View Full Version : Winter Sleeping.

10-11-2010, 01:41 PM
As it's getting to point where i'm thinking of putting the NSX to bed for the winter, and not had one during winter before. Just wondering if anyone had any pointers.

Current plan is to start it once a week and drive it up and down the drive once a week, just to make sure it continues to start and hopefully nothing seizes.

But if anyone with more experience has more suggestions that would be great.



10-11-2010, 01:46 PM
Current plan is to start it once a week and drive it up and down the drive once a week, just to make sure it continues to start and hopefully nothing seizes.
Not a good idea. One owner started the car for 1 minute from time to time and got problems the next spring.
Just let it sit and turn the crankshaft clockwise every 2-4 weeks like I do. If you're picky change the oil and top off the fuel tank before the storage.

10-11-2010, 01:55 PM
No need to start once a week, either remove the battery and put on a trickle charger/conditioner or leave it in the car with the charger connected.

I have a draper BC8A Automatic and has served me well the past few years.

Other things that can be done is to put the car on axel stands and remove the wheels, but personally I dont think think this really needs to be done unless your leaving it stored for a year or more.

If you are storing for the winter in a cold climate, inflate tyres to proper pressure, check the manual for proper pressures.

Consider placing a sheet of vapor barrier plastic under the car on the floor if being stored indoors. This will prevent water vapor buildup in an unheated garage, and also makes it very easy to spot fluid leaks when the car is removed from storage.

Open a window slightly if stored indoors, but not enough to allow small animals inside.

Leave the handbrake off

There are other things that can be done but depends on the length of time the car will be sitting, where its stored and so on.

As it's getting to point where i'm thinking of putting the NSX to bed for the winter, and not had one during winter before. Just wondering if anyone had any pointers.

Current plan is to start it once a week and drive it up and down the drive once a week, just to make sure it continues to start and hopefully nothing seizes.

But if anyone with more experience has more suggestions that would be great.



10-11-2010, 02:07 PM
Thanks for the advise Sudesh.

As far to where it could be stored, i've got a choice of a car port or outside. Garage isnt really an option at the moment as it's got structural issues.

Going on that fact i presume car port would be better option? Though i presume if end up storing it outside then a decent car cover would do the job.

By the sounds of it, taking the battery out would be the better option. I dont suppose you've any knowledge of car alarms? As mine has a toad fitted, and wondering if it would lose all it's settings if i take the battery out.


10-11-2010, 02:25 PM
If storing outside/carport then I wouldnt leave the window open for safety reasons, also for safety reasons, I wouldnt remove the battery as this will obviously cancel out your security and possibly your insurance company would have something to say if [god forbid] the car went missing!!

So personally I would get a trickle charger, best method of installing is to connect it from underneath the car.

I.E: remove the spare wheel [if you still have it] connect charger to battery, leave charger body on the flat frame [where spare wheel sits]
drop the plug under the car and plug into single lead extension plug.

I prefer to make up my own single lead extensions as it keeps things neater and unlike coiled up extensions, you dont have to worry about overheating or melting if you dont roll out the whole thing!!

Car cover would be good for outdoors/carport type storage.

I would also stuff the exhaust pipes up with a rag or sponge to prevent any creatures or small animals getting in! You can also remove wiper blades to stop them sticking to the screen and remember to cover the wiper arm ends so they dont scratch the window.

10-11-2010, 02:48 PM
Cheers Sudesh.

I'll do some investigation, but might come back with another question or two.

But thanks for your help.


10-11-2010, 03:09 PM
If you're using a car cover make sure it's breathable, otherwise you're just sealing in moisture & problems! A better proposition is a good carnuba wax (or polish if your paint has deteriorated) and a steam clean followed by protectant underneath.

To my mind, you still want to be driving the car properly (operating temps & pressures, valves/plenums/pumps opening fully, etc) once in a while. Do not just idle it and move it to and fro, you're going to coke it up that way. Having just driven some glorius Glens in the november snows, I would say that the NSX can be superb fun on wintry roads and will keep your skills and car familiarity sharp - besides, if there isn't salt on the road the car doesn't really care that it's winter.

Finally, you can buy honking great wads of silica gel cheaply on t'internet - if you are laying the car up, then stick em everywhere, and do your leather interior with decent (equestrian quality) dubbin to keep it sweet.

Only 4 1/2 months til British Summer Time! :)

10-11-2010, 04:46 PM
my advice... put the car under the carport, battery connected and all tucked up nicely. make sure you have antifreeze in it. on the winters mornings, if it looks bright and crisp, go out to the carport, get in the nsx and go for a drive.

If it's a foot under snow, you'll probably be better off leaving it for the day, rest assured that the snow will act as an insulating barrier to further snow.

if it's outside anyway, you might just as well enjoy driving it!

10-11-2010, 05:15 PM

she will be grand mate! Its a Honda!

my advice... put the car under the carport, battery connected and all tucked up

if it's outside anyway, you might just as well enjoy driving it!

10-11-2010, 05:17 PM
BTW mate, when am i getting the invite to get to see this NSX of yours? :eek:

Jee whizz, talk about having to wait for it! ;)

get your finger out!

Having just driven some glorius Glens in the november snows, I would say that the NSX can be superb fun on wintry roads and will keep your skills and car familiarity sharp

10-11-2010, 08:51 PM
BTW mate, when am i getting the invite to get to see this NSX of yours? :eek:

Jee whizz, talk about having to wait for it! ;)

get your finger out!

Arrived back in the country this evening. Have just sat down after cleaning the motor... so, this weekend? :eek:

10-11-2010, 10:16 PM
right bud i will try and organise something with you for sure. Can't wait!


my car heads off for paintwork on fri, so unfortuantely wont be able to let the 2 ladies meet! :(

Arrived back in the country this evening. Have just sat down after cleaning the motor... so, this weekend? :eek:

10-11-2010, 10:33 PM
You like a kid waiting for santa when it comes to all things NSX lol

Leave it to next weekend and I'll meet up with you guys or you two can come to mine?

right bud i will try and organise something with you for sure. Can't wait!


my car heads off for paintwork on fri, so unfortuantely wont be able to let the 2 ladies meet! :(

10-11-2010, 11:03 PM
Next weekend could work - will your car be done by then nobs???

10-11-2010, 11:57 PM
Next weekend could work - will your car be done by then nobs???

Maybe end of year, first time mini meet at mine? With a free mini health check!!

I know some of the real fussy guys wont go lol But I could ask a few other local owners and possibly get a friend to come along with his wide arch NSX, not seen on the forum yet!

Probably best to make a new thread too if we do decide lol As I think we may have hijacked this one enough lol

11-11-2010, 08:44 AM
Hijack over. Mini-meet thread here http://www.nsxcb.co.uk/testvb/showthread.php?t=8480

11-11-2010, 12:44 PM
YES, apologies to original poster for going in here all guns blazing! :(

Hope you got your answers anyways!

Good luck in whatever you decide to do

Hijack over. Mini-meet thread here http://www.nsxcb.co.uk/testvb/showthread.php?t=8480

11-11-2010, 01:19 PM
I'm planning to use mine as a daily over the winter, unless things get too heinous. It's perhaps not an ideal winter car, but it's more ideal than an Elise! :)