View Full Version : Octange mag - NSX guide - May 2012

25-03-2012, 11:03 AM
Yesterday the postie dropped through the latest edition of my fave car porn mag, Octane (it has a great blend of new stuff, racing and classic cars - maybe a little over-doing the classic bit but the ad pages are worth drooling over) and leafing through it, imagine my surprise to see they've got a buying guide for the NSX, page 176.

* pretty accurate, spoke with Graham Horgan of Plans
* valued high mileage early cars as low as £13k but £15k+ to get a good one, up to £25k for low mileage and FSH
* says Autos value about £2-3k less
* NA2 cars considerably harder to find, £30k+
* 02+ facelifts even harder, with only 74 sold in Europe (really? - with the rate of crashed and exported ones, there can't be more than 50 left now...) - "prepare to spend in excess of £45,000 - if you can find one". :eek:

I've a feeling Octane is quite guilty of talking up car values, but I say...
