View Full Version : no. plates worth ????

31-01-2012, 06:03 PM
hi i have a5 nsx on my 91 x or with a bit of jigery pockery

31-01-2012, 11:09 PM
Nice plate and as you suggest, could be set to have link to the great man himself.

My NSX has worn S2 NSX since first registration. This also links back to Senna via the Senninha character.

What is a plate worth? Only as much as someone is willing to pay, like most things. NSX plates have a limited market so if it was on the car when you bought it, then like me you've been fortunate

Hope to see A5 out and about this year ...

31-01-2012, 11:35 PM
I think if you incidentally end up with a private plate then fair enough. Actively buying one seems like a worthless waste of life. It's bad enough that we have to screw the stupid things to our cars without trying to tentatively spell obscure words or cover up the age of the car. There's got to be more to life surely?
This is just my opinion however. Nothing personal to anyone on this site, met or otherwise. The plate in question might well sell to some status driven moron for good money.



01-02-2012, 07:50 AM
Come on James, don't hold back, tell us what you really think!!!

01-02-2012, 09:07 AM
hi i have a5 nsx on my 91 x or with a bit of jigery pockery

Surely a car trader would know what it's "worth".....if the car had been sold there would have been no concern?!?!

Nick Graves
01-02-2012, 11:02 AM
I think if you incidentally end up with a private plate then fair enough. Actively buying one seems like a worthless waste of life. It's bad enough that we have to screw the stupid things to our cars without trying to tentatively spell obscure words or cover up the age of the car. There's got to be more to life surely?
This is just my opinion however. Nothing personal to anyone on this site, met or otherwise. The plate in question might well sell to some status driven moron for good money.



I agree & I've got one!

Maybe some guy with an Audi Coupe might like it...

01-02-2012, 12:51 PM
it was only a discussion point ,no need to jump down anyones throat.

01-02-2012, 03:13 PM
it was only a discussion point ,no need to jump down anyones throat.


You'll get used to James (Papa), and he's harmless but will often add a twist to any discussion ... we find it easier to humour him :bigsmile:

regards, Paul

01-02-2012, 07:05 PM
it was only a discussion point ,no need to jump down anyones throat.

No offence meant. I have no idea what your wider opinions are on private plates, so it wasn't aimed at you or anyone else. However, that was my opinion and I try not to skirt around the edges of topics these days.

I'd go further with my negative view of private plates and say that they are one of a million things wrong with the society in which we live. They're just another trivial item we don't need and which only detracts from us.

Why people pay good money for things that ultimately entrap them rather than spending on things that free them is beyond me. I guess it's a learning process. for me they'd go in a big hole in the ground along with twitter, facebook, the six o'clock R4 news, football, celebrity worship and commercial radio. Again, no offence.



01-02-2012, 11:50 PM
Private plates are great, 250 for most NSX plates which can knock years off the car's looks add a recognisable mark/badge and remove unsightly number plate space if you get one cut small enough��

02-02-2012, 09:21 AM
Private plates are great, 250 for most NSX plates which can knock years off the car's looks add a recognisable mark/badge and remove unsightly number plate space if you get one cut small enough��

That's my point. Why spend £250 upwards in an attempt to make your older car look newer? What's the point? It can only be status driven and who cares whether the guy down the road thinks your car is newer than it actually is? And as for extending that rationale to the NSX! It's a bloody classic and it's supposed to look older! I've spent the best part of seven years on this forum being informed that pop-ups are the real classic NSX's, but now it seems they don't look quite new enough. But that's easily fixed with an expensive piece of Perspex.
It's just one of a number of really screwed up mindsets that people buy into without really thinking it through.
However, as you hinted Luke, the best way to tackle the plate issue is to cut it down so small, it appears not to exist. I know this isn't possible everywhere.



