View Full Version : NSX value

10-04-2011, 06:54 PM

I know this is a 'how long is a piece of string' question, but we are going to be selling my wife's NSX and I was wondering what sort of value/price we should ask, and where would be the best place to sell it?

It is a K plate, silver, 3.0 five speed manual car, UK spec.

Done 66, 090 miles.

Un-modified or tweaked in any way. Original wheels. Black interior.

While it has always been my wifes car, it was in my name for a couple of years at the start. We have owned it for nine years or so.

The car is in good condition and had the cam belts changed at the 60,000 mile service (which we had done slightly early).

The car just doesn't get used. Some years recently it basically just went for its MoT. But my wife used it a lot when we first bought it.

We did come down to Supercar Sunday with it back in the early oughties (the year all the DeLoreans were there) and it was on the NSX club stand/area.

The car is in Glasgow and is currently Sorn'd.

Much loved (our wedding car) but little driven.

Any help appreciated.

All the best
Sandy and Linda

10-04-2011, 08:42 PM
Hi Sandy & Linda,

My first question would be do you need to sell it, because it may be someting you regret, especially given its sentimental value to you both.

Where to advertise? Obviously here as there are a lot of people 'watching' to see whats available. Other options would be Pistonheads.co.uk on which you can place an advert with photos for free. This will get you a lot of exposure to an enthusiastic market. Another published option would be autotrader for full UK coverage.

Of course you could always take it off SORN and head down to Japfest, Gaydon or Silverstone with a nice detailed For Sale sign ....

How much? The NSX market is currently seeing some strong values for good clean cars. As well as the runs to the MOT station, has your NSX had at least an annual service / oil change? Lets presume your NSX has a full documented history with main dealer or specialist, then looking at the market at present I would think £17-£20k if everything is working as it should be.

Good luck with whatever you decision, but I would seriously think about keeping her SORN a little longer.

regards, Paul

10-04-2011, 08:53 PM
Everything he said, low mileage and cherished example by all accounts.

Good luck with the sale.