View Full Version : NSX/M3 dilemma

18-12-2005, 09:38 PM
Honda NSX vs M3?

Ok, so I won't garner any sympathy with this sort of dilemma, but I'd appreciate a few pointers re the NSX. I'm rationalising my current crop of cars, and the NSX has come into the equation. At the moment I have a Merc 300CE, an MGBGT V8 and a Maserati Merak SS. While the MG is an absolute hoot, especially on a wet track, the classic angle is covered by the Maserati, which is gorgeous and a keeper. The Merc is the shopping trolley.

I'm going to replace the MG with a track oriented car, and the original idea was a straight replacement with a Honda NSX for around 20k. Then a chat with a fellow car nut (who had the best combination of cars known to man before The Crash) threw up the idea of the M3 as a replacement for both the Merc and the MG.

The reason I went for the NSX is that it is a truly great car but also very reliable: the Merak is very high maintenance, and I can do without double the grief. The NSX sounds glorious, and the handling is spot on; I test drove a couple recently and loved them, especially the non power streering version. However, I think the M3 may tick the NSX and runabout box in one go, and I also like the novel (to me) little comforts such as sat nav. But then the NSX is rare and special, and I don't need a daily driver...

So, the questions:
Has anyone owned/driven both NSX and M3?
If so, how do they compare as straight driver's cars?
And does the M3 sound as good as the NSX?

18-12-2005, 10:35 PM
Honda NSX vs M3?
So, the questions:
Has anyone owned/driven both NSX and M3?
If so, how do they compare as straight driver's cars?
And does the M3 sound as good as the NSX?

I have not owned an M3 but I can tell you that as you already know the NSX is rare. Can you make and M3 sound as good as an NSX? That is debateable as it is a personnal taste. I like the NSX sound, specially with a Tubi.

Hope that helps.



18-12-2005, 11:05 PM
When I'm looking for a change of car I usually end up spending £10K more than intended, not that I'm trying to suggest you do the same but what about an M3 CSL for a car that will give you track day joy and still do the shopping run?

Recommending a car in favour of an NSX feels a bit weird, but I have never liked the thought of tracking the NSX, I know other members love the track but for me there's is a lot of weight to strip out before it becomes a real track tool - and then there would be no Bose stereo to go shopping with :-)

18-12-2005, 11:19 PM
My dad had an M3 a couple of years ago, and even with a titanium exhaust. Since the day he sold it i don't think he's uttered a word about it!

I think part of owning a sports car is the full experience, flaws included. The M3 is a great all round car but i cant' see it ever capturing your imagination. Not a car you would ever love. Unlike an NSX!


18-12-2005, 11:23 PM
Thanks for both tips. The CSL is on the radar, but I've been warned off it as an everyday car. It does sound glorious, though: I heard one at Goodwood on the track at the same time as a Ferrari F50, and I can still hear the CSL but not the F50...
I'd use the NSX on the track only ocassionally, and perhaps driving it there might give me a few mid engined pointers for the Maserati (not a car I'd like to experiment with at the limit). Outright performance is not a big issue: it's more the feel of the car and the sense of ocassion, which is why I really liked the non power steering NSX: it felt alive. You're right there about the CSL, but I doubt it's as useable as the NSX. So I suppose I'm asking which out of (standard) M3 and NSX has more 'edge', a greater sense of ocassion. Which one am I more likely to cast a final furtive admiring look over the soulder at as it slowly pings away on the drive?

18-12-2005, 11:28 PM
Surely you can answer that one for yourself :D

18-12-2005, 11:41 PM
Which one am I more likely to cast a final furtive admiring look over the soulder at as it slowly pings away on the drive?

