View Full Version : Crank pulley auto

03-03-2012, 12:25 AM
Ok so I'm on the hunt for a crank pulley, have checked mine and it seems fine though as Ive no history of it being changed at any time I can't sleep till I get a new one fitted. Have tried vtec direct and they can't get any at the moment for the auto so before I pay huk £435 for one then still have to wait ages probably should I try Acura USA? Def want this done before japfest

03-03-2012, 12:28 AM
Yep, USA prob your best bet. I believe Britlube got one just recently from somewhere, can't remember where but he mentioned the shortage. Maybe he will be able to divulge where he got his...

03-03-2012, 08:58 AM
who is this 'britlube'??? lol

yup, i've got one coming from the good ole U S of A, http://www.oemacuraparts.com , where it was $228 plus $103 shipping, so I added some gaskets and seals to the order that were effectively free shipping! its currently somewhere over the atlantic...

it was on backorder everywhere for some weeks, I ordered 10th Feb, Honda UK and Acura both quoting 7th march availability, but with acura being somewhat cheaper. Apparently I got the ONLY one acura was expecting for the US.

it all depends whether you can wait it out or not, or perhaps ask Kaz nicely to check his Japanese sources

04-03-2012, 12:31 PM
I think this fella he is talking about is a slippery version of you!


Nick Graves
04-03-2012, 02:44 PM
Made me lol too!

I think corruptions of peoples' handles ought to be compulsory henceforth. By order of Robin Graves.

The backlog of spares ought to be easing a bit by now. Think I'll order mine from the US; HUK are taking the p iss.

04-03-2012, 02:52 PM
Ok so I'm on the hunt for a crank pulley, have checked mine and it seems fine though as Ive no history of it being changed at any time I can't sleep till I get a new one fitted. Have tried vtec direct and they can't get any at the moment for the auto so before I pay huk £435 for one then still have to wait ages probably should I try Acura USA? Def want this done before japfest

Mine's currently at Honda getting done as they found a crack in it!
Mine were quite happy for me to order it myself, but reckoned they could get it in a week, so went with them, as i'm some what gagging to get car back now
I presume £435 is fitted as that's what i got quoted?

Oh and mine is also an Auto