View Full Version : Not Bad for a Hairdressers Car

13-12-2010, 09:38 AM

15-12-2010, 12:03 AM
Wow, that was some serious car control! Much realistic than that Tokyo Drift film!

Those must be specially made tyres and its probably good PR for the soon to be release proper next V6 coupe with something near or over 300bhp? Is this more powerful version coming over here to the UK?

15-12-2010, 10:39 AM
Not a great advert for Hankook, their tyres arn't providing any grip at all, poor guys all over the place.

19-12-2010, 11:02 AM
Great vid. Silly question, what's the Lambo like? I have lusted after Lambos ever since i saw a brand new Espada in liverpool .Now with German quality it must be like having a nymphomaniac supermodel girlfriend who loves Top Gear and who's favourite saying is "have another beer darling and would you like me to make you a bacon butty while i wait for the Ann Summers delivery"

19-12-2010, 05:04 PM
Not a great advert for Hankook, their tyres arn't providing any grip at all, poor guys all over the place.

Yep, mine have let me down too this weekend, cant keep the damn thing in a straight line, simply drifting everywhere ........ :D

20-12-2010, 09:18 AM
Great vid. Silly question, what's the Lambo like? I have lusted after Lambos ever since i saw a brand new Espada in liverpool .Now with German quality it must be like having a nymphomaniac supermodel girlfriend who loves Top Gear and who's favourite saying is "have another beer darling and would you like me to make you a bacon butty while i wait for the Ann Summers delivery"

I couldn't have really put that better myself :D

The Lambo is something I've wanted for a long time and it just came to the point where you think what the hell, lets go for it.

It really does give you a sense of occasion every time you take it out (especially round Hull, daren't stop anywhere though), and how the hell I'm going to keep my license I don't know as you've got to keep those exhaust valves open, one of the best sounds I can think of.

As for the full driving experience, I'll report later once we've had a blast down and around Spain, which should be fun, but for now she'll be kept under wraps, I still can't believe it every time I walk in my garage to have IMO two of the best cars on earth sat there.

Just got a great new Reg for it by the way V10 0MFG ;)

20-12-2010, 01:27 PM
great reg! I know what you mean about going for it. Without going into politics, we are taxed to hell in this country, and if you work hard as i do, why not treat yourself if you can. If it means that one way or another the taxman gets a little less to waste-even better. I love every drive in my nsx especially because it was hard earned, which i am sure applies to the vast majority of nsx drivers. Someone in my town has a black spyder so i do know how good they sound!

cheers paul