Cleaning, detailed inspection, checking for damaged components and deciding on how to repair the damaged areas. At the end, had to use 5 hard wires and 4 jumper wires to re-create the dissolved connections. Quick bench check and it was fine so time to apply conformal coating. ...
Another owner sent in the CCU board to have it serviced. As I already started working on another NSX, decided to finish this board first before I was getting too busy. The owner told me that quite often, there is nothing shown on his A/C CCU display and when it finally operated, the fan speed was at max blast. It is possible that there is a combination of CCU board failure as well as other issues but ...
After ordering many custom made Goodridge brake lines for our NSX and also other owners placed several orders using the same spec as mine, Goodridge has now kindly provided us with the special part no. for NSXCB members. [Edit: Please note that the following NSXCB special part no. is only recognised in the system at Goodridge UK and no other places such as their distributors or their worldwide offices. Also, at the time of writing, please note that Goodridge ...
Updated 14-01-2015 at 10:32 PM by Kaz-kzukNA1
When I heard about the seat noise issue from the owner, I thought it was the common squeaking noise caused by the seat leather scratching each other. However, when the owner showed me the exact noise, it was the metal clicking noise around the base of the seat. So, decided to take the driver seat out and found that the noise was coming from the weakened spot welding ...
In order to check the cooling system after replacing the header tank and the effect of the new Air filter, went out for a test driving session. As the original air filter was so dirty (even at low mileage), decided to reset the ECU as well. Also, spoke with the owner and he told me that regardless of the engine temperature, quite often immediately after starting the engine, the engine rpm drops significantly and almost stalls ...
Updated 13-08-2011 at 11:36 AM by Kaz-kzukNA1 (Too many spaces)