a watchfull eye on cars for sale looking hear and pistonheads

A 97 3.2 manual has just reappeared in scotland:

Not sure why this didn;t sell a few months back, or if it did and it's up for sale again. It's a good price and a full respray to white would be on my to do list as I've heard the paint isn't great and with teh red interior it would be a fantastic and very rare car.

Happy hunting!


29-07-2010, 09:26 AM
Hello rocketray and welcome. Good luck with your search for an NSX, try to test drive one if at all possible. I know that if I wanted another NSX I'd jump at the chance to purchase AR's car.

Thank you


As we're in the mood, and surely etiquette should apply equally to existing members and new ones, also edited ;)

29-07-2010, 04:03 PM
Is that silver one that has just appeared on Autotrader the same one that was on Pistonheads for months and for some reason did not sell? It seems a very good price unless there is a problem which there probably is. And that midnight purple targa on Pistonheads has been on for months too at a seemingly good price and not selling unless ditto. I can understand Blue NSX's old car not selling at that greatly inflated price good car though it is (even with a generous £1,000 price reduction by the trader) but it is a strange market right now - lots of people claim to be looking but seemingly well-priced cars not selling. And autos never seem to sell. I suppose it is the capitalist market at work.

Nick Graves
29-07-2010, 04:32 PM
...as opposed to what - a state-controlled one? There used to be a decade long waiting list for Trabis, gawd knows what it'd be for NSXs!

If you mean the imminent downturn, then yes; houses, stocks, gold, NSXs seem to be in the summer sell-off mode. Developers are all bleating again, too, etc.

The highly sought-after facelifts are testing the upper price limit, at the moment.

The purple T was a great buy at what it sold to the stealer for, now it's a bit toppy. You see purple Ts sitting round for YEARs loke that sometimes; highly desirable to those that want them, blechh to those that don't.

There's a big discrepancy between the highly-valued and the "ordinary" cars. As I said before, unless there's something wrong with it, is there really 10K difference between an NA1 and a 2? Well, I settled for the latter, so I suppose there must be!

It's such a small market, it's hard to value accurately. I'm sure a really tidy 3.0 could come up as quite a bargain, IF someone wants to sell...

29-07-2010, 06:35 PM
[QUOTE=Nick Graves;75121 As I said before, unless there's something wrong with it, is there really 10K difference between an NA1 and a 2? Well, I settled for the latter, so I suppose there must be![/QUOTE]

There is if you leave the 3.0 stock. By the time you add tubular manifolds and the 6 speed conversion you are already on the way to that 3.2 moneywise.

01-08-2010, 07:28 PM
Welcome Rocketray to the club & happy hunting. Unfortunately it may be a longish wait, but good luck. :)

03-08-2010, 09:30 AM
Just relisted my Silver 3.2 on Autotrader cos I was getting sick of the weirdos on Pistonheads!
"Timewasters" just isn't the word!
At one point the car was provisionally sold, Recieved a £500 deposit and it was ready to go. Then the guy phones me up (the day he was supposed to collect) and tells me that hes having trouble finding the cash. Sorry but thats not my problem! Why commit if you can't afford??

The paint is something I have made clear to the people showing interest. There is a mark on the drivers door from where someone reversed into the side of it. I've been quoted £300 for a repair. Apart from this small defect there is nothing wrong with the paint.
As mentioned white would be nice, but the red interior on my car is darker than the more vibrant Type-R interior.

I seem to be getting serious enquiries now it is on Autotrader. 3 are interested at the moment. Hopefully someone will come to view.

Since listing it for sale, not one person has come to view the car. Guess being so far up north doesn't help as most of the serious interest circulates around London. Having said that, if it was me, I would make the effort to see the car if I was genuinely interested!

