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  1. A/C CCU Board Service 02

    by , 06-12-2012 at 10:37 PM (Today at Atelier Kaz - ex-Honda R&D, F1, Indy/CART engineer)

    Rebuilding, rebuilding, rebuilding............

    Lots of hard wires,
  2. A/C CCU Board Service 01

    by , 05-12-2012 at 03:47 PM (Today at Atelier Kaz - ex-Honda R&D, F1, Indy/CART engineer)

    Another owner sent in the CCU board for service.

    I was informed that the board lost its power and
    nothing showed up on the CCU display.
    There was no air coming out and just nothing, it's dead.......

    So, opened the package and immediately I noticed the strange smell.
    It was the same sort of smell when the Bose speaker AMP got burnt
    behind one of its four FETs.

    I never experienced this smell with
  3. A/C CCU Board Service 02

    by , 02-12-2012 at 03:20 PM (Today at Atelier Kaz - ex-Honda R&D, F1, Indy/CART engineer)

    The acid managed to penetrate through the board quite deep and
    part of the pad in this area was completely dissolved so
    I had to use different method to re-create and strengthen the
    missing copper pad.

  4. A/C CCU Board Service 01

    by , 02-12-2012 at 03:19 PM (Today at Atelier Kaz - ex-Honda R&D, F1, Indy/CART engineer)

    I have been focusing on writing lots and lots of documents and
    in the back ground,
    I started working on another CCU board.
    The owner contacted me as he lost several controls through his CCU.

    He had a quick look at the board and confirmed that there was just
    a small leakage at C44 and told me that the rest of the board looked fine.

    Well, I heard the same story more than 100 times so
    when I received
  5. A/C CCU Board Service B-02

    by , 26-11-2012 at 10:37 PM (Today at Atelier Kaz - ex-Honda R&D, F1, Indy/CART engineer)

    I have now covered more than 100miles using my NSX with
    the board that I serviced in 2009.
    It’s been tested for many days now with no issues and
    it passed the testing scenarios many times so I came to
    a conclusion that there is nothing wrong with it.

    The fan always stops whenever the ‘OFF’ button is pressed so
    the reported issue is outside of CCU.

    The other board that was repaired by someone
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