View Full Version : NSX Respray

09-12-2010, 09:59 PM
Hi folks

Just recently got the NSX resprayed fully - well all the yellow panels anyway. The car was picked up last Saturday after weeks of uncertainty, frustration, etc. It definitely has been a love/hate relationship for me of late with my NSX, and a bit of a nightmare for the good chap who undertook the paint job in the first place. THIS was NOT a job I was planning to do just yet during my ownership of this NXS. Unfortunately, my hand was forced to rectify the situation sooner rather than later, and this will be discussed later in this write up. Anyway I will start of at the beginning regarding the 'paint issue' on my car. Here goes:

First off the paint colour on this car was not correct prior to purchase. When Sudesh and I inspected the car earlier this year (May 2010) we knew straight away the car had seen paintwork. There was nothing wrong with the work done or issues with the spray job itself, it was a very professional job; however the paint colour did not match the original paint code of the car. However both of us liked it and it was one of the attractions for me in the first place.

With regards to the paint colour, it was a bright yellow almost toxic (but in a good way). I never liked yellow on a car EVER, until I saw this car which was soon to become my NSX. The only blemish to the paintwork was a bit of stone damage to the nearside of the bonnet, towards the front, and the slightest bit of paint run on the drivers side inner door panel. Nothing really bad but it was going to need resolved.

After getting it back from Sudesh (NSX Refresh) in early July 2010, I racked up the miles on the car as well as keeping her clean. This in turn, took its toll on the stone chip until it needed touched up. I got paint made up to the code specification, and at this point you could see the difference quite clearly on the outside of the car. This was a temporary measure to ensure that the stone chip did not get any worse and to prevent paint actually from lifting from the bonnet area.

After many enquiries and getting advice from local sources I settled on a guy to do my job. After much deliberation and inspection he decided to take on the task and sort out the bonnet issue, fix up a couple of stone chips on one wing (offside) and fix the offside engine vent surround which had got a pretty hefty stone chip at one time. Becasue we could not use the paint code, both of us spent a lot of time viewing sample cards and colour matching until we found a match closest to the paint work on the car. It turns out that the colour used on the car was 'sort of' based on the original paint code of the car, but had been lightly sprayed on, probably no more than one full coat, that is why it had that bright look to it. The more layers you put on yellow the deeper it gets. We could never really match the Honda code with the paint, and in the end the sprayer had to customise to get it as close as possible.

Once paint order and materials were purchased the car was left round with painter to get the job done and I got the call a few days later to come collect the car. This was around 5wks ago. When I went to collect the car she was on the street nearing the twilight hours of the evening time. On approach to the car (on the actual driveway) I noticed straight away the colour differences on the car. You could see straight away where the car had been resprayed! At this time, I now had various shades of yellow on the front bumper, offside wing, bonnet, door mirror, offside engine vent and boot lid! I was in total shock and disbelief. All i wanted was a few stone chips repaired and i ended up with the multi-coloured swap shop! There was no way I was able to settle for this job, it was shocking. I was gutted as too was the sprayer. He had just taken the car out of artificial light and the differences were only noticable to him once out of the workshop. Even in daylight the differences in colour were obvious. The car was effectively a mess and it had to be sorted. With a camera you were not able to distinguish between the different shades, you had to see it with your own eyes.

I met up with the sprayer again along with a detailer friend to review the issues with the car. After much deliberation and to effectively cut a long story short I opted for a full respray, it was the only way to be sure (in theory) to sort the mess out once and for all. When respray was initailly mentioned I nearly choked (pound signs!) but at the same time I asked about spraying the car to Nighthawk Black (Honda colour). However with the engine bay and front bay needing to be sprayed and these areas needing stripped out, the costs rose dramatically. So I opted for the original paintcode. At this time we all agreed to lift the Pearl effect on the car. All of us concluded that the Pearl effect even on the newly resprayed panels looked 'lost' and difficult to see, so when it came to ordering up the new paint we enhanced this.

The chosen materials to be used were all made by the company Glasurit - I mean everything from prep to lacquer stages. Apparently this is top grade stuff as the painter and I were going to ensure this job was done right and no issues with paint mis-match like before.
The sprayer pushed the boat out (and even more drain on my pocket) by buying additional materials including some kind of flexi coat that should prevent stone chipping etc in future. He knew himself that the car needed to be put RIGHT. He also knew I would NOT settle for anything less.