04-02-2012, 05:53 PM
I agree with James. Again, nothing personal to anyone but I loathe the things. My NSX came fitted with one and I find it a bit of a cringe. Why people pay money for them is beyond me :dunno:

05-02-2012, 04:52 PM
[QUOTE=Papalazarou;90332] Why spend £250 upwards QUOTE]

£250/£350 would about the cut-off point for me. What to me defies reason is people who pick up these plates for £250 and then suddenly hope they can tag an extra 0 onto this. Fair play.. business is business,,, but

£1000, £1500, £2500 for a plate. ???!!!??? I feel sorry for folk that pay this much... never mind the my obvious 1st thought ....

I'm only giving my opinion.

Nick Graves
06-02-2012, 01:17 PM
I don't have a problem with the concept per se; I still think THE 928S was a very cool number plate and NSX ones seem too good to miss.

I despise the really vain ones though; especially desperate attempts at spelling and anyone who uses a curlique font might be similarly described!

The funniest place for those was Cheshunt, home of Lotus & latterly best described as Chav-hunt; the amount of rood merks with Kylie or Chardonnay or something scrawled across the plate was hilarious!

06-02-2012, 03:46 PM
Funniest plate I've ever seen was AR53 OLE on a range rover (think that was it if not then it was very close)

Personally I like private plates more so if they refer to the car rather than the owner I've only bought one myself for my 1989 prelude G11 UDE which I shamefully mis spaced as G1 1UDE. My nsx came with a plate no prizes for guessing what it says, I saw 11 NSX on dvla auctions which sold for £1000 I think now on eBay for £3000 originally £5000

Nick Graves
06-02-2012, 07:42 PM
I presume it was a Range Rover Sport, but that's funny.

Local RRS has WH05 WHO on it; if he doesn't work for DeBrett's, it's terribly crass.

There's an X5 which contrives to spell Tristan. I'd have thought Parsifal would be more appropriate.

06-02-2012, 10:09 PM
There's an X5 which contrives to spell Tristan. I'd have thought Parsifal would be more appropriate.
Or this...

06-02-2012, 10:12 PM
Well, I don't agree :)

I see vanity plates as basically a bit of harmless fun - if someone wants to put a mark on their car that is different from the random set of numbers and letter that it otherwise has to wear, where's the harm? Paying thousands of pounds for the privilege may seem stupid to some, but then paying thousands of pounds for a car is just as stupid through some eyes - why bother spending £30k on an NSX when you could get an MX-5 for £3k that will give you a lot more than 10% of the same fun?

I bought a plate a 2 or 3 cars ago, that is reasonably close to my name - and it will stay on whatever vanity car I'm driving, probably for the rest of my life. Sure, sometimes you'll see some car with a stupid plate that is trying a bit too hard, but sometimes you'll see one with a funny plate that makes you LOL - example:

I can't imagine spending thousands on a plate - but then I can't imagine spending £100,000 on a car, yet plenty of people do it. So IMHO, the mounting of a number plate is no more fatuous or vain than obsessively washing or detailing the car, or worrying about carbon fibre componentry under the skin, or any other aspect of being an "enthusiast". So let's all just agree to get along and have diversity in our opinions :)

07-02-2012, 03:31 AM
... for me they'd go in a big hole in the ground along with twitter, facebook, the six o'clock R4 news, football, celebrity worship and commercial radio...

... don't forget Recruitment Consultants, HR departments, Accountants and Politicians :D

07-02-2012, 12:18 PM
To each their own, I was just in America visiting relatives, and my cousin and her husband had a lot of bicycle wheels in a spare room and some in the living room. Even if I am not a bike person I could see they were quality. It was only when I got home and checked the brand ( Zipp) on the web that I realised that they were like upwards of £1k per wheel! Some double that. Apparently the bikes, some name I could not even pronounce were some 10k. At first I thought I would never pay that for a bike, or wheels, they are nuts! I then remember paying a lot of money for type R parts, and I understood.

I am in agreement with one thing regarding plates, if you need to mess it around too much then they just look wrong. Funny thing in FL vanity plates only costs a couple of hundred usd from the DMV and you can get almost anything on them within reason! That must be why not many people have them!

People want what to them is special. That explains the cult of the NSX, and the reason so many owners keep coming back to them!



