View Full Version : NSX Price opinion

03-12-2005, 08:49 PM
Id like to ask all you proud NSX owners your opinion on whether the price of the NSX will stop falling now that production has stopped.

If not fall it may rise. I dont understand owners who want to give their cars away for silly money. There is not a large supply of UK NSXs around so why sell so cheap.

I once heard of Ford Saphire Cosworth owners getting together and agreeing not to advertise their cars too cheap and if its true it worked well for them.

The truth is now that the NSX is getting rave reviews in all magazines there will be alot of people wanting to get their hands on a legend like the NSX. Suplly and demand basics apply. Not alot of supply and more demand.

The latest praise in Autocar mag says it all. The NSX will be stronger now dead. Just like 2pac. LOL. We who own an NSX forget what an amazing car it is. I bought a porsche 996 for the wife and thought it was the bees nees, it handles well, goes well, and is very highly rated. Untill I jumped back in my NSX and realised what a real supercar is.

Value your car more.

03-12-2005, 10:31 PM
There is not a large supply of UK NSXs around so why sell so cheap.

Because there arn't too many prospective buyers. Just look at a few members here who have very respectable cars, but have had them on the market for many months. Solution is simple, keep reducing the price until it hits the spot. I'm sure no one wants to sell at under value, but if there's no demand.........

I'm experiencing this at the moment with my Ducati 749 I've had it advertised at almost trade price for 3 weeks and not one call? (yes I know this is the worst time to sell a bike :wink: ) So having decided to sell, what do I do? I'd rather have the cash in my bank than wory about supporting other peoples values.

Anyway back to your question, I think the NSX has had some gret press and TV coverage recently, and this will heighten awareness of the model, and may even create new demand? Talking to Ivan at Chiswick, he maintains he can sell all he can buy. It's all about price. Unless the general populus have a rush to the head, I cant see sufficent demand to raise values, and depreciation is a fact of life. If you use your car, and mine is my daily drive, you can expect it to depreciate faster than one that's garaged most the year.

I fully expect mine to be worth substantially less in a years time, but I will have had 20-30,000 miles of fun in the meantime :D

"Value your car more"...... it's my prized posession, love it, can't keep out of it and when I'm not idriving it, I'm cleaning, fiddling, or just looking at it. :wink: Thats value to me.

05-12-2005, 09:31 PM
I'd love my car to go up in value, but at the end of the day, so what, I did not buy it for that reason, I bought it because it rocks, so if I "loose" a few quid, it was just the expense of that ridiculous smile on my face all the time I am driving. Besides, who is selling!!!

Also always consider both sides of the story. I bought mine last year and looked for 6 months to find one with v low mileage, perfect condition and full service history. I eventually did and then had to pay what the owner asked as I wanted one of these cars and there was nothing like it around on the market.

There will always be people that want to but the NSX, you might be lucky, you might not be, but you'll never be left with something you cant shift either!

05-12-2005, 11:59 PM
Hi there,

I took the plunge a few months ago and purchased a 2004 3.2 6 speed manual, Long Beach Blue. Now prior to this I have owned a few performance cars including the DC2 Integra type r, CTR, and while looking around drove everything from new M3's, 996's, 993's, Exige but to name a few. I came across her via a mate who talked me into travelling 4 hours to see it. It was way out of my budget of £25k preparing to stretch to £30k at a max. But once I set eyes on it, took it for a test drive.... Well the rest is history.

I do not regret the purchase and feel there will always be a demand for well looked after examples. It's for the purists out there. Those who know, know..... 8) 8)

The only mistake I have made is falling in love with it and have began to treat her as a work of art. :roll: :roll: She only comes out in dry weather and is now cocooned up in her heated garage over the winter months, while I am left with driving a 2003 MCC Smart Passion, a marked contrast but perfect for city driving. :shock: :shock:

These cars are not for buying for the sole reason that you think they shall go up in value. Even if they do, they won't make you a millionaire. You'd make more putting your cash into shares wisely...... I did :lol:
They are there to be enjoyed. The fact that it is also the most user friendly, cheap to run SUPERCAR money can buy, says it all... And when it comes to streching the boundaries of engineering, handling and design, the NSX exceeds them all. Salute to Ayrton Senna and Honda Engineers.
Now, I have one, I can't think of anything less than a 360 or above to better it..... and I'm way off being able to manage the running costs of a 360 yet!!! :idea:
My mate has a 997 C2S - awesome car, I have driven it, he has driven mine, and we both agree the NSX gives you more confidence through the handling and balance - and he struggled to pass me up to 150+ :wink: :wink:

I am looking forward to March/April, where I am already planning my European tour with a trip to the nur' burg ring on my way. I may even try and take time to meet up with the Honda/Porsche clubs... :D

Hope to see you purists when the weather gets better and I can take some time off work. :lol:


2004 3.2, 6 speed manual, Long beach Blue
2003 MCC Smart Passion
1991 Golf GTi Cab Rivage