View Full Version : AC display gone off

06-05-2011, 06:33 AM

started car Ac display flashed then nothing all dark no control...I guess relay/fuse.....but where to start....under hood lots of relays and fuse box......help pls.....car 91 JDM.



06-05-2011, 06:56 AM
Alittle worried it could be more than fuse /relay........just seen Kaz pic's of repairing boards etc......help......got trip to Italy planned for early June.....and bugger me no AC.......well no anything.

06-05-2011, 08:14 AM
I think you'll find that your circuit board needs some attention from Kaz, if I were you I'd email him pretty quick. He done mine a while ago and now everything is working perfectly with my A/C control.


06-05-2011, 06:46 PM
Second that on sending it to Kaz.

07-05-2011, 06:13 AM
Ok will do with trip planned got to get this working


07-05-2011, 09:46 AM
Hi, Russel.

Seems like you are having one of the typical A/C CCU failure mode.

As your NSX is 91 JDM, I can easily imagine that it spent at least several very hot summer seasons in Japan and thus, no chance of avoiding the CCU failure.

The failure is very likely to be caused by the acid leakage from the capacitor on the CCU board.

The main factor of the capacitor life time is the heat regardless of whether the car was used or not.

Even for the UK based NSX, almost 100% of any models upto year 2000 would have some level of damage to the CCU board by now.

I already saw some capactior failures even on the 2000 - 2005 models.

Please send me an email (not PM) by selecting the option from the drop down menu after you have logged in and we can start from there.

Please visit the following thread for the detail.


You will also see exactly what you need to send and not to send in the 1st photo.

Hope we can sort this out in time for your trip.


Silver Surfer
08-05-2011, 11:54 AM
Kaz...you are attending Japfest..maybe Russell can deliver to you his AC there?

Just a thought?


09-05-2011, 09:49 AM
Hi, Silver Surfer.

At the moment, I’m not sure whether I can make it to the Japfest or not this year.
This is why I haven’t put my name in the poll for the Event thread.

Also, I don’t know whether Russell is attending or not.

Fortunately, he already contacted me over the weekend and I should be receiving the CCU board tomorrow so I’ll aim to service it in time for his trip to Italy.

Thank you for the suggestion any way.
I hope I can attend Japfest to see everyone there...
