View Full Version : Japan Earthquake and Tsunami

11-03-2011, 12:07 PM
Terrible terrible news for the people of Japan.

Let's hope that not many more are declared dead and that the nuclear emergency is contained.

My prayers are with them.


11-03-2011, 03:59 PM
My thoughts are with the people of Japan and those with loved ones there.

m666 edd
11-03-2011, 05:58 PM
Indeed, hard times for Japan.

11-03-2011, 07:39 PM
It is devastating! Was just telling Andrew that I have some business going on out there, and at the moment cant get through to my man over there.

12-03-2011, 09:15 AM
Terrible terrible news for the people of Japan.

Let's hope that not many more are declared dead and that the nuclear emergency is contained.

My prayers are with them.


Oh no it looks like meltdown is possible!

12-03-2011, 09:49 AM
Shocking pictures this morning from Fukushima.

My thoughts are very much with the people of Japan.

dan the man
13-03-2011, 11:08 PM
Yes the images are making me so sad. Plenty of Japanese friends here worried and I had 3 friends visit from Tokyo for the last 7 days and they were only saying 1 day before how Japan is due a big hit. Then it happened which was so eerie.

The footage is unbelievable :( 6 miles inland the water went- so much force!

Vancouver coast due the same in the near future they say.

15-03-2011, 12:16 AM
Amazing how the Japanese people just get on the best they can.

15-03-2011, 07:38 AM
So I was thinking on the way to the office this morning ....

Is there anything we could collectively do in some small way to help the Japanese economy?

The stock exchange is being hit by the disaster and it looks as though the value of the Yen against the GBP has dropped from around 1.56 to 1.30ish in the past few days. Whilst we're not about to suddenly start buying up the collection of NSX-R's on sale, could we not consider a collective Group Buy for all our planned services for the coming year?

Just a thought and interested if others are minded to consider? We would obtain a small saving to our maintenance costs and the Japanese economy would see fresh revenues coming direct into the system.

regards, Paul

15-03-2011, 07:57 AM
The stock exchange is being hit by the disaster and it looks as though the value of the Yen against the GBP has dropped from around 1.56 to 1.30ish in the past few days. Whilst we're not about to suddenly start buying up the collection of NSX-R's on sale, could we not consider a collective Group Buy for all our planned services for the coming year?

The exchange rate has been hovering around 130 for best part of a year, not seen any impact yet to the JPY \ GBP rates yet? I'm sure it will happen though.

15-03-2011, 08:04 AM
The exchange rate has been hovering around 130 for best part of a year, not seen any impact yet to the JPY \ GBP rates yet? I'm sure it will happen though.

Must do my homework properly in future ... :embarassed:

15-03-2011, 09:54 AM
The exchange rate has been hovering around 130 for best part of a year, not seen any impact yet to the JPY \ GBP rates yet? I'm sure it will happen though.

Yeah pretty much spot on. Yen hasnt dropped yet, the Japan banks are pumping huge amounts of cash to stablize everything. Infact 2 days ago I was checking the price of something with an online currency exchange, it worked out at £156 then, today on the same system its £160! So gone up slightly.