View Full Version : No real interest in my NSX... am I doing something wrong?!

19-04-2011, 07:53 PM
As posted on here a while ago, I've got my NSX for sale. I had a few enquiries when it first hit Pistonheads, but nothing solid, and nothing since. I've gradually dropped the price, and it's now on Autotrader at £17.5k. Still nothing, despite being pretty well-priced against other cars for sale on there?

Is there something fundamentally unattractive about my car in particular, or is it just a slow market for such cars? I've not even had silly offers to consider! :(


19-04-2011, 08:36 PM
hi mate, dont think there is anything wrong, but its tuff times out there for sure; i think a lot of sellers are in the same boat. its a buyers market for sure. Perhaps people may think its high mileage even though you have extensive service history etc. suggestion would be to modify ad and discuss the mileage and state that NSX's in the US have covered will over 500k when maintained like this andhigh mileage on an NSX is nothing to worry about if looked after

also not so sure about your pics ... dont take this the wrong way but your car appears dull in colour ... not sure of the light etc or perhaps it could do with a proper polish/detail. again going by the pics and IMHO of course.

it may be a suggestion to state that you are willing to rememdy or discuss any outstanding issues with the car etc, to try and sweeten the deal etc

again a few suggestions from me, hope you get some interest in due course ... ELSE just keep it and enjoy it awhile longer :)

Dave J
19-04-2011, 08:52 PM
I think it's just a case of sitting tight for now, i had a really busy sales time in Feb and March but this month has been pretty poor along with many others in the motor trade :(. Fuel prices are just mad at the moment, insurance hikes of over 30%.........all this slows down sales. I've had more calls from previous customers looking to sell than new customers wanting to buy this month!!
You could do with some new pics, get some taken this week whilst it's nice & sunny maybe with a nice backround.......always a good excuse for a long country drive to find that perfect spot :) Until it sells just enjoy it a little longer!!

19-04-2011, 09:05 PM
As a recent buyer, I think your car is one of the more attractive examples I've seen on PH lately. It looks like a nice standard example that's been well cared for and priced sensibly, and that appeals to me more than white/yellow/red, auto gearboxes, body mods etc.

I'm inclined to agree with nobby's comment about the pics - maybe get some better ones where the car is not as backlit, and/or get it machine polished to bring out the shine a bit better.

As stated above I think it's just a matter of being patient. Good luck! :)

19-04-2011, 10:10 PM
I think it is a case of people preferring standard cars, personally. If i'm honest, i'm not sure if the anthracite wheels do much for it, and the aftermarket HU isn't particularly flush looking.

Your advert sounds good at first, outlining what you've spent on it, only you to counter that with three issues. Would it be that expensive to sort out the window? I personally wouldn't mention the other two things. An NSX of this sort of age is always going to have a few things wrong with it.

Agree with the photos. Get a reasonable detailing session done professionally, then take some decent photos (or ask a mate...) in a nice location, not a car park!

19-04-2011, 11:30 PM
Rob's dead right.

It's an aspirational car, so give the buyer something aspirational and fix the niggles before advertising... otherwise it sounds like it's a dose, which probably isn't the case... and the pics are poor.

20-04-2011, 06:50 AM
Hi Tom,

As above really. Have a look on http://www.detailingworld.co.uk/ for someone local who could give your NSX that added sparkle if you dont have time/skills to do yourself.

I'd also consider reverting the wheels back to Silver.

Detail and wheels will cost you around £500. If you decide to do this then remove the current adverts while you refresh the NSX. I've not read the advert, but if the outstanding jobs are easy fix then get them done. If you're not able to then IMO you need to consider pricing as a 'project' car for around £15k for someone to finish and restore to optimum condition.

I'm sure you will have seen other cars sell very quickly around your price point. These have sold as they appear to have no work required, therefore buy and drvie away, and have been advertised with bright photos in good locations.

Whilst the work is done to put your NSX in its best condition for sale, consider the wording for your advert. Include with a positive message all the maintenance that has been completed by you and last keeper. Reference as suggested the ease with which a well maintained NSX wears its mileage, there a several 150k miler cars in the UK with some USA cars doubling his figure. And then price it to sell if you want it gone. My view is that if you could do all that has been suggested in response to your OP, a bright set of photos at £16,995 should get the phone ringing.

Good Luck,


20-04-2011, 07:24 AM
Paul hit the nail on the head, it really is up to you to either get it %100 or be flexible with the price.

Good luck with the sale,


20-04-2011, 07:20 PM
I'm a little confused!

Given what lower mileage 95+ cars have gone for recently (>£20k without as much work/upgrades), and given the spec of this car (inc. cambelt and clutch recently), that looks like a very good price already.

All I can assume is that mileage (+ colour, pre-95, and the 'honesty' of the ad?) is counting against it, and/or it's a difficult market at the moment. At that price and on recent transactions I'd have expected someone to bite your hand off...

20-04-2011, 08:59 PM
People tend to generally prefer standard examples on the used market for H performance cars.

The economy is still pretty grey for most and will be more or less throughout the year if the experts are right. Nonetheless I think the dealbreaker is the high mileage against the price and the difficulty for the potential owner of selling it on afterwards.

So probably either lower your price further or put it back to standard. All the best.

20-04-2011, 09:13 PM
Well I dont agree with some of the above!

Some people prefer a standard car and some dont..........HOWEVER..............A standard car tastefully done can be sought after!! I'm not going to go into a whole thing here and dont want to blow my own trumpet [as they say] but, I have been contacted on a few occasions by "lurkers" on the club and others via god only knows what method asking if I would sell my car! Its not advertised and never has been, but some have seen the mods and work I have done and they loved what they seen.

Whats perfect for one person, may not be perfect for another.

Nick Graves
21-04-2011, 10:33 AM
How long's a long time? Many NSXs are advertised for ages befor being sold. Ok, really straight examples in the correct colours will fly for top dollar.

The gritty urban photos make the car look like it's in a dodgy used car lot; compund the hell out of that paint & some matt plastic protectant would work wonders. And choose a more upmarket country location!

You might want to put a positive, descriptive paragraph above the list of features, to open viewers' interests.

I don't believe the butchered console is necessarily offputting either. Although many of us would want it standard.