Quote Originally Posted by Shawnsx5 View Post

Thank you for bringing to our attention a similar situation in the S2K community, their approach is certainly worth exploring further as at first glance it includes solutions to at least some of the important objectives of our proposal and my subsequent responses.

I could not see the logo/link referred to in your post could you please add it?

Could you please also send me contact details for people at both the S2K entities so I can talk to them directly to understand it better before Kaz calls me?

Based on further comments by others after my latest responses yesterday to Mike and Kaz I again assure NSXCB members neither I nor THNOC have any hidden agendas and are certainly not trying to steamroller NSXCB administrators. We are simply trying to provide options for an enduring solution to the funding requirements of NSXCB and find ways that THNOC and NSXCB can work more effectively together for the benefit of the NSX Community.

I hope we can now pause further comments on our proposal until Kaz and I have spoken and reported back, I am not suggesting other matters related to the topic outside our proposal are paused of course.

Thank you again


this is the link to the page on the S2000 Club site https://s2kuk.com/s2kuk-forum.php - you will see the text I copied and within that the mentioned link.