08-02-2012, 10:00 AM
... don't forget Recruitment Consultants, HR departments, Accountants and Politicians :D

Damn Mark... seems to be a re-occuring theme with you. with Recruitment consultants always topping the list

08-02-2012, 10:02 AM
, - example: 10896

... can't imagine spending £100,000 on a car:)

I like your funny example Ewan!.. TO5 POT.

hmmm £100K on a car... me neither... except fancy the idea of getting a FORD GT if I ever move back to America... and for some reason the New NSX gets me thinking about starting to save...

08-02-2012, 07:15 PM
Damn Mark... seems to be a re-occuring theme with you. with Recruitment consultants always topping the list

Ha ha yes, I was deliberately referring back to that recent "financial doom" thread to see if anyone remembered. I'm just being cheeky, you RC's aren't at the front of the queue... all the middlemen and "suits" get it at the same time :D

08-02-2012, 07:25 PM
Saw this plate on a GTR FAS7 CAR with a little tweeking it clearly read 'FAST CAR' :cool: A year or two ago a local guy was driving around with this number plate DRU6 80Y also tweeked to read 'DRUG BOY' I believe he is getting out of prison soon ! I wondered whether this plate will have been removed from circulation.



08-02-2012, 07:52 PM
Yes, why indeed personalise or decorate anything. The house for example. Lets not decorate again. Lets cancel Christmas. Stop combing your hair. These razors used to cost me a fortune. Im free!!! Im off to live in a colony...... in fact the self appointed judge and jury belong in just another well defined social group which they mock others for aspiring to. We all wear "class" badges. Some just get pricked in the process.

08-02-2012, 10:44 PM
I have a Florida plate on my car for about $20 quid, each year ($32 us) has the last four of my serial number.
For that price you can have anything up to 7 digits, no naughty words as defined by the Dept. of Transport as long as it hasn't been already taken.


Nick Graves
09-02-2012, 01:28 PM
Yes, why indeed personalise or decorate anything. The house for example. Lets not decorate again. Lets cancel Christmas. Stop combing your hair. These razors used to cost me a fortune. Im free!!! Im off to live in a colony...... in fact the self appointed judge and jury belong in just another well defined social group which they mock others for aspiring to. We all wear "class" badges. Some just get pricked in the process.

Sounds like me, that.

It's all a load of old bollocks, really. The colony idea sounds great. Apart from the other people...

The danger of taking the utilitarian argument and applying reductio ad absurdum/ad minimum is that we'd all be on the Honda Jizz fanboisite instead.

Hence I cannot entirely put vanity plates into room 101.

09-02-2012, 02:24 PM
Well, I don't agree :)

I see vanity plates as basically a bit of harmless fun - if someone wants to put a mark on their car that is different from the random set of numbers and letter that it otherwise has to wear, where's the harm? Paying thousands of pounds for the privilege may seem stupid to some, but then paying thousands of pounds for a car is just as stupid through some eyes - why bother spending £30k on an NSX when you could get an MX-5 for £3k that will give you a lot more than 10% of the same fun?

I bought a plate a 2 or 3 cars ago, that is reasonably close to my name - and it will stay on whatever vanity car I'm driving, probably for the rest of my life. Sure, sometimes you'll see some car with a stupid plate that is trying a bit too hard, but sometimes you'll see one with a funny plate that makes you LOL - example:

I can't imagine spending thousands on a plate - but then I can't imagine spending £100,000 on a car, yet plenty of people do it. So IMHO, the mounting of a number plate is no more fatuous or vain than obsessively washing or detailing the car, or worrying about carbon fibre componentry under the skin, or any other aspect of being an "enthusiast". So let's all just agree to get along and have diversity in our opinions :)