03-08-2010, 09:42 AM
Love the red interior:)

03-08-2010, 12:35 PM
As we're in the mood, and surely etiquette should apply equally to existing members and new ones, also edited ;)

hi mate never knew there was a prob with my post just had a read no nowt wrong with it

welcome mate

thx amo

03-08-2010, 01:30 PM
hi mate never knew there was a prob with my post just had a read no nowt wrong with it

welcome mate

thx amo
Lack of punctation perhaps?:)

03-08-2010, 03:04 PM
[QUOTE=nakamichi;75282]Lack of punctation perhaps?:)[/QUOTE
oh well hope he edits all my posts keep him busy lol

not bad though for my 4th language

thx amo

03-08-2010, 09:57 PM
Lack of punctation perhaps?:)
oh well hope he edits all my posts keep him busy lol

not bad though for my 4th language

thx amo

Ha ha, as I originally said I only did it in the spirit of fairness and to show that we don't pick on new members.

Having said that occasional use of punctuation and the Caps key wouldn't go amiss :)



03-08-2010, 11:07 PM
Having said that occasional use of punctuation and the Caps key wouldn't go amiss :)



The occasional, looking the other way and taking the meaning rather than dissecting the sentences, would also not go amiss!

All in good spirits etc.

To some of us English is not our first, or second language, therefore we are bound to make some mistakes. Then we have members browsing on mobiles and things really get weird. In the end we are here and we try to post, albeit with our own idiosyncracies showing through. This is more than can be said for others.

Just my .2p



Nick Graves
03-08-2010, 11:20 PM
What, those who don't post, or don't possess idiosyncracies?

They can have some of mine, if they like.

03-08-2010, 11:26 PM
What, those who don't post, or don't possess idiosyncracies?

They can have some of mine, if they like.

There is a comma before the idiosyncracies. If with all your linguistic prowess you can't understand my sentence then...

Well, I'll leave it up to you to figure the next bit!

04-08-2010, 12:57 PM
hi mate never knew there was a prob with my post just had a read no nowt wrong with it

welcome mate

thx amo

Text speak doesn't count as a language and nor does talking in lollies LOL

04-08-2010, 02:51 PM
The occasional, looking the other way and taking the meaning rather than dissecting the sentences, would also not go amiss!

For the most part this is exactly what happens and it works well. In this instance a member cleaned up a new members 1st post, so I also cleaned up an existing members post in the same thread to show evenhandedness.

To some of us English is not our first, or second language, therefore we are bound to make some mistakes.

I think that as a group we're very good at welcoming non English speaking members and help them to understand and correct their linguistic errors rather than poke fun at the language they sometimes accidentally use. It's actually those English not first language guys and girls who have the most difficulty understanding other peoples poorly written posts so it's in their interest that we routinely use plain English and indeed correct language in posts.

In addition it's standard forum etiquette to use plain English, indeed most forums have rules that require posts to use plain English, do not use text speak and do not use swear words. There are actually forum filter tools for the latter two of these, perhaps we could employ them when we eventually move to the new site?

Then we have members browsing on mobiles and things really get weird. In the end we are here and we try to post, albeit with our own idiosyncracies showing through.

IMHO browsing on a mobile is fine but posting from one is a bit daft unless you're on holiday or similarly removed from a proper computer for an extended period. Even then a few minutes of care and patience would ensure that your post makes sense rather than be an unintelligible "grunt" from a mobile. It's rare that a response can't wait a few hours until you're in front of a proper keyboard?



04-08-2010, 03:05 PM
Oh crap this is turning into Ferrarichat!

04-08-2010, 04:47 PM
Oh crap this is turning into Ferrarichat!

What are you doing on there then :)


04-08-2010, 06:16 PM
What are you doing on there then :)


Same as you I think :)


Nick Graves
04-08-2010, 06:29 PM
There is a comma before the idiosyncracies. If with all your linguistic prowess you can't understand my sentence then...

Well, I'll leave it up to you to figure the next bit!

Well, I still think it's amusing.

If you don't; you gan guess the rest!


