View Full Version : any Traders on here? re: shorts vs. longs

07-12-2010, 10:36 AM
Just curious... been in a pitted battle over the past couple months.

the Long camp against the most heavily shorted Nasdaq listed, China plc's. something like 3.5M or 30% of their shares out to the Shorts -don't laugh at the foolishness too loudly, please. ;)

Anyway, It's been a crazy circus. Fascinating how the advent of Share specific Blog-forums has changed the dynamic,support and most importantly the information flow to individuals...

Being on the receiving end of determined and well executed Short attacks has been enlightening.

it's one of the best dramas, I've ever tuned in to!

NSX 2000
07-12-2010, 11:00 AM
Not sure about actual "Traders" but their are a few who work in the city, including an NSX owner who is a partner at Goldman Sachs.


07-12-2010, 11:07 AM
If its who I think it is, I didnt think he was a partner there anymore?

Not sure about actual "Traders" but their are a few who work in the city, including an NSX owner who is a partner at Goldman Sachs.


07-12-2010, 11:50 AM
and most importantly the information flow to individuals...

Misinformation, surely?

NSX 2000
07-12-2010, 03:56 PM
If its who I think it is, I didnt think he was a partner there anymore?

The one I'm talking about was still there in July. So that was 6 months ago.

NSX 2000
07-12-2010, 04:02 PM
Misinformation, surely?

That's the problem with the internet, you can get some right wierdo's posting real crap only to lead you up the garden path :D

07-12-2010, 04:34 PM
Heya Noel,

I hear what you are saying and there is plenty of that. But also quite a few experienced guys who spend their days researching every possible detail / dissect all the PR and then report back with findings. They are Long and as such could be looking through rose tinted goggles, but it feels helpful.

Could be a false sense of security... but helped me to form what I thought was a balanced opinion.
I even got into the game and head-hunted senior salespeople from their competitors ( through linkedin )... got a feel for the market and word on the street... errr in China.!??!

*tbh - now that I think about it.... more money to be had head-hunting for roles I have on right now!!! lol.

07-12-2010, 08:35 PM
Just curious... been in a pitted battle over the past couple months.

the Long camp against the most heavily shorted Nasdaq listed, China plc's. something like 3.5M or 30% of their shares out to the Shorts -don't laugh at the foolishness too loudly, please. ;)

Anyway, It's been a crazy circus. Fascinating how the advent of Share specific Blog-forums has changed the dynamic,support and most importantly the information flow to individuals...

Being on the receiving end of determined and well executed Short attacks has been enlightening.

it's one of the best dramas, I've ever tuned in to!

Err... no idea what you're on about Rob! Hold on wasn't a "Long camp" an 80's De Tomaso, sort of a 3 Series on steroids ;)

