View Full Version : How much have you used your NSX in 2011

m666 edd
30-11-2011, 09:25 PM
I'm writing this because I have barely driven mine this year and I know many people on here drive theirs less than they wish they could.

Mainly due to:
Shock absorber leak (2 months off the road in prime months - June / July).
Full time work & college course / assignments (most of spare time)
Needing a new clutch

I kinda bought the car maybe earlier than I was ready for it but it's one of those things you could put off forever I guess.

Anyway I should hopefully fit a new clutch this winter/spring - Although I do need to make my mind up and order one!
I should be finished with college in may/june so will have plenty of spare time and hopefully not to long after some better income.

Not sure of the miles I've done but maybe 1.5-2k this year, maybe less. Did about 3-3.5k in 2010

Silver Surfer
30-11-2011, 09:34 PM
Is your college course anything to do with designing seat rails?.....:);)


01-12-2011, 08:10 AM
Well, it never got driven much when I had it. It's a very well rested car.

01-12-2011, 10:47 AM
Well, it never got driven much when I had it. It's a very well rested car.

Kevin brought J14 up as a sprinter rather than a distance runner, it's "twitch fibres" are very strong :cool:

N5 leads a similar life but has only done about 500 miles over the last 3 years! It's not the cars fault though, a stupid job that keeps me away for too many weekends has seen to that. Silverstone (for the Classic Weekend) is the furthest it's travelled in any of those years. I also have a few goodies (NA1 R front underbody aero and a SOS twin carbon clutch) siting on the garage shelves waiting to be fitted. I'm hoping to move jobs internally to something that will allow me to travel and be away at weekends less and hopefully use it a bit more.

I have my next big trip (Route Des Grandes Alps... Clicky me) all planned but finding a time to fit it in is proving difficult.



01-12-2011, 11:56 AM
Thanks Mark - I feel much better now!

I was thinking my ~2,200 miles this year was a bit pathetic.

Not actually sure where I have been though!!! :ponder:

01-12-2011, 12:57 PM
Just over 4500 miles in mine this year.

01-12-2011, 03:35 PM
Nearly 5K since buying the car in Feb. Looking back I seem to average around 6-7K a year. I did around 15K in my first facelift in around two years. I generally used my car for a 100 mile'ish circuit every few weeks, to meet up with PeteM and Silverbullet quite regularly, NSXCB and other club meetings drive-outs etc and trips to Taunton if I have a day off or if off to watch a movie. I'm doing less junk mileage these days and hardly ever use it for work.



01-12-2011, 05:40 PM
In my 1st Year i did about ~10K

Since June this year i've done about ~3K :-(

People being extremely unconsiderate, and requiring me to use a car with 4 seats.


01-12-2011, 06:07 PM
During the first 4 yrs I easily hit 5k a yr, maybe a bit over. In the past couple this has slowed due to many other things going on to around 3k. If plans work out OK then next yr should be a good one ...

01-12-2011, 06:38 PM
Did ~6k in the first year of ownership (Highlands and Cote d'Azur). Did 'only' 4-5k this year (Swiss Alps, Italian Lakes and N'ring)...but haven't used it that much since the end of the summer - took it to work once or twice a month, out to the pub or to see friends, probably only 500 miles in the last 3 months. Feel like I'm neglecting her... ;)

01-12-2011, 08:42 PM
Just 1600 miles since MOT last December:no:, have covered 13,000 miles in 4 1/2 years so another owner not using my car enough, although I have driven mine 4 times in the last week, once to move it out of danger from the scaffolders erecting scaffolding,actualy drove it 4 miles to work ! second time was to remove it from the garage to save it getting painted along with the house:eek:, got as far as the drive on that occassion.

The third time I met up with Papa (James)had a bit of lunch then a little mini run over Exmoor, then today I moved the car from garage to the drive again for the scaffolders to remove the scaffolding, it's now tucked away in the warm garage with it's life support system connected.

Hopefully will get out again over Christmas for a bit of a run over the moors or down the North Devon/ Cornwall coast, maybe with some of the other non driving south west members !