Nick Graves
04-08-2010, 06:45 PM
I think that as a group we're very good at welcoming non English speaking members and help them to understand and correct their linguistic errors rather than poke fun at the language they sometimes accidentally use. It's actually those English not first language guys and girls who have the most difficulty understanding other peoples poorly written posts so it's in their interest that we routinely use plain English and indeed correct language in posts.

Even then a few minutes of care and patience would ensure that your post makes sense rather than be an unintelligible "grunt" from a mobile. It's rare that a response can't wait a few hours until you're in front of a proper keyboard?



I agree - I can imagine that for a non-first language speaker, text-speak or whatever must making sense of it all terribly complicated.

It's not really the case here, but with many websites, it is usually the natives who are the worst offenders for typing lazy drivel and the non-natives who try the hardest to make themselves understood.

And I realise I'm just as guilty of using colloquialisms, hyperbole, understatement and profanity all in the same sentence. As well as English black humour. Which cannot help any foreign member in the slightest, either.

So generally speaking, the odd misplaced comma or drivellatious spelling may just be a 404 error between fingers & brain. Or struggling with the bizarre mixture of Franco-germanic languages which comprises English.

But txtspk cn fk rt off!

04-08-2010, 07:54 PM
Which cannot help foreign members in the slightest, either.

But txtspk cn fk rt off!

A bit oudated and un PC there, might as well call us, *** some extremely unnecessary language *** and all the rest of the BS that ignorant PIGS choose to call anyone who is a foreigner or different from them!

04-08-2010, 09:04 PM
Waaaaaaay over the top response there AR. I think it's best we draw this discussion to a close.



04-08-2010, 09:32 PM
Mark we have met before and I know that your post was in jest. Nick's was not soo much. Anyone who can use a Thesaurus can spew out verbose sentences. Also the fact that he told people who txt spk to fk off ( Amo and the new member ) was not nice and I have yet to read any replies regarding that.

One rule for one and one for the other?

Bullying, xenophobia and racism need to be stamped out IMHO.

04-08-2010, 10:27 PM
Where's that popcorn smiley?

Forum messages, like texts, are often misinterpreted and their intended meaning skewed by many different readers. I doubt Nick meant any harm although I can see how his post potentially offends on two counts. We're all friends here... In case this goes further though, or gets out of hand, I'll log back in tomorrow with a glass of vino to catch any fireworks.

Forums just wouldn't be right without a bit of banter and tbh we don't get much on here!


04-08-2010, 10:34 PM
Where's that popcorn smiley?

This one?

Or a fireworks smiley too...


04-08-2010, 10:39 PM

04-08-2010, 10:58 PM
I am all for getting along.

Silver Surfer
04-08-2010, 11:07 PM
We can all share...:)


Nick Graves
04-08-2010, 11:26 PM
Read the previous sentence; it was meant ironically!

God, anyone would think this was a German car forum...

I'll get me coat.

05-08-2010, 05:39 AM
Sudesh - I find picture 2 offensive and sexist



PS - Only joking :laugh::laugh:

05-08-2010, 06:54 AM

Posting from my phone so apologies if this becomes a 'grunt'! I have done a bit of editing. I don't usually need to but I'm not reading racist terms on here for amy reason. Ary, if Nick is guilty of irony, a hard piece of humour to convey in writing, then you are guilty of over reaction, again.

I see no hint of racism on this forum, we welcome foreign members, arrange meets with them and communicate in mixed languages even at times. The use of text speak is one that bar Amo probably everyone finds either hard to read, or a bit odd looking. No body is taught to write English that way, it's an extension of the way some of us younger members communicate. Personally I find it amusing reading Amo's posts, lol is used as punctuation half the time, but it isn't the clearest way to communicate, which I think is where this whole thread was going.

Turning this into a racist issue is just another case of looking for an argument - maybe you're bored, but I'd suggest you might think about counting to 10 sometimes!