I'm not questioning peoples right to adorn expensive pieces of plastic to the front of their cars. I honestly couldn't care less what people spend their money on. Personally I think it's completely retarded.
At least the car cleaning obsessive gets some kind of achievement from learning to perfect a skill and get a good result. It also helps to protect his or her investment. You might go as far as calling it a hobby? Haven't seen many private reg. meets this month.
So however much you would like to, I don't think you can compare a private plate purchase to an element of car ownership. But I do get your point; we all do things that are considered crazy by some for our own enjoyment. All I'm saying is that buying a private plate has to be one of the dumbest vacuous waste of time out there. It just doesn't make any sense except to the people selling them as a business and wheres the value in that?
furthermore, it seems to me that many of the dumbass stuff we do in the name of personal satisfaction, are things we decide are cool at some misguided point of our lives and never question again.
To me, they're just another thing in a large list of 'uselessnesses' that certain elements of society want us to care about.
If anyone's interested look at this:Post 4304. http://www.nsxprime.com/forum/showthread.php?t=67237&page=173&highlight=delete

Anyway, I hate agreeing to differ, so I'm totally up for flogging this horse until it dies. But Eclipse! come on man, what's with the reductionism stuff?



09-02-2012, 02:29 PM
One of the best ones I've seen was many years ago on Steve Parish's Merc at Olivers Mount, PEN15, which is up for grabs now, having pleasantly been dropped from 100K to 80K.
I suppose this backs James's arguement, that if you want to pay 80 grand driving round announcing your a ****, then you probably are one, but me personally I like some of them, but then again I would as I have 2, and I have also mildly modded my NSX, which in some circles makes me a PEN15 2

09-02-2012, 04:17 PM
Something nobody's touched on is invesment; my mum's plate has done an (estimated) 5% a year for nearly 20 years. If you can pick up something you can enjoy and earn money on then no harm done. I don't think this counts for NSX plates although people may wish to reconsider things like 11NSX if Honda release the new NSX and it's 100k and a massive hit.

I wonder how much the plate R8 was worth before and after the R8 came out (bad example as the plate probably worth same as car but you get the picture!).

There's nowhere else sensible to put your money at the moment that will earn youa decent return.... unless you like really high risk stocks and pick the right ones:D


Nick Graves
09-02-2012, 07:39 PM
That's a different world from the usual junk plates that abound.

Yes, COM 1C & AUD 1T and AA 1 will always have a particular value.

But those are the same as a 1947 Chateau Lafite Rothschild or gold bullion. Except plates are slightly less useless.

Would you drive around with one though? They die with the car when it's a total loss. Unless they've changed that now.

James IS right though; a good rant makes a good thread!

10-02-2012, 12:24 AM
I saw a plate with the reg PI55 HOT and it was on a white van........ My plates have gone up in value each year so good investment. C5 TOY I have had for over ten years . Keeep getting asked if I will sell it....Happy with it on my NSX


10-02-2012, 01:10 AM
My plates have gone up in value each year so good investment. C5 TOY I have had for over ten years .

can't argue with that. guess it's the perceived funny and cool ones which transcend cars brands that weather very well.

also..Not to mention that NSX plates could see a revival when the 2015 model pops around? definitely worth hanging onto for a few more years... IMO

10-02-2012, 03:37 PM
There isn't an excuse for it, plain vanity. But then, it is human nature and keeps our capitalist world spinning round. Why talk about how expensive clothes, watches and all manner of things are bought because appreciation of quality, but deep down, it is because they make us look and feel good about ourselves.

£50k may be a lot of money to some, but of course Joe Billionaire has to spend his money on something. I have a stockbroker friend who buys them as a hobby, and has made quite a bit of money out of them. If you hate people for having vanity plates, then why not make money out of them?

Nick Graves
10-02-2012, 07:23 PM
I saw a plate with the reg PI55 HOT and it was on a white van........ My plates have gone up in value each year so good investment. C5 TOY I have had for over ten years . Keeep getting asked if I will sell it....Happy with it on my NSX


Was it relevant to the trade, like a drains or heating engineer? Sort of advertising with a twist.

I like 'appropriate' vanity plates on CVs - even London Transport Routemasters had them; usually (V or W) LT followed by the fleet no.

Problem Child
10-02-2012, 09:00 PM
Never got the whole "private plate" thing and tend to agree that they are pretentious and go against everything I believe in but.......an NSX plate (on an NSX) does look damned good!