Seasons Greetings,


Silver Surfer
01-12-2011, 08:44 PM
2K in one and 1.5K in the other this year....I'll put a few more on tomorrow.
Put 20K in the RS4 though...may need a slower daily snotter to force me to drive the NSXs more.


02-12-2011, 09:54 AM
no more than 3k for me this year, mainly due to getting work done on the car such as a pro detail and putting on paint protection film.

then up to Sudesh's hopefully very soon for ABS upgrade and Header installation (if Santa plays ball :)) ... hope to get a few more miles on the clock next year ... hope to plan Japfest and perhaps do another scalp @ the 'ring'

compared to my 10 or more k in the first year of owning the car ... this year has been a REAL let down! :(

Nick Graves
02-12-2011, 11:08 AM
Under 2 and only about a bag on the S2000, I think.

There's only a few hours a day between coffin dodgers, motorised prams & gridlock around here these days.

02-12-2011, 08:53 PM
Hi guys,

I know this is gonna sound bad....I think last year I did around 750 miles and goes about the same the year before.....it pretty much goes out on a drive to dry it off when I wash it and then to the 3 main car shows.


02-12-2011, 09:52 PM
I find myself looking for trips to do during the summer, even nipping up to get the papers on a Sunday morning and somehow managing to work in a 15 mile detour on the way back :cool:

I've had the car 3 1/2 years and have doubled its mileage in that time, so average about 7k a year. A trip to Le Mans + maybe a Scotland or Wales excursion every year, with the odd Italian or Highlands roadtrip thrown in. Funny thing is, at this time of year it's starting to really need to be a trickle charger cos it doesn't get turned over more than once a fortnight and with the cold weather, the battery just doesn't hold charge...

03-12-2011, 09:34 AM
Only 230 miles this year, needs an MOT when I get back and will hopefully get a few miles in then.
The NSX has taken a bit of a back seat this year after getting the Lambo, but that's only because it's a new toy.

03-12-2011, 10:42 AM
seems like i'm overusing mine then........

03-12-2011, 10:55 AM
Ewan -I've got a CTEK trickle-charger/conditioner, and it's been really good and easy to use - you get a set of battery-terminal connectors which are wired to a sort-of 2-pin female socket with a protective flap. The lead from the charger itself has a 2-pin male socket. So you can permanently wire the female side to the battery and tuck the lead behind the spare-wheel bracket for safety.

(There is comment on here that you can charge through somewhere in the engine compartment too, but I drive into the garage so for me it's easiest to plug things in at that end, shove the charger under the front bumper and reach-through to pick up the wire.)

Alf Tupper
03-12-2011, 01:04 PM
About 1800 miles for me this year of which 800 of those miles were for commuting in March/April when my everyday car was being fixed. Very pleasant with the nice weather we had back then, the first and probably only time I'll use the NSX as an everyday car.

03-12-2011, 05:13 PM
About 2k since I bought it in the spring, including Silverstone and a trip to MK for a health check. I take any opportunity for local trips too. No such thing as junk miles in an NSX! My job takes me away a lot too :-( but to places where NSX parts are cheap ;-) (Tim Poliniak highly recommende) I'm writing this in Bangkok, where the only thing I'd want to drive is a Scorpion armoured personel carrier!!

04-12-2011, 07:40 PM
About 18 miles this year to MoT station and back and none the year before that. Stupid job, eight bikes, a LCC Rocket and other stuff get in the way. At least it's warm and toasty not damp and horrible where it lives. But I still feel terrible about it. Now has 10,048 on the dash. Expecting a big bucks re-commissioning service when I decide to use it (2014 probably). Never get rid of it though.


05-12-2011, 08:49 AM
...........a LCC Rocket .............


I am properly impressed Clive.

The Rocket is on my short list of cars I would love to own. Do you know how many the LCC produced - I can't imagine it was very many, I can't recall ever seeing a second hand one for sale (and I tremble to think what they change hands for these days).

Have you owned the car long? What is it like to live with?



Nick Graves
05-12-2011, 01:47 PM
Me three.

I am strangely attracted to minimalist vehicles like the Rocket & Scorpion.

05-12-2011, 04:29 PM
2,500 miles since purchasing on 1st July - I use it everyday - luckily my home/work commute is only 100 miles per week