If anyone on a PC wants to edit this, please feel free :-)



05-08-2010, 07:18 AM
The use of text speak is one that bar Amo probably everyone finds either hard to read, or a bit odd looking. No body is taught to write English that way, it's an extension of the way some of us younger members communicate. Personally I find it amusing reading Amo's posts, lol is used as punctuation half the time, but it isn't the clearest way to communicate, which I think is where this whole thread was going.

Turning this into a racist issue is just another case of looking for an argument - maybe you're bored, but I'd suggest you might think about counting to 10 sometimes!

Agree 100% (which Matt and I don't always do) - text speak on forums is both divisive (as it's creating/using a new 'language' that only certain people are party to), and it also makes posts harder to read and less elegant - it's not exactly hard work to type out proper words, esp. on a proper keyboard.

IMHO* it's also lazy. And I consider myself a 'younger member' (read that however you want... ;) ).

BTW - Anyone who takes one of Nick's posts completely at face-value is doing both him and themselves a disservice. ;)

* Internet acronyms are another matter for discussion - they 'look' less offensive than text-speak but carry the other problems of divisiveness. That said, acronyms are a part of everyday life (unlike 'txt'), so I think it's a little less of an issue for people - we're used to 'getting' acronyms.

05-08-2010, 08:58 AM

Posting from my phone so apologies if this becomes a 'grunt'! I have done a bit of editing. I don't usually need to but I'm not reading racist terms on here for amy reason. Ary, if Nick is guilty of irony, a hard piece of humour to convey in writing, then you are guilty of over reaction, again.

I see no hint of racism on this forum, we welcome foreign members, arrange meets with them and communicate in mixed languages even at times. The use of text speak is one that bar Amo probably everyone finds either hard to read, or a bit odd looking. No body is taught to write English that way, it's an extension of the way some of us younger members communicate. Personally I find it amusing reading Amo's posts, lol is used as punctuation half the time, but it isn't the clearest way to communicate, which I think is where this whole thread was going.

Turning this into a racist issue is just another case of looking for an argument - maybe you're bored, but I'd suggest you might think about counting to 10 sometimes!

If anyone on a PC wants to edit this, please feel free :-)



Matt the point is that nothing seems to matter until it touches a nerve. I once posted a funny picture and was made to take it down, I saw the point.

I am not bored I just like to call things by their names.

If I am hard working, tax paying law abiding member of society, why should I let anyone refer to me as, Johnny Foreigner.

05-08-2010, 09:17 AM

Posting from my phone so apologies if this becomes a 'grunt'! I have done a bit of editing. I don't usually need to but I'm not reading racist terms on here for amy reason. Ary, if Nick is guilty of irony, a hard piece of humour to convey in writing, then you are guilty of over reaction, again.



Matt, so Johnny Foreigner is OK for Nick to use even when some of us find it offensive?

05-08-2010, 09:18 AM
Agree 100% (which Matt and I don't always do) - text speak on forums is both divisive (as it's creating/using a new 'language' that only certain people are party to), and it also makes posts harder to read and less elegant - it's not exactly hard work to type out proper words, esp. on a proper keyboard.

Perhaps new forum rules neeed to be made.

Editing another poster reply for punctuation and grammar ( note I did not include language ), unless you are their English teacher, is just too demeaning.

A simple private message letting the person know might work out better, for both parties.

05-08-2010, 09:55 AM
BTW Matt, I believe you have my number, I don't have yours but if I did I will no doubt call you and get this resolved. It seems that since "that time", anytime that I defend myself or my beliefs, I am wrong in your eyes.

05-08-2010, 10:17 AM
I think it's just a Pistonhead hangover, any grammar correction is cheered over there.
Not that keen on text speak but what can you do, kids eh.. :laugh:

05-08-2010, 10:50 AM
Perhaps new forum rules neeed to be made.

I don't think so.

