View Full Version : How many NA1's & NA2's in the UK

29-09-2010, 10:19 PM
Does anyone know how many of each model exist in the UK ?

Or does a UK registry already exists ?
I often wonder what happened to my 2002 Red NA2...........

29-09-2010, 10:27 PM
Simon I think has good details on this, but have a scan through this link


Does anyone know how many of each model exist in the UK ?

Or does a UK registry already exists ?
I often wonder what happened to my 2002 Red NA2...........

29-09-2010, 10:35 PM
Another interesting thread for you Richy


30-09-2010, 01:02 AM
Looking through those numbers again it's interesting to note that Facelift NA2's outnumber Pop-up NA2's by almost 2 to 1!



NSX 2000
30-09-2010, 08:26 AM
Looking through those numbers again it's interesting to note that Facelift NA2's outnumber Pop-up NA2's by almost 2 to 1!



Hi Mark

I think you'll find that this is due to a couple of reasons but the main one being the price, IIRC the list price of W2 NSX (This car was sold in March or April 2000) was over £70K, I seem to remember seeing an invoice for Seventy one thousand and something. The Targa was even more! When at the same time you could get a Porsche 911 for £60k! or a Lotus Esprit for less than £60K This is why in 2002 with the launch of the fixed headlight NSX they reduced the price by £10k.


30-09-2010, 09:02 AM
Hi Mark

I think you'll find that this is due to a couple of reasons but the main one being the price, IIRC the list price of W2 NSX (This car was sold in March or April 2000) was over £70K, I seem to remember seeing an invoice for Seventy one thousand and something. T........

Ditto Y1, which cost over £71k in April 2001.

NSX 2000
30-09-2010, 10:06 AM
Ditto Y1, which cost over £71k in April 2001.

Compare this to a 911(996) Targa list price of £62,557 in 2001, or a V8 Esprit Turbo GT for £52,680 and even the Esprit Sport 350 only cost £64,950! Or an M5 for £55,515, You can see why they didn't sell a lot :no:

30-09-2010, 06:31 PM
Compare this to a 911(996) Targa list price of £62,557 in 2001, or a V8 Esprit Turbo GT for £52,680 and even the Esprit Sport 350 only cost £64,950! Or an M5 for £55,515, You can see why they didn't sell a lot :no:

How many of these cars would realisticly sell at that price though?
By the time you add the usual options (To match an NSX spec) I would suspect the prices to be much closer and probably more expensive in the case of the 911!


Nick Graves
30-09-2010, 07:39 PM
How many of these cars would realisticly sell at that price though?
By the time you add the usual options (To match an NSX spec) I would suspect the prices to be much closer and probably more expensive in the case of the 911!


I agree, though price alone wasn't the reason for the NSX's disastrous sales in Yerp.

A combination of press bias (cf. US test reports) badge snobbery and the apparently glacial pace of development meant it was either ignored, or more likely forgotten by then.

The price cut & facelift certainly helped, but too little, too late.

30-09-2010, 08:03 PM
The silver lining to all this is that we own a car that is assured the title of 'classic and iconic car'.
If Honda had made 17 squillion NSX's it would just be another worthless Japanese performance car like the Supra, 300ZX, Skyline etc etc
I know it is in a different league to these type of cars but it is it's rarity and hence its value that stops it becoming another 'Fast and Furious' lime green be-spoilered rice rocket the others have turned into.

I for one am glad Honda did a crap job of pricing and marketing the car.....Hooray :-)

30-09-2010, 08:19 PM
part of me agrees with this observation, but from a Honda perspective they put so much time and energy into this car and it did not receive the attention it deserved due to the badge snobbery. :no:

on the flip side totally 100% agree that she did not turn into the run of the mill Honda 'chav-ed up to no end' and 1000's of them lining the streets. When they are seen they are admired as a super car should be, and uncommon as a super car should be. Its people like us who appreciate the car and know quality when we see it! I have always hankered after an NSX and i still pinch myself when i come home everyday from work and see her ... an amazing vehicle for sure :cool:

The silver lining to all this is that we own a car that is assured the title of 'classic and iconic car'.
If Honda had made 17 squillion NSX's it would just be another worthless Japanese performance car like the Supra, 300ZX, Skyline etc etc
I know it is in a different league to these type of cars but it is it's rarity and hence its value that stops it becoming another 'Fast and Furious' lime green be-spoilered rice rocket the others have turned into.