Once all the materials arrived, the car was left down to get stripped and prepared (again). I actually called down one evening to see the car in prep stage and believe me there is some serious work involved in bringing it down in order to take on new paint. During the prep work, I took the early decision to replace the rubber grommits where the original aerial and (DAB radio aerials) where and get them covered up and resprayed. An aluminium welder was called out to do the job (see pics) and its a job very well done. Very pleased with the results. I now have smooth lines/finish on the rear of my car, which really is a bonus. As discussed below, I had a 'bubbling' paint issue in a very small area on the near side, side repeater. When the guys had prepped the car, I had asked the reason as to why it was happening. They explained that black specs had occured in the aluminium surface and it was reacting with the paint. Area was repaired and prepped.

With this car, nothing is ever easy or has gone completely smoothly for me and this paint job was no different. Again cut a long story short, we had issues with paint matching again. This time it was the rear of the car. All panels from rear window to bumper were all the one colour and then from the doors to the front of the car the paint looked another shade lighter - all paint was applied using same paint from the tin, same paint gun etc. It was CRAZY, you could not believe it. The car looked as if it was a 'cut and shut'. Even the rear spoiler when it was set on the back was a different shade of yellow and it was closer to the colour on the front of the car! Everyone was at a loss as to why this had happened. As you will see from pics the car and the explanation above the car was fully prepped before hand. A decision was made to get the Glasurit company troubleshooters out to review the work done. When they reviewed the car and the work (as below I had asked for the car to be photographed at every major stage of the paint process) they had little to offer in terms of an explanation. PLUS all their products were being used so they could not blame the work effort of the guys or ask for more moniey to resolve the issues. Anyway discussions took place, I dont have all the details of what was actually talked about or done to the car to resolve the issues, needless to say the car was taken back done again ground coated and primed again followed by a full respray! Finally the guys got the paint to match and we now had a car that had all panels matching.

In the end I believe that a few gallons of paint was used. The car had 3 coats of paint excluding undercoat and lacquer used. As discussed earlier I had made the decision to customise the colour and increase the Peral effect to make it that bit more 'special'. Trust me when I say it has worked a treat and comes up great in the sunlight and when it hits it. Instant sparkle!

So enough of my waffle, hope you get the general jist of what I have been put through along with the guys who worked on the car. We have all been put through hell in order to sort this car out. So much for a complete respray being the easiest route to resolve all issues!
As for the sprayer, he NEVER wants to see her again let alone a yellow car! But my thanks goes to Davey Trainor and Terry for all their hard work on this car. It really was a tough job for them,

The car is now back home (effectively last Saturday) and in the garage due to crap weather. Hopefully I will get more finished pics up in due course, but in the interim you will have to make do with this selection to show you what the car has been through over the past several weeks. NB. I am no car restorer so I have tried to put these pics into some sort of order re the paintwork process. Also I reduced the file size of these images (also effect on quality) to ensure that they were readable on the site.

Prep work - stripping car down



The process for removing the holes left over in the metal work from removal of standard areial and DAB areial. A specialist was used to carry out a patch and Aluminium Weld on both rear quarter panels.

09-12-2010, 10:03 PM



Weld marks all removed by being rubbed down. I now have a smooth surface and correct lines on the car

09-12-2010, 10:05 PM

As stated I had original radio areial on the near side and an optional DAB tuner areial on off side fitted by previous owner (yuck!) But now thankfully removed and repaired



09-12-2010, 10:08 PM

I had a bit of bubbling here just underneath the near side side repeater so asked to get it fixed. Turns out there was black specs in the aluminium finish which caused the reaction



09-12-2010, 10:10 PM




09-12-2010, 10:13 PM




09-12-2010, 10:15 PM




09-12-2010, 10:16 PM



09-12-2010, 10:19 PM
Car resprayed after all issues resolved. Minus a bit of trim but you get the general idea


Definitely a deeper shade of yellow to what was originally there. Closer to the Honda colour now (thankfully)


The new pearl effect does react well in sun light. http://i1134.photobucket.com/albums/m601/arpatterson73/pj35.jpg

09-12-2010, 10:23 PM
As stated, I will get pics up of the final masterpiece as soon as the crap weather passes and I get her out of the garage and clean her up from the journey via the snow etc. Hopefully, these pictures have give you an indication of the time and MONEY spent on this car to get her up to this standard. I also hope you all like what you see and you believe its money well spent

I will come back to this post and add, amend as necessary. It is afterall past my bedtime and I am knackered writing and pointing to images in Photobucket! :)

Feedback, comments, questions (will try my best to answer) etc welcome.