Forums tend to be quite good at self-moderating (the only exception to which being 'cliques', which tend to include Forum Admins/Moderators anyway, so very difficult to get rid of), and any behaviour which is too far outside of 'the accepted norm' will get criticised openly - the 'offending' (note quote marks) party will realise that behaviour is not tolerated and they will either toe the line or find another forum.

Now in some ways that is a little 'country club', particularly where you have a small and often-conservative group such as NSX owners. But equally those passionate enough about the forum/subject (NSX) will stay and 'fight' (debate) their corner, and a new 'accepted norm' will evolve. The trick is in everyone being open-minded enough and respectful enough (tricky when using text only, as it's easy to mis-interpret) to try and find the right balance.

Inappropriate rules will only piss people off and get ignored anyway (speed limits?!?).

05-08-2010, 11:24 AM
I find loads of stuff I read on the internet and in books,mags etc.offensive but I just ignore it.The alternative is to get into a war other something relatively unimportant in the grand scheme of schemes.
Let it go:)

05-08-2010, 12:01 PM
i dont think i harm any1 if i put some words in text speak dont think its that bad the ppl here who have a prob with it can ring me or pm me every1 has my number
until you have been there you cant say its not offensive half of the population think its ok to say some think in jest but it is NOT
and no you should never just ignore it nip it in the bud as sson as it starts some of you might find the old comdy films funny but there racist
iv been there had so much shhit in school but now if some1 says some think ill take revenge as in puplic or not i dont see why someone should put up with it

if ppl dont like how i speak on here then ill be off

text speak is they way some of us speak some ppl need to get off there high english horse and get on with it its not english classes here

and yes lets chill im the first to chill but when its wrong its wrong

thx amo

05-08-2010, 12:23 PM
That said, acronyms are a part of everyday life (unlike 'txt'),
I can't say i agree with this.I don't use text speak myself,as i too think it's lazy,but spend some time browsing on facebook and you will see that the younger generation use it all the time.It may not be correct english,but i can't see it going away anytime soon,so we may as well get used to it.



Nick Graves
05-08-2010, 01:05 PM
Matt the point is that nothing seems to matter until it touches a nerve. I once posted a funny picture and was made to take it down, I saw the point.

I am not bored I just like to call things by their names.

If I am hard working, tax paying law abiding member of society, why should I let anyone refer to me as, Johnny Foreigner.

I wasn't referring specifically to you as Johnny Foreigner; a dated term (I think from war-time) resurrected by Harry Enfield, for anyone 'non-British'. If that's racist, then so are border controls, currency, nationhood, "german" cars, etc etc.

There are many british people from all sorts of backgrounds. Any many non-nationals working here, whose English is certainly better than a lot of the natives; some of whom use text-speak because they actually know no better. If a forum such as this can help those improve, then so much the better.

If you inferred that it was pointed at you, then perhaps you are being over-sensitive. Or reading the thread again, maybe looking for something by which to be offended?

05-08-2010, 01:43 PM
Matt the point is that nothing seems to matter until it touches a nerve. I once posted a funny picture and was made to take it down, I saw the point.

I am not bored I just like to call things by their names.

If I am hard working, tax paying law abiding member of society, why should I let anyone refer to me as, JF.

OK, point taken over the JF comment Ary, sorry. I had not appreciated the meaning of it - it is not a term I was aware of. I have edited that too now. Calling things by their names is not always best, and I strongly believe from behind a keyboard people can be far too quick to react. If you will say you react that quickly in real life I would suggest you may have a short temper? Again, that is fine but on a forum it can appear confrontational and threatening.

Matt, so JF is OK for Nick to use even when some of us find it offensive?

See above, no it's not.

Perhaps new forum rules need to be made.

Editing another poster reply for punctuation and grammar ( note I did not include language ), unless you are their English teacher, is just too demeaning.

A simple private message letting the person know might work out better, for both parties.

I think this was taken totally out of context, and has been made to be something it wasn't. If the OP cares about his post being corrected he can tell us. I don't think he does from reading this thread.

