View Full Version : F-Matic Lever Positon

07-04-2012, 09:01 PM
I've posted on prime as well, but someone on here might know.

As those of you who met me at the Mugen event last year, it would be beneficial to me if the F-Matic Lever control was on the right hand side of the of Steering wheel rather than the left, and just wandering if this was the case with an Aucra NSX steering wheel.

Or if anyone has any other ideas to switch the Lever to the other side, i'm open to suggestions...

Many thanks


07-04-2012, 09:30 PM
I've posted on prime as well, but someone on here might know.

As those of you who met me at the Mugen event last year, it would be beneficial to me if the F-Matic Lever control was on the right hand side of the of Steering wheel rather than the left, and just wandering if this was the case with an Aucra NSX steering wheel.

Or if anyone has any other ideas to switch the Lever to the other side, i'm open to suggestions...

Many thanks


For LHD cars, F matc Is on the Right side.

07-04-2012, 09:42 PM
http://i.ebayimg.com/23/!!g0,f5wEGE~$(KGrHqJ,!lcEy+jC)GB)BM987Wv2bQ~~_4.JP G

07-04-2012, 09:49 PM
You star Sudesh!

Do you know if it's relatively easy to put a LHD Steering Wheel/Column on a RHD Drive car?

I know its probably going to be very expensive, just wondering if it's possible?


07-04-2012, 09:57 PM
You star Sudesh!

Do you know if it's relatively easy to put it on a RHD Drive car?


In theory I would think yes, I would need to look into it more as the F Matic stalk obviously is on the steering rack, so all that might be needed is the top section of a LHD rack and LHD steering colum covers, the rest you would just swap over from your car.

Ive not yet worked on an F matic to see what the setup is like behind the colum covers. In a simple world, it would be nice if all that was needed was the LHD covers and just move the lever to the other side.

07-04-2012, 10:07 PM
In theory I would think yes, I would need to look into it more as the F Matic stalk obviously is on the steering rack, so all that might be needed is the top section of a LHD rack and LHD steering colum covers, the rest you would just swap over from your car.

Ive not yet worked on an F matic to see what the setup is like behind the colum covers. In a simple world, it would be nice if all that was needed was the LHD covers and just move the lever to the other side.

This is Honda we are talking about, so i doubt it's that simple.

Would it be worth asking at my local Honda dealer as the have the car anyway. I dont want to take up your time. I know you are a very busy man!


07-04-2012, 10:23 PM
This is Honda we are talking about, so i doubt it's that simple.

Would it be worth asking at my local Honda dealer as the have the car anyway. I dont want to take up your time. I know you are a very busy man!


Your local Honda dealer will more than likely not have a clue or even want to be bothered with checking it out.

Ill have a look round for some photos of the colum without covers, or if you have some post them up. Or possibly Kaz has some info or photos.

I don't think it would be too difficult to do seeing as LHD cars already have it that way. A little customising.

07-04-2012, 10:31 PM
Ok Cheers Sudesh....

I dont have an photo's, so unfortauntely i cant really help.

If you could have a look when you get a spare minute, that would be great.

Many Thanks


07-04-2012, 10:46 PM
The other difference I have noticed is, the wiper/indicator stalks are also opposite on LHD cars and F Matic stalk is always above the wiper stalk. I guess this was done purposely, as F Matic stalk is very similar to indicator stalk, maybe Honda kept them apart so there would be no confusion.

07-04-2012, 10:50 PM
Yes I'd noticed that too.

Though i'm guessing i could do this, then the whole lot would have to be reversed, which is fine by me

So i'd have inidcator on left, and F-Matic & wiper blades on the right

07-04-2012, 10:57 PM
Yes I'd noticed that too.

Though i'm guessing i could do this, then the whole lot would have to be reversed, which is fine by me

So i'd have inidcator on left, and F-Matic & wiper blades on the right

Not necessarily! The distance of the stalks from there fixed position/column cut out, is the same between LHD and RHD, so if you preferred to keep everything the same but just wanted the F Matic moved, then I think this Is possible, probably wouldn't take you long to distinguish F Matic from the indicator.

07-04-2012, 11:15 PM
I think i'd learn pretty damn quick too....I've just indicated right.....But the engine is now screaming like a banshee...And i've started to go alot quicker!

And in that case no new parts/covers should be required as long as the cabling etc can reach to the new positions?


07-04-2012, 11:28 PM
I think i'd learn pretty damn quick too....I've just indicated right.....But the engine is now screaming like a banshee...And i've started to go alot quicker!

And in that case no new parts/covers should be required as long as the cabling etc can reach to the new positions?


You will still need the LHD F Matic covers as the cut out for the stalk in on the left side, and without seeing what the actual column looks like for F Matic I can't say just yet if you will need the LHD one or not.

07-04-2012, 11:35 PM
I've just been looking at oemacuraparts, and havent been able to find the parts that i may or maynot require. Though that's probably my searching skills to be honest.

But if you could have a look when you have a chance that would be great, though absolutely no rush.


07-04-2012, 11:50 PM
Looks as it might be a case of in for a pound, in for an inch and changing the whole stalk thing. Probably a good idea to put a wtb add on prime for the whole assembly.

07-04-2012, 11:51 PM
I've just been looking at oemacuraparts, and havent been able to find the parts that i may or maynot require. Though that's probably my searching skills to be honest.

But if you could have a look when you have a chance that would be great, though absolutely no rush.


Not a problem James, Ill take a look. You don't have to buy from the US, you could also get the bits from any of the European sources, th covers could be purchased from your dealer.

08-04-2012, 12:08 AM
Don't bother looking for new LHD covers from a main dealer in the UK, bothe covers will set you back close to £680!!

Also had a look at the F Matic switch assembly, it actually comes complete with the wiper! so you will have to move wiper/fmatic and indicators around and also have to get LHD indicator, F Matic/wiper switch assemblies.

As Ary said, would probably be easier to try and locate the steering column complete from LHD source

08-04-2012, 09:16 AM
Basically this is all you need if it's a simple install.
switches, support bracket; then you could use your own steering column

However, the LHD and RHD steering column have different part numbers, and I'm not sure where the difference lies.

But if the top half of yours looks the same as LHD where the support bracket and switches go, it should be a simple enough install.


So what we need to see is, what RHD and LHD look here:


Nick Graves
08-04-2012, 12:12 PM


I thought the column difference might be side of ignition lock entry - appears not.

It doesn't look at all difficult like that - straight swap unless I'm blind .

Where's me labrador? That indicator/gearchange connector isn't as identical on the LHD ones & may require an adaptor. I trust the CANBUS is the same!

08-04-2012, 02:15 PM
Erm i'm now completely out of my depth.

But as you say Nick, it look more or less like a straight swap. I think the issue is going to be getting hold of LHD version to see what the differences.

Would it worth taking it somewhere and asking.....'What can you do'


08-04-2012, 02:18 PM
Nick I think thats simply down to the fact Hazard light and Cruise is also on the opposite side so