I for one am glad Honda did a crap job of pricing and marketing the car.....Hooray :-)

30-09-2010, 08:24 PM
I think it depends on how you look at it! If you take in Japan/US and Europe as a whole there were quite a few NSX's sold.

Same story for the 300ZX/Supra/3000GT

If you look today, there are not allot of genuine UK versions of those cars available and not allot sold in there days either. I also think there fault was high price and badge snobbery, obviously not as expensive as the NSX but still expensive enough to make sales small.

A UK TT Supra today is a pretty rare car also and command fairly good money for high mileage cars.

The reason why the market then became flooded was due to imports, the 300ZX/3000GT-GTO and Supra where imported in great numbers back in the day when it was viable and why you possibly see quite a few now.

The NSX was and still is a very expensive car in Japan so it was imported in very VERY small numbers. I dare say the NSX has and will always command more money in Asia that anywhere else in the world.

The silver lining to all this is that we own a car that is assured the title of 'classic and iconic car'.
If Honda had made 17 squillion NSX's it would just be another worthless Japanese performance car like the Supra, 300ZX, Skyline etc etc
I know it is in a different league to these type of cars but it is it's rarity and hence its value that stops it becoming another 'Fast and Furious' lime green be-spoilered rice rocket the others have turned into.

I for one am glad Honda did a crap job of pricing and marketing the car.....Hooray :-)

30-09-2010, 11:30 PM
There are (as at 10 Sept 2010) 394 NSXs registered in the UK (all variants, data from DVLA/DVLANI):

* 331 active cars (320 GB + 11 NI)
* 63 SORN cars (62 GB + 1 NI)
* 394 total cars (382 GB + 12 NI)

So, a net loss of almost 20% from the 491 (iirc) UK cars originally sold, being the net effect of imports less exports and scrap losses.


Now then, who's got all these sorn cars, and when are they going to sell me one?

01-10-2010, 08:38 AM
I for one am glad Honda did a crap job of pricing and marketing the car.....Hooray :-)

The rarity of the car is one of the (many) things which attracts me to it.

However I believe that even at £71k+ Honda were loosing money on every car sold....or is this just an urban myth?

Nick Graves
01-10-2010, 10:38 AM
There's an elephant of truth in that, like all urban myths.

The car was calculated to make a profit at about 3,000 units, so in its early years it probaly went some way toward recouping the development costs.

In later years when it sold merely 1,000 units, it probably was costing them money. It certainly caused its successor to be cancelled, or even my proposed 'NA3' version.

That's a simplified explanation; fixed & variable & semi-variable cost analysis would send to to sleep!

Nick Graves
01-10-2010, 10:40 AM
Oh and yes, the car's abject failure makes it all the rarer and more exclusive to me, too.

When Ferraris & Porsches almost seem as overbought and Audis & BMWs and all the other rep fodder...

m666 edd
01-10-2010, 11:00 AM
If the car was more common I probably wouldn't have one now. I bought it because it wasn't depreciating amongst other things.

01-10-2010, 11:22 AM
I compiled the attached from all the available data including Simon's register details on this site. The MOT data are the most thorough.


01-10-2010, 05:30 PM
Only 13 NA2 targas known, which would extrapolate to ~20 such cars in the UK?!? That's a rare cookie...

02-10-2010, 08:05 AM
How many 3.2 targas do you see come up for sale? :D
The last manual, facelifted -T that was listed for sale, I bought it... and that was 2.5 years ago!

02-10-2010, 10:58 AM
Only 13 NA2 targas known, which would extrapolate to ~20 such cars in the UK?!? That's a rare cookie...

Probably because it's mostly real men that buy NSX's ;)


02-10-2010, 09:03 PM
Probably because it's mostly real men that buy NSX's ;)


Yeah...how many hairdresser could afford a £60k car, eh?!?

:Runs and hides:

02-10-2010, 09:38 PM

Yeah...how many hairdresser could afford a £60k car, eh?!?

:Runs and hides:

Apparently just over 1 in 4 of us :laugh:



02-10-2010, 09:46 PM
The Hoff drove a targa lol

03-10-2010, 01:46 PM
My guest before seeing the offivcial DVLA figures was 400 , so not far off from 394. Still surprise how few theres left in the UK!