BTW Matt, I believe you have my number, I don't have yours but if I did I will no doubt call you and get this resolved. It seems that since "that time", anytime that I defend myself or my beliefs, I am wrong in your eyes.

Ary I do not have your number. If you wanted to call me to resolve this I would in all honesty find it odd. This is the internet, and our paths have never, and are never likely to cross, therefore that fact you seem to think I have a problem with you shouldn't matter. For the record I don't, and your continuing to believe I victimise you is quite frankly tiring. You more often than not in these circumstance 'call things by their names', and I don't think that is always appropriate. Consequently from time to time I have to step in, mainly in the hope they won't escalate further as they have in the past, you and I being one example and the distasteful episode with Reg another.

Defend your beliefs by all means, but chose the way you do so more carefully perhaps. Confrontation is a part of life that I prefer to be saved for times when it matters most. A car forum should not fall into this category, all it does is cause some of the more reserved members to stop contributing. If you have a problem with someone or their post, do as you have suggested above and report it. I have defended you via moderation in the past, and will always do so if it is appropriate. Don't turn this into something about you and me, if you do so you are ignoring the fact that there are other members that disagree with you here. I just don't want any of the language on this post earlier associated with NSXCB.



05-08-2010, 03:00 PM
i dont think i harm any1 if i put some words in text speak dont think its that bad the ppl here who have a prob with it can ring me or pm me every1 has my number
until you have been there you cant say its not offensive half of the population think its ok to say some think in jest but it is NOT
and no you should never just ignore it nip it in the bud as sson as it starts some of you might find the old comdy films funny but there racist
iv been there had so much shhit in school but now if some1 says some think ill take revenge as in puplic or not i dont see why someone should put up with it

if ppl dont like how i speak on here then ill be off

text speak is they way some of us speak some ppl need to get off there high english horse and get on with it its not english classes here

THAT is really hard to read, sorry chap. And my perspective on it is that if someone can't be bothered to type properly in a communication with me, then I probably can't be bothered with them. Nothing personal, I just don't like having to translate someone's reply before I can understand it - I'll make allowances for those who speak/write English as a 2nd language, or who are dyslexic, but 'txt spk' is just laziness...

And please don't refer to the likes of Farcebook and YouTube as examples of what we should be following - they're far from it! Oh - and I think you'll find it's more like 5-10% of the population at most, not half. Answer me this - can you HONESTLY imagine using 'txt spk' in an e-mail at work, even with a colleague? Or on a communication to a company supplying you with goods/services?

Final point - do bear in mind that, on the internet, what you write and how you write it is the only way people have to judge what sort of a person you are. So in the same way that wearing jeans that start below your arse and tons of gangsta-gold is not going to win you any respect with your average man-in-the-street, so 'txt spk' and threats of 'revenge' are not going to win you respect on here...

BTW - I think Matt has been very fair and patient on here, more so than I would have been. And other comments haven't been aimed directly at you yet you've taken umbrage anyway. Please ditch the 'offended party' act before it backfires on you any further, eh?!? Matt's offered an olive-branch to AR, maybe that's a good reason to wind this whole debate up and draw a line under it, before there's any unpleasantness...

05-08-2010, 03:18 PM
Defend your beliefs by all means, but chose the way you do so more carefully perhaps. Confrontation is a part of life that I prefer to be saved for times when it matters most. A car forum should not fall into this category, all it does is cause some of the more reserved members to stop contributing. If you have a problem with someone or their post, do as you have suggested above and report it. I have defended you via moderation in the past, and will always do so if it is appropriate. Don't turn this into something about you and me, if you do so you are ignoring the fact that there are other members that disagree with you here. I just don't want any of the language on this post earlier associated with NSXCB.



Well Matt thank you for editing his post.

I harbour no animosity towards you. You know that I have always looked out for possible troublemakers, scammers etc and reported that to you.

I too hope that NSXCB never again takes on Bernard Manning approach to humour.

