View Full Version : New NSX

10-06-2011, 11:33 AM
So what do you think, know, etc?

The last one could not hack the emissions, but what about the rumors???

10-06-2011, 01:54 PM
I don't think they will make anything worth buying for a number of years. Why can't they take a leaf out of Renault's books


10-06-2011, 02:49 PM
Perhaps they need to create another company such as Mugen and build cars so SVA type to give two fingers up to the emission thing?

10-06-2011, 09:40 PM
I don't think they will make anything worth buying for a number of years.

Sadly agree...they've become another 'car co. clone' - not a jot of original thinking since A-VTEC was quietly shelved. The Insight Mk2 is a poor pastiche of the original, and is a Prius clone rather than being a genuinely capable hybrid. The CR-Z is marketing through-and-through*. And the FD2 is sadly too little and too rare to be of much relevance.

I would SO love to see that Super-GT machine resurrected with a road-legal (but still n/asp VTEC) engine at an MP4-12C competitive price.

* To me their biggest sin of recent years - chasing the 'fashion' market!