View Full Version : Not for Sale

14-02-2012, 09:23 AM
Interesting market out there. Or not. For the first time I can remember there are no NSXs for sale on Pïstonheads and only 2 old autos on Autotrader, both trade. I know that it is mid winter but even so it seems unusual that there are none on the market. I bought mine in December so it can't just be the time of year. Any thoughts?

14-02-2012, 02:02 PM
Looks at first as if the market has become active with the announcement of the new one. Same here in Switzerland, much less and less reasonable cars for sale too. Let's see next spring.

15-02-2012, 07:43 PM
Winter time and people dont want to lose money by selling this time of the year.

Wait until 2014 for soem bargains!