View Full Version : R.I.P Eiji Fujikawa (J's RACING HONDA)

28-01-2011, 11:26 PM
R.I.P Eiji Fujikawa (J's RACING HONDA Tuners)

Word that Fujikawa has passed on from his injuries sustained in a bizarre accident a few days ago...

Breaking news in the Tuning Scene now... J's Racing will continue however!

Article from Asahi News, translated...

In shocking news, J’s racing President, Junichi Umemoto has been arrested on attempted murder charges. The bizarre incident occurred late at night on the 22nd of January in Osaka and involved 3 people, according to the police report…
Police allege that Umemoto initially brushed a pedestrian with his car, and then thinking it to be serious, started to try and flee the scene. Bizarrely, Umemoto’s colleague, 39 year old Eiji Fujikawa, then tried to stop Umemoto from leaving by jumping onto the car and holding onto the mirror.
Umemoto continued to drive approximately 100 meters with Fujikawa hanging from the mirror at which point, Fujikawa let go sustaining a fractured skull and now remains in hospital, unconscious and in critical condition.
Umemoto was reported as saying that, “…I was scared of repercussions and kept on going. I didn’t mean to kill him.”
There was no word on whether or not alcohol was involved but this has serious ramifications for Umemoto, who was considered one of Japan’s premier Honda tuners, with Umemoto himself, a decent pair of hands behind the wheel having competed in more that 100 races.

...and the Official Press Release from J's Racing H/Q, Osaka

We have received reports that the injured party has passed away and all of our staff are extremely shocked and saddened by the news.
We would like to pray for Mr Fujikawa and his family from the bottom of our hearts.
We view this incident extremely seriously and we will work diligently toward the education of our staff and the public at large toward road safety mindedness, notwithstanding the investigation that is also under way.
We will also co-operate with the authorities completely in this matter.
We will continue to do whatever we can to assist in this terrible situation and ensure we keep everybody informed of our movements.”

Hisaaki Murakami
J’s Racing Company Executive


29-01-2011, 02:07 AM
What a tragedy!

31-01-2011, 08:39 PM

What a sad way to go. Noble intention but foolish action...

Umemoto-san must be mortified.

Nick Graves
03-02-2011, 05:16 PM
Dumbfounded. For once.