View Full Version : NA1 headlight popup issue

12-10-2011, 10:26 AM
Hey all,

I have an odd issue with my passenger side headlamp unit, when I turn on the lights the driver side pops open fully but the passenger side only half pops. When I turn the lights off the passenger pops up the rest of the way then down into the bumper.

I can readjust the height manually but once the lights are off it loses its position.

Odd issue - any suggestions?


Nick Graves
12-10-2011, 02:17 PM
No; I had a similar problem with 'winking' headlights on my X-1/9 years ago.

The motor stop positions are determined by a cam (under the round cover where the arm emerges), switching via a sequence of diodes and this is most likely the same.

All we did was open up the motor & solder in some decent-sized diodes to replace the blown ones.

And before you ask, they're £336, and diodes are pennies.

15-10-2011, 08:43 AM
Hi Nick,

Thanks for the reply.

Where would these diodes live? Can I replace the unit as such?

I'm not too keen on replacing them myself as my electrical skills .. leave something to be desired. Example: I do not k.ow what a diode is haha..

Thanks again

Nick Graves
15-10-2011, 05:57 PM
They'll be under the round covers, it they're there at all! It looks like there's a separate controller box:



First thing I'd do is pull all the electrical connectors apart, spray with contact cleaner & re-assemble. Hopefully it's something simple like corrosion.