View Full Version : Visiting London

08-11-2011, 07:02 PM
Hello fellow NSXer's. I own a '94 NSX on the other side of the pond and I'm going to be visiting London shortly. I'm looking for some advice on some local eateries near the Chelsea football stadium, so any good local places would be greatly appreciated.

I'm also going to be in Paris for a few days so if anyone has any reccomendations I would appreciate them also.


08-11-2011, 09:15 PM
Sadly not able to help you out with places to eat in London as I live in Wales,but welcome to the board anyway.



NSX 2000
09-11-2011, 09:08 AM
Hello fellow NSXer's. I own a '94 NSX on the other side of the pond and I'm going to be visiting London shortly. I'm looking for some advice on some local eateries near the Chelsea football stadium, so any good local places would be greatly appreciated.

I'm also going to be in Paris for a few days so if anyone has any reccomendations I would appreciate them also.


Hello and welcome NSXER.

Are you looking for the local McDonalds or are you thinking something along the lines of say Gordon Ramesy? If you give us some more info, food type / budget I'm sure I can point you in the right direction.


09-11-2011, 04:15 PM
Good point. The last time I was in London I enjoyed dinning at the Connaught, but the USD-GBP is not favorable for me this time around to eat that much of an expensive meal. I'd love to eat at a Gordon Ramsey gastropub for a meal or two. I'd like to keep my dinner's to about 20-40 quid per person. A good Indian resturant is also on our list.


m666 edd
09-11-2011, 04:55 PM
The exchange rates aren't too bad for you at the moment. At least it's not 0.5 dollars to the pound like 3-5 years ago or so.

You must have been here ~March 2009 or 9 years ago to have a noticeably better exchange rate.

It's probably more the fact that food is just more expensive here. As with everything!

Everything seemed really cheap when I last went over to the USA but that was 5 years ago when I was getting 2 dollars to the pound!

Have fun.

09-11-2011, 05:20 PM
Don't remember eating specifically in Chelsea but as you say you like curry, just down the road in Pimlico is the Pimlico Tandori, which I would recommend. Very nice food and reasonably priced too.

09-11-2011, 06:09 PM
One thing to bear in mind is that Chelsea football stadium is actually in Fulham rather than Chelsea :) "The Butchers Hook" is almost directly opposite and OK, or if you walk toward Chelsea (turn left out of the main stadium entrance/exit along the Fulham Road) there are a bunch of good restaurants at various price points. Saffron is a quite a good Indian restaurant opposite the entrance to the Westminster and Chelsea hospital. Alternatively head south from the stadium (turn any right off of the Fulham Road) then take the Kings Road (left) toward Chelsea where there are LOADS of posh restaurants!

Google maps is your friend... http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?pq=carluccios&hl=en&sugexp=ppwl&cp=11&gs_id=1b&xhr=t&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&biw=1440&bih=809&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=fulham+restaurants&fb=1&gl=uk&hq=restaurants&hnear=0x48760f84c4e632df:0x260eae2ec8a605b1,Fulham ,+Greater+London&ei=rsG6TqdkzMLxA-n4xLUH&sa=X&oi=local_group&ct=image&sqi=2&ved=0CAUQtgM

Just to make it clear, I'm NOT a Chelsea FC fan :)



09-11-2011, 07:03 PM
If you're happy using the tube I wouldn't worry too much about restaurant location - it doesn't take long to get from point to point and doesn't cost a fortune...esp. not if you're sight-seeing anyway and have a 1-day travelcard.

Good food - you're genuinely spoilt for choice in London. Look here if budget permits, but DO book in advance.

If that's a little too steep, try here - 3AA rosettes is broadly equal to 1 Michelin star, 4=2, 5=3...broadly.

Can't give you any specific recommendations - been a while since we were there. Last visit was Boxwood Cafe (Ramsay's cheaper place) for lunch. Nice, and good service, but missing a little something...but I suppose you're not paying Michelin-Star prices.

Actually - try booking into a Michelin-Star place for lunch (often not open for lunch at weekends) - they tend to be quite a bit cheaper, and the only concession is a narrower choice of food.

09-11-2011, 08:01 PM
Thanks for the replies, this is exactly what I'm looking for. We've already purchased the four day tube/museum passes. I really want to experience the local scene, not the tourist food places. We have enough of that junk here. When I booked the hotel through priceline I got the Millenium Hotel at the football staduim. It's not the most ideal location, but I'm only going to be sleeping there. Now, is there a good place to buy discount show tickets?

Thanks again. :)

09-11-2011, 08:35 PM
I'll recommend my favourite "restrunt" (in Ramsay stylee) website, www.viamichelin.com (http://www.viamichelin.com).

Don't think it only deals in the poshest of places - you can find good pubs and decent family restaurants there, as well as the star-rated ones... but in 10 years of using it for every trip and many local jaunts, I've *never* had a bad recommendation from it. Bang in your postcode or location anywhere in Europe (and even wider) and you've got at least a shortlist of places to look at. Can't recommend it highly enough.

09-11-2011, 09:15 PM
Now, is there a good place to buy discount show tickets?

If you're happy to take pot-luck with what you see, there's an official outlet in Leicester Square which sells off tickets for that day's performances. You'll almost never get the biggest or latest shows, but you will get at least some choice of what to go and see - less so on e.g. a Friday or Saturday, or during holidays, more so mid-week.

How long are you over for, and what sort of stuff do you want to see - we might be able to make a couple of suggestions, if you've not got a full list already?

Silver Surfer
09-11-2011, 10:02 PM
For restaurant choice...search on www.toptable.com


25-11-2011, 03:55 AM
Mate best Indian will be in southall just outside London if you get tempted don't think theyll be any good in chelsea depends if you want real Indian food or not
Thx amo

NSX 2000
25-11-2011, 05:15 PM
Mate best Indian will be in southall just outside London if you get tempted don't think theyll be any good in chelsea depends if you want real Indian food or not
Thx amo

Amo, Southall is OK but I would say Brick Lane would give it a good run for it's money.

26-11-2011, 01:12 AM
Was in Brick Lane recently, plenty of choices there. Very tasty food indeed.