I stand corrected you need an NSX 8)

19-12-2005, 12:03 AM
Yes, I knew where I was going with it as I typed. Actually the choice is NSX+Merc coupe vs M3: I'd be running an extra car with the NSX, but I reckon I'd save on the insurance (classic insurance for early NSX?; only £250 on Merc).
The allusion to passion was interesting: most M3 owners have a deep admiration for their cars, but I have not sensed an affection like there is on this forum for the NSX. This is curious. Originally, the NSX was seen as the rational, sensible choice; the 'practical supercar'. It was designed to a precise brief and clinically executed. This is perhaps why old hands in motoring journalism, who experienced the normality of the driving experience at launch, still think of it as somehow soulless and clinical (Tiff 'too easy to drive' Needell). But I think in the meantime the NSX has been imbued with soul by two events: the death of Senna and the cessation of production. The mystique of my Maserati is based on nostalgia, and the NSX now has some of that. The M3 never will.
I remember an old comparison test by Car magazine between the Lotus Esprit turbo and the Ferrari 308 GTB. The conclusion went along the lines that if you had a fleet of good cars already and wanted to add a mid engined coupe, then the Lotus was the better option, but if you yearn to own one great car, just one (and go to work in a Ford Escort), then you must take the Ferrari. Such considerations are now driving the purchase of the NSX.
However, I'm looking for something to complement the Maserati, and I don't think I'm any closer to solving the dilemma. Not that I'll be getting much sympathy...

19-12-2005, 01:30 PM
some more food for thought:

New M3 out next year with a V8, so old M3 likely to crash in value and prestige
NSX has much more prestige than an M3, is cheaper to service and will never go out of style
M3's are every where
M3's are to drugs what Ice cream vans are to ice cream
M3's are faster
NSX image is of a cool car, a true rare classic and you get let out in front of people, often with a nice car mate
M3 image, see drugs above, or if you prefer, the boss of the firm that no one likes, but does at least have money and a good car.

In short, m3's are awesome cars, I always look at them, but when I drove one earlier this year I could not wait to get back into the NSX.

If you want a track car, then pick up a cheaper NSX and do lots of work on it, if you do it right you could make it likely Darren's car, which is awesome, then put that up against an M3, come to think of it Darren, want to go M3 baiting?

So how about an RS4, much better than an M3.

19-12-2005, 02:31 PM
I think if you are faced with a decision like M3 or NSX, then you don't really know what you want/want to do, a position I have found myself in many times with buying cars :( . One supercar in a household is surely enough, if you want choice then maybe one of these special clubs is a better bet? If Time is no issue to you just sit back and eventually something you see will make you tingle with excitement, and you will know it is the right car. Then, if you can afford it (could be Mclaren F1), buy it.
Buying an NSX is not a rational decision even if it is the most practical supercar on the planet, it comes from the heart in 99% of cases. I was set on a Noble 3R because of the all important statistics until I saw Darrens NSX and a few others at the ring last Easter. They all had a presence and great poise on the track compared to the German stuff hurtling around. From the day I left the ring in my S2000 (a more likely comparison with an M3 than an NSX) I never considered the faster Noble again.
It still took me 9 months to find the one that I knew was right, at least it's in time for Easter 06

19-12-2005, 08:36 PM
So how about an RS4, much better than an M3.

Funny you should say that, real curious - I was about to type the same thing.
I would sell my NSX for a tuned RS4, but not an M3. The CSL is a fine car but why bother?
If you are in the price bracket for the CSL anyway then buy an NSX and with the 10K you have left over buy an AE86 Corolla and have some real fun ;)


Uber cool track car :)

19-12-2005, 09:08 PM
AE86 Corolla

A what? :roll:

19-12-2005, 09:32 PM
I think these were the RWD Corolla if memory serves me well :?

If I'm right then this car is an absolute hoot to drive; you can literally throw these things around, drift them all day long :lol: then poodle down to the local shops without it ever missing a beat !

20-12-2005, 10:13 AM
Yes, but look at it :?

20-12-2005, 03:19 PM
Yes, that is a bit of a dodgy example being the newer AE86.

In the right spec (silver, splashes of carbon, small *** aftermarket wheels) they actually look pretty awesome in a retro kind of way. The general way to go is to completely strip them out, get some ITBs on a 20v 4AGE engine and drift them.


20-12-2005, 05:07 PM
A what? :roll:


poor guy almost had a heart attack.

20-12-2005, 05:10 PM
AE86 Corolla. Well, ok, they ARE fun cars. Not enough power though. Reminds me of of another car...

Greybloke's reaction was priceless, though. And with that avatar. LOL

20-12-2005, 05:13 PM
NSX versus M3?
Naw, the NSX is a terrible car, no room in the cabin, the aluminium body creaks (on my car, anyway), the windshield mists up unless the AC is on, the sun visors are not right, and it just doesn’t have enough power! The radio is antiquated, it warps the front brake rotors and the steering rack is too slow.
And I’ve only been shopping in it twice.