09-12-2010, 10:41 PM
wasn't that clean the day i saw you! :laugh:

09-12-2010, 10:46 PM
As stated, I will get pics up of the final masterpiece as soon as the crap weather passes and I get her out of the garage and clean her up from the journey via the snow etc

Surely you didnt garage it with all the snow/ice hanging to it lol

Nice thread Andrew, cant wait to see it myself, especially with the rear antenna holes now gone. You must be the first or at least second person in the UK/Ireland to have done this mod professionally.

09-12-2010, 10:49 PM
Sorry to hear about all the stress and heartache, but finally it was worth it in the end. I didn't think yellow was a difficult colour to match, but I've heard stories with other colours like LBB being a nightmare to match.

Are all NSX colours very difficult to match unless having a full respray?

09-12-2010, 10:53 PM
errr, not really but i had no hose as it was completely frozen last saturday. i rubbed her down as best i could. but there is a good layer of wax on the car, so hopefully OK.

as weather is supposed to improve, I hope to give her a proper wash this weekend, but will not be doing any waxing or polishing in order to allow paint to settle etc

Yes i am glad you told me to get rid of these. Alot cleaner at the rear now, and nice lines too.

As soon as you say the magic words mate, she will be left up with you for Refresh Part II. ;)

Surely you didnt garage it with all the snow/ice hanging to it lol

Nice thread Andrew, cant wait to see it myself, especially with the rear antenna holes now gone. You must be the first or at least second person in the UK/Ireland to have done this mod professionally.

09-12-2010, 10:55 PM
I can vouch for the stress Andrew went through from just wanting a simple large stone chip sorted to ending up having to go this route.

The big problem I think personally was the fact the car was sprayed by a previous owner, and the color they chose was not the OEM one. So trying to get that match was very difficult.

Sorry to hear about all the stress and heartache, but finally it was worth it in the end. I didn't think yellow was a difficult colour to match, but I've heard stories with other colours like LBB being a nightmare to match.

Are all NSX colours very difficult to match unless having a full respray?

09-12-2010, 10:57 PM
I am no expert, but the sprayer had a real tough time with the colour. It was crazy! Most people who work in the trade say its one of the most difficult colours to do, added with the fact that there is a pearl mix in all this too.

Hats of to the guys who did the work, they put alot of effort into getting this car right. she was a mare and i can tell you i was put through the ringer many times over the last few weeks, frustration etc in seeing what was happening. :no:

But i think we got there in the end. THANKFULLY

Sorry to hear about all the stress and heartache, but finally it was worth it in the end. I didn't think yellow was a difficult colour to match, but I've heard stories with other colours like LBB being a nightmare to match.

Are all NSX colours very difficult to match unless having a full respray?

09-12-2010, 11:03 PM
At least when Spring arrives & you go for a drive, you will appreciate her alot more! :)

09-12-2010, 11:06 PM
At least when Spring arrives & you go for a drive, you will appreciate her alot more! :)

It will be late spring for him lol

09-12-2010, 11:08 PM
As soon as you say the magic words mate, she will be left up with you for Refresh Part II. ;)

I'm just ecstatic about that!

In fact, so excited I have told Santa to pass on by my chimney this year as Andrew is leaving his car in lol

10-12-2010, 09:59 AM
Having been aware of all your headaches and heartaches, I'm really glad to see her back in shape Andrew.

Once the salt's off the roads I'll have to get out and see the yellow peril again, introduce her to P27 :-)

10-12-2010, 10:39 AM
Hi Justin

Many thanks! :)

I will update the thread, as I started working on this quite late on last night and the to'ing and fro'ing from Photobucket and getting the images to a legal file size etc certainly takes time.