Once again I harbour no animosity towards you.



05-08-2010, 03:22 PM
think we should all stop here before we get mad at each other

thats me
thx amo

05-08-2010, 03:26 PM
BTW - I think Matt has been very fair and patient on here, more so than I would have been...

But it so hapopens that Matt is the moderator, and he seems to have solve the issue to everyones satisfaction.

Please ditch the 'offended party' act before it backfires on you any further, eh?!? ...

How dare you question another members feelings! How can you possibly know how offended he is?

Matt's offered an olive-branch to AR, maybe that's a good reason to wind this whole debate up and draw a line under it, before there's any unpleasantness

Is that a veiled threat?

05-08-2010, 03:36 PM
Oh jeez, another one. :rolleyes:

Give it up. Please. No-one is threatening you, or insulting you, or being racist/etc. You are deliberately trying to provoke something and it's tiresome to the rest of us.

- If you really feel that offended and unwelcome here, then leave - it's an internet forum, you don't HAVE to come here at all.
- If you're really that insecure, get some help.
- If you're really in need of that much attention, then go and talk to your parents and ask them why they've made you that way.
- ...or if you're just trolling, then stop, as you're only going to lose yourself both friends and respect on here.

Matt - can I suggest maybe closing/deleting this thread - I don't think any useful purpose can be served now by keeping it.

Nick Graves
05-08-2010, 03:56 PM
Well Matt thank you for editing his post.

I harbour no animosity towards you. You know that I have always looked out for possible troublemakers, scammers etc...


Funnily enough, so have I.


05-08-2010, 04:12 PM
i think you need to read just what you have written
now your getting out of hand sorry mate but looks like your a bit of a bully here
thx amo

Oh jeez, another one. :rolleyes:

Give it up. Please. No-one is threatening you, or insulting you, or being racist/etc. You are deliberately trying to provoke something and it's tiresome to the rest of us.

- If you really feel that offended and unwelcome here, then leave - it's an internet forum, you don't HAVE to come here at all.
- If you're really that insecure, get some help.
- If you're really in need of that much attention, then go and talk to your parents and ask them why they've made you that way.
- ...or if you're just trolling, then stop, as you're only going to lose yourself both friends and respect on here.

Matt - can I suggest maybe closing/deleting this thread - I don't think any useful purpose can be served now by keeping it.

05-08-2010, 04:39 PM
Normally I'd suggest closing this thread, but recently I'm looking at things a little differently.
If the part time moderator closes this thread, it's really the easy option. I say let it reach it's own conclusion.
Let it burn itself out. It's too late to turn back now. Embrace the uncertain and run with it.
Get offended, be misunderstood. Bring it on.



05-08-2010, 04:48 PM
Embrace the uncertain and run with it.
Get offended, be misunderstood. Bring it on.



James, can I have some of those drugs when you're done mate! ;)

Amo - bully, no - not now, never will be. Blunt, yes - always have been, usually try and tone it down so as not to offend.

I don't like people twisting words and playing the victim, and there are two people on this thread who from my perspective are full of it. So I've given up being politically correct and am now speaking my mind. I suggest you take a long look at your recent posts and work out where you started to go wrong...meanwhile I'll stand by every word I've written.

I'm off to find something more interesting to do now...tired of this sh't.

05-08-2010, 05:38 PM
Oh jeez, another one. :rolleyes:

Give it up. Please. No-one is threatening you, or insulting you, or being racist/etc. You are deliberately trying to provoke something and it's tiresome to the rest of us.

- If you really feel that offended and unwelcome here, then leave - it's an internet forum, you don't HAVE to come here at all.
- If you're really that insecure, get some help.
- If you're really in need of that much attention, then go and talk to your parents and ask them why they've made you that way.
- ...or if you're just trolling, then stop, as you're only going to lose yourself both friends and respect on here.

Matt - can I suggest maybe closing/deleting this thread - I don't think any useful purpose can be served now by keeping it.

