View Full Version : Decent alignment garage in the south west?

m666 edd
20-08-2010, 04:30 PM
Anyone know of a garage that can do full alignment in the South West? I normally go to a place in Paignton but haven't taken the nsx there yet.

20-08-2010, 08:19 PM
Protyre in Exeter (Marsh Barton) are pretty reasonable.



m666 edd
21-08-2010, 10:20 AM
Nah wouldn't let them near one of my cars again after the last time I used them.

21-08-2010, 12:47 PM
Nah wouldn't let them near one of my cars again after the last time I used them.

So what happened?



m666 edd
21-08-2010, 02:04 PM
Not that interesting really and it was about 4 years ago mind...

I had brought along 4 alloys and just to buy tyres and for them to fit them. They said we can fit/swap your wheels over as well if you like (I was going to fit them myself later). I said ok then.

Pretty much every guy who worked there seemed to be watching for this 'event' and giving all of the 'expert' opinions about how they stick out too far. "I used to do MOTs and this would fail". Just generally trying to find a problems with them.

I knew they fit fine as I research things thoroughly before I buy them and had seen / spoken to someone who had done the same setup. It was tight but I knew they'd fit.

I just didn't like their attitude of we know more than you etc. All I wanted was for them to fit the tyres and not all their opinions.