I hope to be out n about tomorrow, and may be up Belfast direction, so if your around let me know and i'll call up if i can bud

There are a few minor issues to sort out with the trim etc, which hopefully Sudesh will sort out. ;) Just needs someone who knows NSX's to put right for me.

As stated the paintjob looks a good one, but to be honest with all this bad weather I have not been able to have a proper look at it. So hopefully can rectify that this weekend. If I dont see you I will be uploading more pics at some point.

The whole process has been a bit of a pain alright, but I think you will be satisifed with the results, when you see her in the metal. HOPEFULLY :)

Having been aware of all your headaches and heartaches, I'm really glad to see her back in shape Andrew.

Once the salt's off the roads I'll have to get out and see the yellow peril again, introduce her to P27 :-)

10-12-2010, 11:42 AM
I know the feeling mate as I sold off all my pop up parts before getting all of my 02 plus ones!!! I waited about 3 to 4 months

I also but what a feeling it is when you get it back :)

10-12-2010, 01:20 PM
The car looks great, I had the same problem trying to match the yellow on mine, which resulted in a full re-spray.
I think it was Whyone who informed me that certain colours deteriorate more than others now that lead is not used in the paint, yellow being one of the worst.

10-12-2010, 01:44 PM
Hi mate

many thanks for the compliment. Would love to get our motors side by side sometime to compare! :)

Not so great to hear you had the same issues as me whilst trying to match. :no: I dont think mine was down to colour deterioration over time, it was sprayed a 'unique' colour by the previous people that had worked on the car. As Sudesh stated, the colour was not matched to the paint code exactly.

I asked my sprayer about the water based colours now used and he said they should last as long as lead based products of old. My sprayer has went the extra mile and has added products to keep the paint tip top, I also get my cars detailed twice a year by a professional so hopefully this will stem back paint fade as much as possible.

I think when it comes to yellow on the NSX you need a full respray which is a kick in the nutz I can tell you

BTW, your car does look sweet. really like it!

The car looks great, I had the same problem trying to match the yellow on mine, which resulted in a full re-spray.
I think it was Whyone who informed me that certain colours deteriorate more than others now that lead is not used in the paint, yellow being one of the worst.

10-12-2010, 02:25 PM
Glad to hear the car's sorted Andrew.

I'm sure you're itching to drive it again!

I will be going for a full (engine out) respray myself in the future (championship white).

Not for a long time yet mind you!

10-12-2010, 03:26 PM
if your around let me know and i'll call up if i can bud

Splendid! I'll stick the kettle on :)

Should have a Mister2 out tomorrow, the wee bro just got one and I'm sorting it for him. Surprisingly fun car....

10-12-2010, 03:41 PM
Hi Connor

Cheers bud!

Wish it was all sorted ... still a few jobs remaining, but nearing the final stretch ... HOPEFULLY! :)

I will have her out tomorrow, enquiring about that paint protection film. As its an NA1 NSX they dont have a template for it, so I'm taking her up to get measured up. So thats my wee drive sorted ;) The sooner I get something like this on/done the better for my own piece of mind. Dont want something happening to the front of the car again, and going through hell to get it sorted!

dont want to scud you but I said the same thing about mine ... look what happened! Stick to red mate, you dont want to be messing with the likes of whites and yellows P.I.T.A. bro! Get her done in black mate ... she'd be as mean as ****!

Glad to hear the car's sorted Andrew.

I'm sure you're itching to drive it again!

I will be going for a full (engine out) respray myself in the future (championship white).

Not for a long time yet mind you!

10-12-2010, 05:27 PM
Do you know how long you should leave after a respray to fit paint protection. If it's anything like applying polish it may be a couple of months. Worth asking anyway.



10-12-2010, 05:42 PM
Ups, a stonechip-repair turned into a full respray. :eek:
I guess, you had to pay at all by yourself?

Let me state that all special colors like metallic, yellow in special and all tri-code and pearl colors are bitches to match. Paint-shop usually blend these colors to the surrounding panels the lessen the attraction.
I had problems with painting my red car even at a high-end (well, he calls himself :rolleyes:) shop. I asked for a respray, he only offered blending. After that story, I got to know that he must be blind as every NSX he sprayed didn't match. On the other hand, I've seen partly respray jobs for MUCH less money but the color matched 99.9%, even in different light scenarios! It CAN be done if done right believe me, I've heard plenty of stories and I've seen plenty of good results in person. Well, the ratio of good to bad was about 1:4.

