View Full Version : Speed Awareness Course

07-09-2011, 10:48 AM
Anyone been on one. Got mine soon, tut tut.

07-09-2011, 04:09 PM
not been on one, but know those that have... pointless (the only saving grace) waste of time is the universal opinion...

... oh, and the 'examiner' doesn't like being criticised on the 'here's how you drive properly' demonstration!!! especially when someone mentioned that they may be going a 'little faster than I would' for a particular road!!! :)

07-09-2011, 04:15 PM
Been there, done it. Most expensive coffee and sandwich I've ever had!
The speaker was really down to earth, first thing he said apart from hello was that doing a bit over the limit doen't kill, it's all the idiots that don't pay attension to how there driving and do stupid manouvers.
He has a point!

07-09-2011, 04:51 PM
Yep, went on one a few months ago for the gastly sin of 35mph.....downhill!! It was actually not to bad, not particularly condesending nor "I know best" from the speaker. A few topics do make you think and you d oactually learn something....So it's a wee bit more expensive than the £60 fine and takes up 3-4 hours of your life but at least there are no points. Still clean since my youf !!

07-09-2011, 05:31 PM
Costing me £95, I don't think my insurance company would be very kind to me if I'd reached 9 points...

Radar detector anyone?

07-09-2011, 07:33 PM
Road Angel would be better. That and picking the right roads to drive quickly...and maybe some sort of lucky charm! ;)

07-09-2011, 08:07 PM
Costing me £95, I don't think my insurance company would be very kind to me if I'd reached 9 points...

Radar detector anyone?

Talk to Nigel ... He has a great stealth system

08-09-2011, 05:48 AM
Road Angel would be better. That and picking the right roads to drive quickly...and maybe some sort of lucky charm! ;)

Not ever driving 'quickly', never (touch wood) been stopped in th NSX, always in the beater by scamera vans ;(
Obviously I am bang to rights in the eyes if the law but two I've been clocked on the A217 & A322 which are essentially dual carriageways with 40/50mph limits, more than safe to do 60 on and not accident hotspots. Just money making IMHO.

08-09-2011, 06:55 AM
I was always told/taught to observe 30/40/50 limits. These were set for a reason and whilst modern cars can exceed the capability of cars at the time they were set, modern drivers I fear have not generally improved. IMHO the standard of driving seen daily underlines for me that drivers today feel 'protected' by technology and as an effect pay less attention to other users, road conditions or speed limits. Try driving through a long 30 mph area at 30 and see how long (and impatient) the que behind you gets!!

Outside of the above restricted zones, then I always consider national speed limits a 'Go' signs where in the right conditions I can go and play ... but remember, on a single carraigeway this means 60mph, not 70 as many believe.

Are you taking the NSX to the training session??

regards, Paul

Nick Graves
08-09-2011, 08:57 AM
Good luck mate!

I think I'd end up unable to keep my counsel & getting into an unholy row about the abuse of the 85th percentile rule for money-raising purposes...

Nick Graves
08-09-2011, 09:04 AM
Been there, done it. Most expensive coffee and sandwich I've ever had!
The speaker was really down to earth, first thing he said apart from hello was that doing a bit over the limit doen't kill, it's all the idiots that don't pay attension to how there driving and do stupid manouvers.
He has a point!

I've been reminded of that on several occasions! Sorry, officer.

It does one good to be reminded one has to allow for idiots. I just wish that were the focus and not some totally arbitrary velocity. Funny how they forget the mass element of the equation, said the driver of lightweight sports cars...

10-09-2011, 11:16 AM
Costing me £95, I don't think my insurance company would be very kind to me if I'd reached 9 points...

Radar detector anyone?

I have a spare road angel in the loft. Your welcome to it if you wish.


15-09-2011, 08:50 AM
Thanks Steve, will pick your brains about them at the next meet as I know nothing about them...Might oranise another in the next few weeks...

I was always told/taught to observe 30/40/50 limits.

I noticed that last time I followed you up the A322, on the way to JF. :)

15-09-2011, 08:54 AM
I noticed that last time I followed you up the A322, on the way to JF. :)

IIRC that was the 329 that Paul I might have been playing on ...;)

15-09-2011, 09:28 AM
Defo the 322 as well, do you remember the R32?