But I have driven my NSX everyday since I got it exactly a year ago, even in the winter snow and rain. 35,000 miles.
Every. Single. Day.
And the NSX still makes me drive it like the car was made to be driven.
My other cars haven’t been driven 500 miles in the last year.
This car is NOT a BMW or whatever…

20-12-2005, 09:02 PM
Last year I was on the hunt for a 'supercar' you can drive every day without it breaking down.

M3 was high on the list, and was looking like my choice. I ended up driving 8 of them. On my way back from driving the 8th one, I spotted an NSX in a dealership.

I had to test-drive it. Once I drove it, there was no competition. It was then simply a case of finding the right NSX for me.

I am extremely happy with my choice, one and a half years on.

No contest.

Dont be boring, buy an NSX!

21-12-2005, 11:09 AM
Honda NSX vs M3?

Has anyone owned/driven both NSX and M3?
If so, how do they compare as straight driver's cars?
And does the M3 sound as good as the NSX?

Has anyone owned/driven both NSX and M3? YES
If so, how do they compare as straight driver's cars?
Very different. NSX feels like a sportscar, M3 (E46) feels like a fast saloon. E36 was a nicer drive than E46 IMO. However the E46 is very quick, if you want a point to point car which will take 4 passengers in any conditons at breakneck speed, thats your car. Depreciation is an issue with teh NSX now, they are dropping well into the teens when just 2 years ago they were early to mid 20s for the same age/mileage. M3 will drop (slowly) to £10k and then bottom out there. With mass produced sportscars, the aim is to buy a really good one, because when you sell there will always be cheaper out there on offer. However the M3 will always have buyers, it took me 6 months to sell my mint NSX. Overall the M3 is the safer buy, it will still do the track days and alot of what the NSX will do, but what you will lose is identity and character - if that bothers you. M3s are ten a penny, NSXs are very rare, but that will affect you when buying, selling and servicing. I had the same dilemma as you, but I always wanted a NSX. If I have the 20k budget again, I would look at a M3, but I think a fully loaded E39 M5 would get my money.

And does the M3 sound as good as the NSX? Not in standard spec. But are you spending £20k for the sound??? :shock:

21-12-2005, 07:12 PM
Thank you all. There has been some very useful advice, and I thought the Corolla was ace. To live out a teenage fantasy, a mate of mine bought an Opel Manta a couple of years ago, and hooning around in a worhthess rear drive coupe was great fun.
I'll be overseas for a few months, so I've got some time to mull it over. It's great to have such a dilemma. Bear this in mind: I also live in SE Asia, where an early 90s NSX (and there are only a handful around) will set you back around 40k, oneo f the first E46 M3a 60/70k, and even a 93 Porsche 928 is over 30k. New, the M3 is over 100k, a Gallardo over 350k, and even the Cayman is around 200k. We really are lucky here in the UK; new car prices aren't that extortionate, and while depreciatoin is irritating, it does mean that some truly great cars come within reach of enthusiasts.
I was keeping an eye on Baby NSX's silver one that made it onto Fifth Gear, but not being back for a few months I had to miss out. Silver is my preferred colour, though non power steering ones are pretty rare I imagine. Any chance of letting me know (by pm) what it went for?
Anyone know how many black and silver ono power steering NSXs are in the UK?

22-12-2005, 11:01 AM
All early manual cars have no power steering.

It then got added but was a delete option on the later cars. If you want a 3.2 with the PAS option deleted, these are very rare and would be what I would want if I ever traded mine..... so I can't see me changing mine! :lol:

23-12-2005, 10:01 AM
Couldn’t you just replace the power steering rack with a manual rack? I haven’t had the chance to look underneath a power steering NSX. Maybe the steering column is the same. Sure, you would get an fault light on the dash, but that’s easy to take care of. Same with the TCS maybe.
Is there anything else?
I’ll put a note on the technical forum, but if anyone knows about this, please let me know.

25-12-2005, 06:53 PM

25-12-2005, 06:54 PM
Yes, but look at it :?

Yeah but look and the question the original poster made - a track car:
the AE86 is an awesome track car, and why on earth would anyone be bothered what it looks like !
It looks great