What are you going to do after the next unavoidable stone-chip? You went with a modified color this time again.

If I ever go for a full respray I'd go for single coat, several layers but even no clearcoat. They also look great. :)

EDIT 1: black mate is horrible to repair. If you have scratches you can't polish them out because the paint starts to shine at the repair-spot. Complete no-go.

EDIT 2: I've talked to pbassjo very long about the task of paint-matching and he had the following analogy. The painter is like a musician. A musician can TECHNICALLY play a Beethoven piano concert (like Toyota robots can play a trumpet) but a good concert if played by a pianist who knows Beethoven concert and can HEAR the music. A painter has to SEE the color. If he can SEE it there'll be no match.

10-12-2010, 08:06 PM
Do you know how long you should leave after a respray to fit paint protection. If it's anything like applying polish it may be a couple of months. Worth asking anyway.



When I bought my daily I had the stealer repaint the bumper before I collected it to loose the stone chips. The day I collected I drove to Armoufend na dhad the bumper covered. I've had no issue and that was 2 yrs ago.

Only possible issue would be if you wanted to remove but I'd struggle to think why oven baked paint wouldn't have cured sufficiently to be fine in this scenario.


Car looks great in the photo's. I'm hoping my planned refresh for next year doesn't turn into a full paint too on the Magnum Grey Pearl.


You shouldn't need to remove the engine for a color change unless you want the bay to match ... if you're going C/White aka NSX-R then the bay should be black, which can be done with the engine in place ..... http://www.nsxcb.co.uk/testvb/showthread.php?t=5452

regards, Paul

Nick Graves
10-12-2010, 08:16 PM
You poor sod! If it's any consolation, it looks superb now.

That musical analogy would be better in that no two players ever play the same; years ago, a repair shop was mass-producing repairs to Fords damaged in transit to the dealers. Since they were new, Ford insisted the correct paint, depth of paint, etc was used.

They tried putting two experienced sprayers, one on each side of the car; it simply didn't work. You could always see the difference.

Honda has some wonderful, trick paints. Especially blues. I've heard many stories of having to 'chase' a sprayed chip from one end of the car to another, in order to lose the blend.

Actually, solid black is one of the best colours to respray. Except it does fade to brown over the years, so berlina especially can look far too black.

Solid red is a bugger for fading, even on very new cars.

I believe the trick is to add a knife-blade of yellow into fresh paint, in order to 'age' it to match. I don't know what you do with yellow cars...

Needless to say, I'd rather use a touch-up stick if at all possible; call it patina!

Alf Tupper
11-12-2010, 09:57 AM
What a nightmare! But you got there in the end, car is looking good. More pictures please once everything is done.

I can only guess how much a full respray would cost. I take it that the cost was on a need to know basis......and the wife didn't need to know?!;)

12-12-2010, 08:09 PM
Hi Alf

It was a right royal pain I can tell you. Still have not been able to get decent pics yet but will get em up as soon as. weather is a mixed bag here at the moment, was hoping to get pics today but Justin twisted me arm to take our cars up for a run up the Causeway Coastal route today so did not get taking any pics, plus she is a tad dirty anyways! :)

with regards to cost, it was a kick in the nads! ;) And this time I was 90% truthful with the good lady in terms of information, only a few hundred out this time! LOL! :laugh:

Many thanks for the comments

What a nightmare! But you got there in the end, car is looking good. More pictures please once everything is done.

I can only guess how much a full respray would cost. I take it that the cost was on a need to know basis......and the wife didn't need to know?!;)

12-12-2010, 09:09 PM
Hi Alf

It was a right royal pain I can tell you. Still have not been able to get decent pics yet but will get em up as soon as. weather is a mixed bag here at the moment, was hoping to get pics today but Justin twisted me arm to take our cars up for a run up the Causeway Coastal route today so did not get taking any pics, plus she is a tad dirty anyways! :)

So you forgot about this (http://www.nsxcb.co.uk/testvb/showthread.php?t=8572) then????