Stop suggesting to Matt what to do! He is charged and will do as he sees fit.

How long you've been here? What have you contributed? Have you helped make this forum what it is in any way shape or form.

Stop using the "US" bit to try to put everyone weight behind you.

Stop pretendidng to be a moderator.

With regards to provoking etc, you need to look at the mirror.

05-08-2010, 05:43 PM

James, can I have some of those drugs when you're done mate! ;)

Amo - bully, no - not now, never will be. Blunt, yes - always have been, usually try and tone it down so as not to offend.

I don't like people twisting words and playing the victim, and there are two people on this thread who from my perspective are full of it. So I've given up being politically correct and am now speaking my mind. I suggest you take a long look at your recent posts and work out where you started to go wrong...meanwhile I'll stand by every word I've written.

I'm off to find something more interesting to do now...tired of this sh't.

Wow so now you managed to offend 3 members in 1 post!

05-08-2010, 05:55 PM
OOH, GUNS,GUNS,GUNS (robocop fans will understand :D )

05-08-2010, 06:25 PM
This is the internet, and our paths have never, and are never likely to cross,




Can our paths cross at some point - I need engine cover!!



Silver Surfer
05-08-2010, 09:40 PM
Maybe I shouldn't have edited the OP post?!......:eek:

I wish I had a TARDIS ..I may have prevented this conflict..no?

SS :cantlook:

05-08-2010, 10:05 PM
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO You may have never know about "Lene" then


Maybe I shouldn't have edited the OP post?!......:eek:

I wish I had a TARDIS ..I may have prevented this conflict..no?

SS :cantlook:

06-08-2010, 06:14 AM
THAT is really hard to read, sorry chap. And my perspective on it is that if someone can't be bothered to type properly in a communication with me, then I probably can't be bothered with them. Nothing personal, I just don't like having to translate someone's reply before I can understand it - I'll make allowances for those who speak/write English as a 2nd language, or who are dyslexic, but 'txt spk' is just laziness...

There is a function on the forum that enables you to "ignore" other people's posts... they simply will no longer appear. If anyone has a problem with people or the way they post then they should do that.

Whether people want to come on here and write in text speak, perfect english half translated french or a combination of all three it's up to them and they should be welcomed. There is a huge diversity of people out there and if they want to contribute (in a postive way) then they should be welcomed. If you don't like someone's writing style then don't read it, there's certainly no reason to attack it; it's not aimed directly at you but at anyone that wishes to read it.

There are a few cases of pots calling kettles black in this thread, maybe a quick re-read of one's posts before hitting the submit button would be in order if you think it's likely to offend.

This is the most action this forum's seen in a while though, there is a b*tch and moan section though so maybe it should be kept to there rather than a new member post... think what sort of example we're setting to these youthful new members;)


06-08-2010, 08:38 AM
Maybe I shouldn't have edited the OP post?!......:eek:

I wish I had a TARDIS ..I may have prevented this conflict..no?

SS :cantlook:

Yeah it's all your fault... and mine :)

I wish I could work out how to use all the posh smiley icon things you boys and girls (and hermaphrodites) use? I'd have used one of those "Razz" ones there if I did ;)



06-08-2010, 08:49 AM
If we've all calmed down now, can we have some more pictures of hot women from Amo please?


06-08-2010, 08:57 AM
Sorry, I meant Sudesh !!! But if you've got any Amo ??


06-08-2010, 03:44 PM
lol ya got plenty will have to get to my laptop when my wifes away shes a killer

thx amo

06-08-2010, 04:02 PM
have this one on me

Nick Graves
06-08-2010, 04:48 PM
lol ya got plenty will have to get to my laptop when my wifes away shes a killer

thx amo

I understood that one and it made me lol, too!


06-08-2010, 09:31 PM
Sorry, I meant Sudesh !!! But if you've got any Amo ??

Well I'm quite partial to anything Eva Mendes


Maggie Q
