View Full Version : my new nsx arrived today

19-07-2011, 03:00 PM
hi all it has arrived . 2005 silverstone nsx , the dealer delivered it on a trailer today , car is fantastic , now just have to find a cheap insurance company , any ideas out there as who to use , i have had two nsx before, the last ones i used was tower gate and they want loads , andy

19-07-2011, 03:19 PM
Try Competition Car Insurance. Quite a few of us on here use them.

19-07-2011, 04:24 PM
Try Competition Car Insurance. Quite a few of us on here use them.

As Simon says .... ;-) CCI are good. I only pay £433 for an agreed value with them. It is a restricted (5000 miles) policy so it may not suit but worth a go if it does. Definitely go the agreed value route as yours may well be the most expensive used NSX in the UK at the mo....

Enjoy your car :-)

Silver Surfer
19-07-2011, 06:38 PM
Got mine from Competition Car Insurance as well....

Just need to send evidence of member of car club....everything else, they took my word for it including cost of the car.

If required...call Martin Lam on 01159347107 ..he is familiar with the NSX.


20-07-2011, 09:09 AM
Another vote for CCI ... have been with them 5 yrs and premiums keep falling despite retaining 5k miles useage, valuation (a must for your car!!) etc

Enjoy your latest NSX

regards, Paul

20-07-2011, 09:14 AM
I use Hagerty who know NSX's inside out. They also took my word for the car value , required photos from various angles , interior and speedo. They are also flexible on annnual mileage, I was quoted an extra £11 premium per 1000 miles if you were getting close to the agreed mileage.


20-07-2011, 11:26 AM
They always come back.. :)

20-07-2011, 11:55 AM
I'm with CCC insurance also. They seem very competitive and the inclusive track day cover is great. If you weren't on probation. Awesome car by the way. Can't wait to see some pics.



20-07-2011, 04:42 PM
Congrats on your purchase Andy. Looking forward to seeing some pics :)

20-07-2011, 07:17 PM
Congratulations Andy, bring the Silverstone NSX along to the Silverstone (Classic) NSX Club stand at the weekend? I'm sure we could blag a circuit pass somehow :)



20-07-2011, 09:28 PM
Hi andy,

Congratulations on the ownership :) I use hagerty car insurance, for limited mileage in a garage costs around £220.

Hopefully catch you at one of the events!

Cheers andy

20-07-2011, 11:18 PM
I'm with Classic Line too, sent 6 pictures with one of the mileage clock and good value!

Welcome and please post some pictures of your special NSX!

21-07-2011, 10:55 PM
Time to stop c*cking about and post some pictures.


22-07-2011, 08:32 AM
thanks for the insurance advice i used competion car in the end they were by far the cheapest for me , i would have gone to silverstone but am away this weekend , will make it to the next event , , now to sort out who will look after the car for me , it has full chiswick honda history so far , but did speak to them not to helpful there , so will look for someone else , again any ideas of who to use in the surrey area , thanks andy

22-07-2011, 08:54 AM
......... now to sort out who will look after the car for me , it has full chiswick honda history so far , but did speak to them not to helpful there , so will look for someone else , again any ideas of who to use in the surrey area , thanks andy

Hi Andy,

If you want main dealer stamps then either Norton Way at Letchworth or Ian (WhyOne) is very pleased with his dealer in the south east. Norton Way whilst linked to Chiswick are generally percieved to be better and maintain many NSX. The service manager, Brian, has been associated with the NSX since its introduction in '91.

If you're not fussed by main dealer stamps then you could try either Plans Motorsport, their MD used to run and modify NSX, or if you book well in advance you can have the expert hands of Kaz look after your NSX.

Hope this helps. I've used all of the above bar Ian's local dealer.

regards, Paul

22-07-2011, 09:18 AM
.... I've used all of the above bar Ian's local dealer.....

Yes, just to complete the picture, as Paul said, I have been very happy with Geo Collins Honda in Herstmonceaux.

I have used them for 9 years now - previously they looked after my S2000, for the last 5, my NSX. They look after 4 or 5 NSX's, so have a decent knowledge of the cars. They are a family run Honda dealership (Peter Collins is the service manager), are v. careful with my car, and always good to deal with.

23-07-2011, 12:38 PM
Hi Andy,

Just to give you my advice on serving based on my personal experience is to find one that trust.

I took mine to a honda dealer with an NSX history when the main relay went pop, and they did fix that problem.

However the remote central locking broke, which has since been proved was broken by them when it was fixed by the Honda dealer i now use.

The rear bulk head top cover was no longer attaching to the bulk head, i know this is easy thing to do, but i would expect a Honda dealer to know to remove a piece of trim. The slightly bigger issue was the fact was that i wasnt aware this was the case until i drove with the roof off when the trim fell off.

I wasnt too happy with how they treated me, when i tried to speak to them about the remote central locking (Not wanting to know comes to mind)

They had to keep the car over the weekend as the part wasnt arriving til the monday, and i happened to be driving past on the saturday night, only to see my car parked on fore court for all to see.

In contrast to the dealer i now use, Mine is the only NSX they have worked on but their head technician is a complete petrol head, and openly admits that the NSX is the car he's always wanted but never had, and treats it like his baby.

They are more than willing to have a chat whenever, and how they treat me is world's apart from the other Honda dealer

And as added bonus, they seem to be somewhat liberal with their labour costs. I just picked it up today having had the O2 sensor replaced, and i dont appear to have been charged any labour :-)

I guess what i'm saying is that if you take yours to one that you dont know, and something doesnt feel right then go elsewhere.

Unfortauntely i'm based in the cambridge area so the one i use probably wouldnt be that convient for you.


25-07-2011, 08:18 AM
thankss to all for the advice on insurance and servicing , i will phone all recomended and see which to use andy

27-07-2011, 06:46 PM
Hagerty are good and knowledgeable and competitive.