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  1. Eng Refresh, Health Check, etc 40

    by , 18-10-2019 at 01:12 PM (Today at Atelier Kaz - ex-Honda R&D, F1, Indy/CART engineer)
  2. Cooling Sys, ABS Upgrade, etc 40

    by , 14-07-2018 at 09:56 AM (Today at Atelier Kaz - ex-Honda R&D, F1, Indy/CART engineer)
  3. Brake OH, Cooling Sys, etc 13

    by , 22-01-2018 at 10:58 AM (Today at Atelier Kaz - ex-Honda R&D, F1, Indy/CART engineer)

    Glad the server is back up running now.

    I was about to post the following blog on Saturday but suddenly, the server stopped responding so lost most of my writing and photo link….
    Any way, here we go.....

    I'm used to working in this cold weather condition but even with the help of heater gun, my finger got too tired dealing with
  4. Brake OH, Health Check, etc 11

    by , 06-08-2017 at 11:40 AM (Today at Atelier Kaz - ex-Honda R&D, F1, Indy/CART engineer)
  5. Brake OH, Cooling Sys, etc 27

    by , 19-10-2016 at 12:35 PM (Today at Atelier Kaz - ex-Honda R&D, F1, Indy/CART engineer)
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